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Rumors of Nuance - making an offer to M Modal

Posted: Jul 18, 2012

Hmm, read something on another site about how M Modal had an offer back in June at a higher price, but they turned it down because it was afraid it might bring up concerns of a monopoly and delay the sale.  It was speculated that it was Nuance but it only said Party A in the documents.  

That makes me so sick.  

Nuance - article

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This is an interesting read. It puts things into more perspective.


Links - Here

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Here is the story.


Here is another regarding them being investigated for possible antitrust violation with acquiring Philips:


Rumors - mt20years

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If that is true, it should make you sick. Nuance will make you feel like you know nothing, with their insane QA, inability to make what they call incentive, and all the other lowdown things they do. It is hard for me to believe they keep acquiring other companies, hiring people and promising them everything, then giving them nothing. Again, it should make you sick. Nuance sux in so many ways.

Their - QA

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Really does suck!

Excuse me. I am QA and I am extremely helpful, never - picky and try to stand in the MT shoes

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You need to select the QA people you want to complain about!!!
True, but can't exactly name names. Ultimately QA is inconsistent and unfair. - anon
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The QA dept really needs to get their act together because the MT whose shoes you try to stand in are getting killed and losing bonus for the inconsistent QA.
can't blame me. I don't work on the other Fiesa or whatever platform - when I do QA. I am strictly Enterprise
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No one is perfect unfortunately. QA is a hard job, could not believe the errors I see, but no one can blame me for dinging anyone as I am not one of the QA people who works on Fiesa (spelling??) yet anyway.
Former Transcend? Used to work for them and their QA was awesome. - anon
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I hope some of the Transcend QA ethics bleed into Nuance.
Nuance QA - chris22
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I have been with Nuance for over 2 years and have no complaints about the QA. One lady was really tough on reports, but the rest have been great and the majority write helpful comments that I do use!
Just had a QA meeting and boy your experience doesn't seem to be the norm - anon
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we were a group of very confused MTs. We had ALL gotten conflicting feedback from QA about various formatting questions. Each of us being told to do something different. We would then implement what we had been told only to be marked down by a different QA person.

In fact, the person running this meeting flat out told us that QA/QC were 2 different groups and that there were absolutely inconsistencies in how they scored leading to confusion.

Consider yourself very lucky, if you are not sufferring from the same fate.
True. - SM
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I've posted this before, but for some reason there are people out there who don't believe it. DISCLAIMER: First of all, there are a handful of accounts that are "Onshore only" and the following info does not apply to them. Consider yourself lucky, btw, if you are a primary on one of those nice accounts.

That being said, QC is done in India. This is, after all, an Indian company. As preposterous as it may sound to some, I do believe we (US MTs) make up a small percentage of this company. Where else would all the work go? Nope, it doesn't just poof, disappear. QC is what your FIESA score is based on. Think about that. QC is done in India and it is what your FIESA quality score is based on.

QA is done onshore by US QA. The score they give does not count toward your FIESA score. These are the QA people who give you consistent feedback (for the most part). They are not the people to blame for a low FIESA score. Even if they do score you low, it doesn't count in the end. The line needs to be drawn here. We need to stop focusing on the onshore QA and worry more about the offshore QC. Onshore QA: I personally wish you could be the ones whose scores count because you do a great job.

That's all I have to say. Believe it or don't believe it. I can't prove it to anyone like this. You have to research for yourself and ask questions.
you are incorrect....QA is.the Fiesa score... - sm
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QA is higher than QC. Your QA scores are what determine whether you get incentive or not. I have said this before and stopped replying until now, and yes, I work in QA....got promoted from QC so I do know.
Is the promotion basd on how many MTs you can get below 99%? NM - anon
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You give us WAY too much credit... - sm
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You do that to yourself. We have guidelines that we follow and if your work is CRAP then that is YOUR fault not QA. So put the blame where it should be. We have a line quota to reach every month and do not have the TIME to single anyone out....I would LOVE to get through reports with NO errors as it would save me so much time and I would get so much more work done but unfortunately there are more BAD MTs than good MTs. And you complain about having to maintain 99%....we have to maintain 99.7% off of YOUR reports AND we do not get incentive pay. My advice, stop complaining and DO A BETTER JOB! Guess what the companies ONLY care about...QUALITY, as they should be. These are people's lives!!
I woudl agree, except for your inconsistency in your "corrections." - anon
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If you would all get on the same page and all of you give the same feedback. I get stuff back, fix it the way YOU people say to and then guess what? I get that back and so NOOOOOO we do it this way. So then I do it that way and guess what????? Vicous cycle.

You don't get incentive because you already make twice what we do and clearly you are not held to the same standards we are.

Not to mention the little gang mentality that even when everyone agrees you are WRONG, they still won't change it.

