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Nuance trying to do damage control - laughing

Posted: May 16, 2013

My friend works for a hospital who is being taken over by Nuance.  They have the option to work for Nuance and had a meeting yesterday with several of the "higher-ups" from Nuance there.  Along with the blatant lies about how they'll make so much more money than they're making now, this board was specifically mentioned in an attempt to do some damage control.  They were told not to believe what they read on this board, disgruntled employees, BLAH BLAH BLAH.  The funny part is, more than half of them didn't even know about this board.  So rest assured, yes Nuance does read this board but obviously could care less about the multitude of "disgruntled" employees they do have and exactly just what made them so disgruntled. 

They know about it and post on it, all the time. - SM

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I'm willing to bet it scares them just a little bit that there is an entire board devoted to them here and 85% of what's written on it is true. It does make recruiting people a bit more difficult, and makes all their recruiting lies a little bit tougher for anyone to swallow.

Yes - Nuance does read

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Yes, one of the human resources persons there says she reads this board. I had a problem with Nuance doing a credit check on me without my authorization a while back and I called the HR department. These are unethical people here.

IMO, the happy campers - SM

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Here are "Nuance" trying to do damage control, not actual MTs. Why else would they be so adamant that anyone who posts anything negative simply quit or, as one post stated in capital letters, LEAVE? Let's face it, when you are happy at a company you don't take the time to post on a board about how happy you are every single day. I've noticed that the more factual the complaint, the harder the Happy Campers work on spinning something positive.
Advice - Not Nuance
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You do not have proof that Nuance were the ones who told people to leave. However, that is what most people do when they are not happy with their employer. You seem to think that there is something wrong with being happy. Some people have learned how to make lemonade out of lemons.
Lemonade out of lemons? - SM
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We put up with so much because we are just so used to it that it stops being glaringly apparent that we are being screwed.

If you put a frog in boiling hot water, it will jump out. If you put a frog in lukewarm water and slowly increase the temperature, it will allow itself to be boiled to death.

Don't be the frog that allows itself to be boiled to death.
making lemonade? - anonymous
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It get harder and harder to stay positive as US MTs get driven out of this business. Salaries get lower and lower and more jobs go overseas which is more profitable for MTSOs. There is no reason to pay us or more or be concerned whether we are happy or not. If there are not enough US MTs MTSOs can say they have to outsource and that will be that. We either work for salaries compatible with the overseas companies or we leave. Either way MTSOs make more money.
You're talking about - Me
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I'm the one that keeps saying if you aren't happy then LEAVE. I'm certainly NOT here as "Nuance damage control" just as a regular employee. The reason I come on here is to give my opinions.
The fact of the matter is IF I had listened to this board when I was considering joining Nuance and did what posters said about "run as fast as you can" away from them then I wouldn't be at Nuance extremely happy with my job & making more $$ than I have before. Before you start flaming me with comments about what I made before compared to now .... My most recent paycheck from Nuance gross was $1950.00
I find that extremely difficult to believe. $1995 a pay perod? Fishy. - anon
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I have been an MT for a very long time and have always made in the $2000 range per paycheck most of those years, that is until I took a job at Nuance 2+ years ago.

At Nuance the highest paycheck I ever received was $1100 and that included bonus.

Making $1995 a pay period seems completely unlikely. Unless you are on an account with no ESL and lots of templates. I have worked on about 10 accounts at Nuance (acute care/big hospital systems) and none of them were conducive to that kind of money.

This is probably why everyone thinks it is Nuance "insiders" making that kind of posts.
Fishy to you maybe - But a reality
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to us. You don't want to believe it because you aren't able to do it. I'm not damage control, I'm not management. I'm a lady with 22 years of transcription experience, even owned my own service back in the 90s. Let me tell ya....transcription TODAY is completely and totally DIFFERENT than it was back in the old day. If you don't learn the new ways now, the MTs coming out of school (that chose to go ahead and learn it) are going to leave you in the dust. I can guarantee you that they are learning the NEW WAY right now. Honest..I'm not trying to be mean, sarcastic, or anything else. *I* made myself forget all the old ways, sit down and RELEARN the new transcription. It works. HOnestly, it WORKS. I'm proof it does and happy that I realized I couldn't continue on crying in my coffee cup about what has happened to me.
Sorry, but no one is doing 622 lines an hour at Nuance - anon
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It is absolute fantasy. Period.
I am glad that is your opinion. - Surely, you are not
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trying to base it on fact....when you really have no facts to back up your "opinion." In reality, you really DO NOT KNOW.
Well, I do know the platform and a lot of the accounts - and I can do math.
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So based on that, I can state with a high degree of certainty that no one is doing 622 lines an hour day in and day out at Nuance.

