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verbal warnings... - now they....

Posted: Feb 25, 2015

went back another week before my call?! I'm so confused. I was told the other day they counted the week prior to my verbal warning. Now was just told by HR they counted the week before that too?!??!! Can someone explain that to me?! The weeks before the call are what prompted the call to begin with. When you tell someone hey get your crap togther isn't it from that moment on ? How can you count weeks before that when they were unaware? Am I missing something? I was told if I dont sign the PAP it still goes on record/my file. This was so misleading. The warning said if it wasn't fixed they would/could take further action and/or termination. Further action would be a PAP in this case. Why is there further action if I complied?! Am I missing something?

How are you unaware when you're checking FIESA every day? sm - acuteMLS

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Quality wise I know every day where I stand and definitely production wise. The only way you'd be "unaware" of where you are is if something else is what you received the verbal warning for.

i was - unaware

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of the verbal warning until I received the warning. A warning is to say get it together. I did in the time they said I had. Now they say I need to go on a PAP because for the TWO weeks PRIOR to getting the warning I was behind. Why give a verbal warning and say you have 2 weeks to improve when in fact you do not and will be put on a PAP at the end of the 2 weeks. Don't tell someone they have 2 weeks to improve if that is not true. I do not understand this.

Seems wrong. Go over TSM head - ss

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That is like saying "last year you had an unexcused absence, now you are fired.". If your TSM can't explain what the heck is going on, go over her head or go to HR and ask.

Seems soooo odd. They are advertising for more help and offering sign on bonuses, yet it seems like they are intent upon making us quit and/or be terminated.

Guess they just want a bunch of newbies who will be "grateful" to work for Nuance.
i did - and....
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I got another different answer and instead of what my boss told me, which was they count the week prior to the phone call, I was told by HR person they counted the TWO weeks prior to my phone call(warning). Makes no sense to me. My boss also called me the wrong name when emailing me asking me to please sign the PAP. I will go higher and ask b/c this so confusing and I have heard on here some people got verbals, fixed it within the time and had no PAP. So this does not seem fair or consistent.
I dont work for Nuance - but
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what is PAP? All I can picture is a punitive Pap smear

Why would you check FIESA every day? - I only check when nasty email

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Think about it, this is extra unpaid time we spend for us to get abused by QA/QC for what amounts to, most of the time, non-errors. By their book, grievous critical major errors, by my book meh, not so much, very rarely affecting patient care AT ALL.

I only look at FIESA when I know I have to sign it. It is not worth the horribleness I must witness there, being berated by some idiotic QC who sounds like they are high school age yet brimming with false authority about what they know (which I would be willing to wager is MUCH less than we know), to top it all off they get paid more than us for this?

Nah, only the post audit nasties will I go on to sign, and I will try to reverse if I don't agree.

However, even that seems futile now, ever since I had typed HEENT, they changed to HENT, and this was deemed correct by the reviewer. Now I usually just blank HEENT for that reason, but if you tell me they are not grasping at straws what else would justify that?

Nope, it's a rigged game, so your best bet is assuming you will get the lowest pay and go from there. Lucky for me, I hate leaving blanks, and that is probably the biggest slower down I have, but I do take the time for blanks and rarely, if ever, go over the QC% or whatever it is called. Other than that, it's a real crap shoot. I have gotten the bonus when I did not expect, I have been shamed lower than 98% for one stupid report.

I will NOT be a slave to FIESA any more than I have to. I hate looking on there and it doesn't help to do that, it just hurts your psyche IMHO.

yep - mamaoh6

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Same here.
verbal warnings - rock bottom
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Technically, a verbal warning starts the day they give you the warning. The Nuance Guidelines describe the procedure.

However, they cannot give you a warning and post-date it because then there would be absolutely no way to improve because the improvement period would already be over when they gave you the warning.

If they continue like this, just let them fire you and collect unempoloyment.
where are nuance guidelines - b/c
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I have looked in the handbook and it explained warnings/termination is at their discretion and that was basically it. Did not give specific times. I read the handbook that is currently on Fiesa. Unless it is in 2 places in the book.

Signing Fiesa.. - so tired

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Signing your errors in Fiesa is a written copy of a reprimand anyway, it was just never explained to anyone that way. You are signing that you have seen and accept your errors.

wrong - - anon

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you are only signing that you have SEEN it, not accepted it - otherwise why would be there be a "reversal" button?
yes true - but also
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if they actually call you with a warning and say you have 2 weeks to get it together, then the Fiesa mistakes you have been signing prior to that really do not matter.

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