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Waiting time pay and others DOL link FYI - donewith

Posted: Jul 06, 2013

Here is a link to a PDF from the Dept of Labor with some very interesting info regarding pay, waiting time, etc. Should answer some questions. 





So Nuance voluntary training doesn't meet the definition. - Not Surprised

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Lectures, Meetings and Training Programs: Attendance at lectures, meetings, training programs and similar activities need not be counted as working time only if four criteria are met, namely: it is outside normal hours, it is voluntary, not job related, and no other work is concurrently performed.

So it turns out that training related to your job needs to be counted as work time since it doesn't really meet the "only if four criteria are met" test. Maybe there is a loophole if you don't physically attend?

training - donewith

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Only if it is "voluntary" like going into Fiesa, or those dumb monthly whatnots training thingys that they have to sharpen your skills. If it is mandatory then it is paid.

It doesn't meet the definition. - Not Surprised

[ In Reply To ..]
Voluntary attendance is merely one of the four criteria. It seems like based on this definition that voluntary applies only if it meets the four criteria. So basically any time someone spends in training (whether it is their choice or not) should be compensated.

I don't view FIESA as voluntary. Isn't it supposed to be a learning tool to deter future mistakes? It's mandatory to me if I don't want to be counted off for mistakes that don't exist. I have literally had challenges where the QC reviewer has added several words into the report that the dictator did not say (maybe that is what they mean by "adding value to a report"). So I have actually had a few challenges that have read something along the lines of:

"While I agree that the sentence sounds more appropriate with the several added words inserted by the QC reviewer, the dictator never uttered those actual words, thus explaining my failing to transcribe them in the completed report."

Every correction I have challenged has been reversed, and I mean every single one, so it doesn't really seem like a voluntary exercise to me.
how did you get to listen? - readytoretire
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I have questioned some of the corrections, including the age of patient AND including the word "includes" after medications. I am not sure how to get the dictation back?
Yes, how do we get it back - to listen...NM
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When in FIESA and looking at the job - Look around...
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There is a job number on there somewhere. Write it down. Then, log into EditScript, Search for prior reports, key in your job number. When it comes up, there is a box to click for listening to the dictation. Hope this helps.

VERY interesting article. VERY. - No Message

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No message

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