I notice that you didn't make the statement that you could do 622 lines an hour every day and that would seem to lend credence to my statement that it cannot be done.
I think some of the dislikes prove Big Mother (Nuance) is watching. - anon
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I see dislikes on posts that can't be easily refuted but I never see any counter arguments to bolster their version of things.

I will say it again, NO ONE is doing 622 lines an hour at Nuance on a consistent basis, absolutely no one.
Sorry, but I am good and half that would be very hard. - Plus, best money ever? At Nuance?! nm
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There are many platforms at Nuance. Not just the - one you know. nm
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Yes, I do know and I am on the best /fastest one - anon
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and it is a very good platform, the best in my opinion (EditScript). I also am very familiar with my account, I can do any work type and ESL is nothing but a thing for me and yet the absolute max I have ever done in an hour was 500 + a few, but it is absolutely not something that can be done hour after hour and day after day.

I have worked on several other platforms as well, which were certainly not as good as Editscript.

I still don't hear you claiming to be able to type 622 lines an hour every single day. It leads me to believe that you have a very difficult time telling a lie and thus cannot bring yourself to do it.
I make around that too. It is not - unrealistic. nm
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Like 3000 lines day? - hard to believe
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Wouldn't that be closer to 5000 lines a day? Not a chance, no way. NM - ANON
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Its possible to do 3000 lines a day - MTgirl
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I do about 2800-3000 per day. I have an easy account that I have been on for 2 years. I however do not see how you can do 622 lph consistently throughout the day. I can do 550 in a couple dictations but it equals out to 400 at the end of the day average.
Platform helps, too. sm - Hate mine.
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Good for you high producers (truly, not being sarcastic). You must also be lucky enough to be on a decent platform. Unfortunately for me, I think it was last week the *highest* producer on platform hit just over 300 lph. I have gotten to 300 lph, but then, wham, a string of Dictator Mushmouths drops that down to 180 or lower. It is difficult for me to even reach the 186 requirement consistently.
4,980 lines a day or thereabouts? Do you get up to pee? - nm
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or do you have a commode in your chair. Not buying it.
Talking about ME too. - I said the same thing.
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I couldn't have said it better myself! The reason *I* come here on a mostly daily basis is to let someone like *me* know that everyone is NOT unhappy like so many people here say they are. My most recent paycheck wasn't as large as yours but it WAS over a thousand, gross.
Pay - laughing
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Soooo, you think "over a thousand" is good money? You could make that at Walmart and not have the stress and all the hoops they want you to jump through, i.e. perfection.
Shame on you for laughing - at someone who
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is happy with what she/he makes. Over a thousand for 2 weeks work is very good money in the part of the country where I come from. Just because it's not for you, doesn't mean anything. That's $2000 a month and around here, that's DARNED good money. Your post makes me wonder how much YOU make and where your "holier than thou" attitude comes from. There's enough bad attitude on this board without someone attacking someone else's honesty. Oh, by the way, I hate to burst your bubble, but there's no way you will make over a thousand dollars for 2 weeks work at Walmart and be happy about all the MANUAL LABOR they do. Talk about STRESS.
Laughing - Laughing
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Well, I guess you told me, huh? Talk about holier than thou and who attacked anyone's honesty? If you look back to the original post that started this thread, that was me. You might also notice the moniker I used was "laughing." In replying to posts within the same thread, I use the same moniker. Period. End of story. Not laughing at what anybody makes, as I find NOTHING funny about it. The "laughing" was in regards to Nuance doing damage control, or attempting to. And in my neck of the woods, Walmart employees make that easily. Give me manual labor any day over mushmouth NPs, PAs who can't pronounce a medication to save their life and "I" get punished for having to blank it.
Regardless of the - moniker
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read your own POST little girl. You were DEFINITELY making fun of her/him about what they made. I'm glad I don't come here often. None of you people have changed at all. Mean, nasty people and it doesn't make any difference WHO you work for, WHERE you work, or how much money you make, or don't make. To be THIS NASTY, it has to be within your cores. SAD...so very sad.
Little girl - Laughing
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I've read my own post again. It was a question, one which I didn't get an answer to. I do not consider over a thousand bucks every 2 weeks good money, especially with all that this job entails. Do not dare to assume what I was doing, and it certainly wasn't making fun of anyone. Little girl? Hello pot, this is kettle. BTW, I passed the little girl stage long ago, although people tell me I look great for my age.
Anyone that seems as nasty - as you
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is STILL a "little girl", no matter how old you are. You ACT like a little girl and you're the only one laughing at yourself.