Yes, quality is the most important thing but failing a person on a 10 line report for missing the word "a" is a little excessive and certainly does not put anyone's life on the line.
p.s. I am aware of the misspellings, typing mad does not work. NM - anon
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make twice as much as you do...ummmmm NOT - sm
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I made more as an MT. I also think you need to reread my post. We are held to MUCH higher standards than you are so get the facts straight. Not only do we have to maintain a higher quality score...again based on YOUR reports...we can have NO critical errors or we lose our jobs so again get your facts straight. Are you sure you are not confusing QA with QC? QA has SET accounts that we work on, so it should be the SAME QA person auditing your reports.
Nuance QA vs QC - anon
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Fact: QA and QC have inconsistencies between them. So are you saying we should simply ignore the instructions of QC (since their scores don't matter anyway) and only take QA advice?

I just switched accounts so I hope that my "new" QA people are smarter than the last group. And, no, even my post audits had inconsistencies and, yes, I actually "failed" a post audit becuase it was 10 lines and I forgot a "the."

I worked in QA many moons ago and we had a standard to not audit short reports. It is a deliberate method to "fail" people for minor errors.

The reports we audit are random not based on lines - sm
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I am not saying to ignore QC, but CALL them out on it, especially since I know they are inconsistent based on reports I have audited that they review. For the QA that marked you for missing the, CHALLENGE it and anymore like it because we are NOT to score on minor things like that especially if it does not change the meaning of the sentence. In Fiesa do the MTs have access to the error guidelines? If so, reference them as THAT is what your QA score is based on. I am not one of those QA who score for stupid things that do not matter and try to give feedback to the MT. I do not have a holier than thou attitude because I was an MT too and I DO MAKE MISTAKES, which is why I am CONSTANTLY saying to challenge as much as you can.
You know the line count before you pull the report to audit. - anon
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I know you have access to the line count before the report is pulled. At the very least you KNOW once you have it opened.

I am not talking about critical or grave errors here either. In that case, failing is 100% fair, but one 0.25 error bringing someone down is BS. You can end up with dozens of those by the end of the quarter and then your bonus is toast for ridiculous reasons.
actually, your score is based on all the reports audited not just 1 - sm
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They are averaged in the total line count so one bad report will not fail you.
If you end up with a dozen or so small reports, uh, yeah it will. NM - anon
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take your time and it wont be an issue - sm
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The small reports are the easiest reports to check so I don't get why ANY mistakes are made. Its the long reports where I see the most mistakes. Auditing the reports randomly has been much better than how it was being done previously. The process makes sure EVERYONE gets audited versus some more than others.
Your idea of a mistake and mine are 2 very different things. - anon
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I personally don't think the word "the" either being there or not should consitute a mistake. But, hey, whatever gets you through the night.

and neither do I so "I" don't score it... - sm
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So don't lump us all in the same pot. I sleep VERY well at night btw.
Funniest thing I've read all week. - anon
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The only thing Nuance (and every other MTSO) cares about is PROFIT, not quality. I think it's hysterical they've got you believing quality is the most important thing to them. You're right about one thing, it should be, but sadly, it's not.

When I worked for Nuance, I noticed that I was the only MT who didn't put a blank on very hard-to-understand phrase one doctor always said - I worked at a hospital where Nuance took over the account and I went to work for Nuance along with it - so I knew precisely what the doctor was saying because my former supervisor at the hospital asked him what it was he was saying. You know what? The QA dinged me for putting a wrong word in that phrase, because SHE misunderstood what he said - except, like I said, I knew I had typed the right word. I talked to my supervisor, and even though she agreed, it wasn't changed. So QA isn't perfect. I also stopped telling my supervisor about similar mistakes being made on that account, because they DO NOT CARE. Why should I?

If you wonder why quality suffers, there's a myriad of reasons, so don't assume most MTs are bad, more like quite a few of them are disgruntled, resentful, tired, and struggling to make ends meet because of unfair wages, lack of work, shoddy treatment and idiotic demands put forth by MTSOs like Nuance, with little in return for the MT. Oh, wait, no, last year, for MT week, they sent me a pen! It was cheap and broken, I was never actually able to write with it, but hey, that's something! What an incentive to take pride in my work that was! Instead of spending money on pens and journals, they should have raised my pay. That would have been much more useful to me than a broken pen.

Their plan with regard to MTs is to treat their MTs like bottom-of-the-barrel scum, tear them down until they feel completely worthless, pay them almost nothing, all the while telling them, please, make sure your quality is top notch. I say good luck with that. Nuance is a complete joke.
so misinformed...without QUALITY you lose - sm
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the account....how is that profitable? Duh!! And years ago when the pay WAS good I audited reports so no..there ARE a LOT of bad MTs. I would have never believed it if I had not experienced it so this is NOT an assumption, it is FACT and very sad!
Yep there are bad MTs and there are even WORSE QA people. - anon
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A chip on the shoulder and a little bit of power = a nasty mix.

There should be ZERO inconsistencies in QA. You should have ZERO margin of error and you should be required to have 100% scores.

