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Mental Health Insurance Coverage - office girl

Posted: Mar 10, 2014

If you would not mind sharing, I would please like to ask what type of insurance coverage you have for mental health, such as seeing a psychologist/therapist.  I live in Missouri and work in an office.  My son sees a therapist while away at school for depression and my insurance here will pay 80% - after a $650 deductible.  If you would not mind to share, I am interested in knowing if others have a similar insurance plan.  They say that mental health is not "healthcare," so you have to meet the deductible before they will pay 80%.  I appreciate your feedback and feel free to email me.  I am just doing my own mental health survey.  Thank you. 

mental health - Effie

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My daughter is a nurse and her insurance plan pays ZERO on mental health no matter regardless of deductable. I work for a hospital, and my insurance pays all buy $30 copay if we see one of the psychiatrists associated with the hospital...

Employee Assistance Programs - sm

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Many employers have employee assistance plans for counseling where it will pay 100% of a certain number of counseling services--it may include family members. This is above and beyond the health insurance. By the way, my health plan pays all but an office visit co-pay. Make sure you are using all the benefits and understand the "in network" etc.

mental health care - ACA

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Have your son check out what it would cost him to insure himself through the ACA. Mental health coverage is part of care as if it were a PCP. It might be cheaper for him to just get his own policy than to meet the deductibles and the 20% on your policy.

I'm a mental health professional and let me say it ticks me off to hear someone insisting mental health care is NOT healthcare. Geesh!

As long as we go to the in-network providers - our insurance pays 100%

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and all we pay is our co-pay which is $5.00 a visit for any co-pay including mental health. They just added Autism as being covered, ABA services, occupational therapy, etc.; however, all mental health issues are covered. This is an HMO insurance plan through my husband's employer.

mental healthcare - carrie

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Obamacare now considers mental healthcare the same as medical healthcare.

My Experience - see msg pls

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I am going back a ways, but our insurance paid 80% for a mental health service. Thing of it was, though, that it would cover x-amount of visits and there were restrictions on how many times in a month we could use it.

Kind of like some medical treatments are. I have fibromyalgia, but insurance would only cover a few months' worth of massage therapy. With fibromyalgia, once the massage therapy stops, the symptoms come back.

So, point is, to check all of that to see what your restrictions are. It might sound good on paper, but ultimately may not be all that you need. I guess it depends on how serious the mental health issue is. For situational types of things, it could certainly get you over a hump.

For a more serious problem, if there are insurance restrictions, it might be better to find another avenue of help rather than lose an avenue you started. It's extremely difficult to switch mental health professionals. The "flow" of therapy is extremely important, and therapists are also different in their approach to therapy.

Good luck to you!

thank you - office girl

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thanks for all your help and answers. I wanted to add, if you know of a friend or family member who suffers from mental illness, please consider going to a Family to Family class if you have a NAMI in your area. These classes helped our family very much. I was scared to go, but was so grateful I did. I appreciate your responses, thanks!

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