I'm done with you...I won't bring myself down to your level. Besides, you're starting to bore me.
Nasty - Laughing
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It always amuses me when people state "I'm done" so they can get the last word in and then run away. You know nothing about me. What you interpret as nastiness, somebody else doesn't. You are just filled with assumptions, eh? First of all, I'm not laughing at myself. I was laughing at Nuance, trying to spin damage control, and how is it you know I'm the only one laughing? You've conducted a poll? If I were the assumption making type, as you seem to be, I'd say you need to lighten up just a tad and climb down off your high horse before you fall and hurt yourself. I'm afraid you beat me to the boredom thing.
If it is a poll then I am laughing as well. Anyone else? NM - anon
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I believe $1000 a pay period is possible - no one questioned your honesty
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However, I have worked at Nuance for 2+ years and have worked on many, many of their accounts and the absolute fact is $2000 a pay period when making 4 cpl is beyond extremely unlikely. UNLESS, you simply do not edit your work. If that is the "trick" the poster is using, then fine, she could do 5000 lines a day.
How many days in your pay period? - alice
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I still work backup for the hospital even though Nuance is attempting to cover the account. Was curious about pay periods/rates/minimums/etc. I still get paid by report.

Re: credit checks - Nuance

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FYI (right or wrong) if you signed a letter of acceptance or application there is a bit on there about giving Nuance the right to do a credit check on you.
Wrong - Very wrong
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The HR person even admitted to me that it was a mistake and pointed out the person that did it and said something like that would never happen again. Who the heck are you? Don't spout off on something you don't have a clue about!
Some states won't allow employers to run credit checks - anon
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An employer can run a credit check at any point in employment with the exception of 9 states.

You probably live in 1 of the 9, otherwise it is completely legal for them to run a credit check and base employment on that.
SM - What they did
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They did this after I worked there for almost 3 years, and it is illegal in my state.
Wow, what a bunch of morons. Makes you wonder - anon
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what other illegal garbage they try to pull.

Why would you run a credit check on someone who had worked for you for 3 years anyway? That is ridiculous. How on earth would a credit score have any meaning in this job anyway.
I know - me too
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I have no idea, but I kept copies of everything. I remember the excuses they were trying to make too. People are wrong too when you sign something to do a background check. I'm applying for other jobs now including coding and they have a whole separate thing for you to sign to give permission to run a background check including a credit check.
Right I'm - Very right
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Who the heck am I??
I beg your pardon but I started with Nuance a few months ago & it clearly states that in signing the acceptance letter among other things it gives Nuance the right to do a credit check.
I suggest you get YOUR facts straight.
Having said that, I don't think they actually do it at least they never checked mine
Actually you are kinda wrong. - anon
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There are several states where it is against the law to do a credit check for a job.

In the OP's case, it was illegal for Nuance to run a credit check on her as she lived in one of those states.

I wasn't saying it isn't illegal - In certain
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states to do a credit check.

I'm the one who posted about my recent - Paycheck

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I don't care whether you believe me or not but one of the reasons was OT

Ah, the truth at last. - anon

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The fact that it took OT, and probably bonus, affirms my assertion that it would be impossible to earn that on a regular and consistent basis. As I said NO ONE can do 622 lines an hour day in and day out.

Your original post about that size of paycheck was somewhat misleading on its face. Thanks for clarifying.
Just OT did not include any - Bonus and
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Total Hours were 50
$1995 for 50 hours is $39.90/hr or 927 lines an hour. - anon
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I was beginning to think Nuance higher ups were coming on here and this post on pay makes me sure. The person who posted said she/he made $1995 with 50 hours (10 of it overtime).

I know they are having trouble hiring (based on e-mail from TL) and I guess coming on this board and making all of these happy, happy, joy comments is an attempt to lure people in.

"Multitude?" Pure speculation. I for one am happy. - see message

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Have been here for over 2 years. If ever I try to post that I am happy with my job at Nuance, I am called a liar, a suit, a poser and I am systematically bashed.

Those of us with positive things to say have been driven away.

Driven away? - anon

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How so? Are you not still posting?

LOL - Good one-nm

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No message (NM)

I did NOT tell you to - Leave

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This board. I said if you're this unhappy to LEAVE Nuance

I have to laugh too - SassyMT

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A friend of mine called me all excited about the prospect of going back to work from home because the hospital we originally worked for was sending the work to Nuance and they made all of these promises...so many promises that her boss (my former boss) told her to contact me and see if I wanted to come back to work for them. She was heartbroken when I told her not to quit her current job and told her the real truth about Nuance as at the time, I was working for them due to an acquisition. I do believe all 30+ MT for the hospital decided not to pursue employment with Nuance.

Hospital - anonymous

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Wonder how long it will be before those poor hospital MTs will be posting their complaints on this board?

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