I have challenged several scores and was told by TL they agreed with me but the scores were NEVER changed.

Nuance has a serious problem with their QA dept and it needs to be addressed.
In a perfect world, yes...you keep telling yourself that - sm
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because we all are so far from being perfect. Are you perfect? I highly doubt it and neither am I. So why would a company set itself up to fail like that? All I can say about your comment is WOW. And what is YOUR quality like?
99% or higher. - anon
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I have been doing this forever and I take it seriously, even at 4 cpl.

It isn't that I cannot pass the audits, it's the frustration at the inconsistency and the frustration of QA/QC not being able to agree on even the smallest of things.

Seriously, you need to get it together. When my TL tells us in a meeting that QA and QC are inconsistent and 10 of us have been told 10 different things, there is a problem.

If QA would stop being in defense mode and fix the problem, we would all be much happier.

what about the MT and TL in defense mode.. - sm
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There is ALWAYS a reason given when a reversal is not made. Are you getting this info back from your TL? Focus on the post audit feedback ONLY and you will not have a problem maintaining over 99%. It is the score that matters!
Oh, come on. - anon
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Yes, there are bad MTs, and there are bad QAs. Though quite frankly, as an MT, I really took offense that someone who didn't even know what was on the Joint Commission's Do Not Use list had the power to fail my reports. Another thing I challenged and it wasn't changed, by the way.

Quality is important, though with all the bad MTs running around, you'd think they'd lose accounts left and right, yet they don't.

The bottom line is profit, because it's a BUSINESS. If it helps you sleep at night believing you work for a company that only cares about quality, then do what you gotta do, I guess.
way to much credit - mt20years
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You are really brainwashed. What are you, a Nuance cheerleader? The only thing Nuance cares about is PROFIT, that's it. I am sure you will go far in the company, like sheep to the slaughter, because when the workers stop working or India gets all our accounts, you won't have a job.
brainwashed...no...well informed....yes - sm
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Unlike some I have ALWAYS made good money AND maintained well above 99% which has made me an ASSET so have always been treated well. You either make it or you don't but it is up to YOU. My point with my original post...stop blaming everyone else for your failure and be proactive. If you are unhappy....MOVE ON. I would NEVER stay in a job that makes me unhappy. Oh and when I was an MT I challenged my audits and NEVER had a problem with them being fixed because again, I made sure I was an asset...always working when I should, maintaining higher than 99%, helping out when needed, etc. Does that mean I will always have a job....no....do I think I am perfect...no. Why, because I know there is no security in ANYTHING in life so while I am here I will continue to go for my goals. So again....brainwashed...no...well informed....YES.
No self-confidence issues here - anon
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Your arrogance is mind blowing.

I never alter my schedule without previous approval. I start on time or even slightly early and never quit early. I have never missed a day. I have never requested a holiday off. I meet my line count quota. I treat my TL with respect.

If I make a critical error, yes, I should fail, obviously. However, I have had multiple small line count (10-15 lines) reports audited and end up with a HORRIBLY low score because of a missing "a" or "was" instead of "is." That is ridiculous. There should be a mandatory line count to audit just to give the poor MT a shot at passing. Let us NOT kid ourselves, there are mistakes that do not affect patient care in any way, shape or form and are just a QA person on a power trip.

Your arrogance is further evidence of that exact power trip mentality of 90% of QA people.
again, placing blame...exactly what I am talkin about - sm
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and name calling...do you feel better?
Head meet wall. - anon
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I have been doing this for 15+ years and honestly, I just want out.

If Nuance QA refuses to see there is a problem even when all of the evidence suggests otherwise, it is time to throw in the towel.

Yes, I can and do get over 99%, but the frustration is just not worth it.

make twice as much as you do...ummmmm NOT - sm - fair comes once a year
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I wanted to reply about 50 posts ago, but finished reading this post because I wanted to make sure someone else had not already asked my question. You said, "I made more as an MT." Why would your goals include a promotion with lower income. Can't wrap my mind around that one.
because advancement requires certain skills and experience - sm
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I was a very high producer as an MT so made more money...so believe it or not I really do not care BUT also with advancement came better benefits and PTO so THAT is where it evened out. So while I make less money I am gaining experience for advancement and better perks so worth it.
Excuse You is Right - mt20years
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You must be the only one then!! Becauase the rest of Nuance QA is so ridiculous. So, you are excused.

MTSOs scoff at all other U.S. laws, so I'm sure - theyll find a way around monopoly laws!

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Likely all they have to do is throw money at the right group of politicians, and with a wink and a nod, any monopoly barriers will cease to exist for them. After all, they skate around minimum wage, overtime pay, discrimination and, sometimes, even pay itself.

im sure the monopoly laws dont apply to - offshore owned companies

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which MModal is. It is owned by an Indian. Therefore, rules dont apply.

This is true. Most seem to be Indian-owned, with - fake US home offices, such as Acusis.

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