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anybody else get email about possible shift and schedule changes for people? - newbutold

Posted: Oct 09, 2014

Received email stating that they were going over all accounts and seeing which ones ran out of work and which ones had too much work and were going to be asking MLS possibly to rearrange their schedule so that they would have work and not run out and that all accounts would be covered equally????  Long winded email.  Telling us to make sure we kept to our schedule and didn't work when we weren't supposed to and no flexing unless we had their approval

Somebody doesn't know what they're doing. - sm

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Didn't we go through this a few months back? I wish the people who really ran things were aware of what their flunkies (COMs and their bosses) were doing. I could say so much more, but this will post probably get censored as it is.

Capacity optimization - or something like that

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Nuance already did this within the last six months! What a bunch of idiots. I had my scheduled changed by them months ago for the same reason and I still run out of work.

I honestly believe that if everyone just had to put in their hours, whenever they wanted in a 24 hour period, things would work out better for everyone. The MLS could have a more flexible schedule and I would bet the work would get done on time....I know I would be happy to put in my time when I wanted and I would want to put in my time when there was work.

Just my opinion.

My guess would be not everybody went through this already--sm - anon

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The company is large and it is not likely that they everybody already went through capacity optimization.

I think it is likely this is something that will need to be done once a year anyway. As more accounts are completely offshored or lost to Epic, etc, and those transcriptionists are transferred, everything gets out of whack and needs to be dealt with. The accounts I am on now recently switched up the secondaries for everybody but my guess is more tweaking will be needed on that in the future.

That is probably part of the problem. People working - whenever and not following their

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schedule so there are low work situations and out of work situations as well as times when the work isn't getting done (when they don't follow their schedule). By being forced to follow the committed schedule, they hopefully can then see where they are overstaffed and where they are under.

That MAY be part of the problem, but - sufferinginsilence

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the REAL problem is people are LEAVING this place because of ALL the obvious reasons, low pay, being financially penalized through FIESA and the constant mantra about quality when people are doing the best they can with the garbage they are given. All the pressure on MLS regarding quality, yet NOBODY holds the doctors accountable - its a 2-way street. They will never have enough people to do the work as long as these issues are going on. Think about it, you have people leaving, the one's that are left don't give a crap anymore and only do what they have to do (I for one), AND they have to PAY people to come and work for them because of their reputation?
Am I the only one that sees the real problem here? I always work my shift, rarely call off, and I DONT do any OT. Maybe if they stop calling for OT when its not necessary, everyone would have work. Just my 2cents
and stop jerking around our primary/secondary accounts - every couple of months
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For some of you I understand they have just disappeared, but all the accounts I have ever been assigned have not, they are all still there with backlogs everyday. However, every 3 months or so, as often as the TSMs change it seems, they start switching things up and you are no longer working your primary account, or even your "new" primary account. Can never reach a consistent happy medium with this company.

I think we all try to follow our schedule - but when no work we need to "flex"

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In fact, we are encouraged to. Last week there was very little work on my accounts and even with flexing and trying to work all hours, still could not get 40 hours.

I would love nothing more than to work my scheduled hours, unfortunately that has been impossible lately.

In my case I start early and there appears to be a lot of work dictated afternoon/evening. Hence, OT is offered and the work is all cleaned out by morning, and again I start my shift with nothing.

I think since TAT is their first priority and OT does not really cost them much, they would rather use that as a tool than working out the scheduling better and hiring people for the later shifts.

When you say people working "whenever and not following their schedule" you have to realize it is not by our choice and I for one would be happy to work my schedule, but there is no work.
I understand what you are saying - But
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When you flex your hours to the afternoon/evening (my hours), then I run out of work too and when can I flex? It's just sad that they are turning us against each other. I understand you're just trying to get by, so am I and you do what you need to do. I don't blame you. They don't know what they're doing and we all pay the price. When I run out of work at night, I have to flex the next day and take more work away from the earlier afternoon people, so it's a vicious cycle. Nobody wins.
If it happens next week again - I am going to have to try partial UE
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I am a full time worker. In any other job, they got no work, they either pay you or they fire you, they just don't leave you without work so you no longer are full time through no fault of your own.

I can't imagine how bad it is when you need their benefits, I don't, but I know if you don't work 40 hours not sure if you are eligible for benefits. How is that supposed to work if you were there and the work wasn't?

There really oughta be a law about that, and maybe there is one, who knows. I just hope there is plenty of work to go around next week.
Benefits - ugga
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I work 32 hours a week and still get benefits. Also, night shift (11-7) has plenty of work, at least my account. Maybe change shifts to get more work if you can

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