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Nuance Positives - Trying To Be Positive in 2015

Posted: Jan 05, 2015

Okay - let's see if we can come up with some positives of Nuance.  As with every job/company, there are plenty of negatives, but let's see if we can come up with some positives.  I, for one, love my hours.  They're perfect for me and my family. 

Who's with me on this -- trying to think of some positives about our jobs?

Positives - me

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30 hours for benefits. My schedule is first shift and difficult to get anywhere else. Like my accounts and TSM. Those things are great in my book, but becoming clouded more and more with all the new crap and time we spend outside of work hours justifying our existence with QA/QC, etc.

Nuance Positive(s) - There are some....

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1) I have who must be the best TSM that's with the company. Yes, a holdover from ambulatory buyout.

2) Straight typing, no VR.

3) Good dictators, good accounts.

4) Good shift/hours, flexibility.

I'm positive this will be a short list ;) - anon

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I'm positive this will be a short list ;)

positives - sm

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- I feel fortunate to have a great TSM who just lets me do my job and hardly bothers me.

- Flexibility in my schedule. At this point, I pretty much just work when I want as long as I get my hours in.

- Pay. Yep, I know the new compensation plan sucks for a lot of people, but my pay is still great, especially considering that I do not have to pay for daycare, travel, expenses working outside the home, etc.

positive - newbutold

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Great TSM, nobody bothers me, no nasty emails, work my hours but am able to flex if need be for emergency. Answers all my emails very quickly, no wait time.

If nothing else, this is at least, a pretty good diversionary tactic. - Moves all those negatives farther down

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...down on this page! This comes on the day, when, hopefully those HR people and supervisors are faced with some questions as to why TLs are permitted to drain any account, any WT, or even any particularly fluent MD they have access to, while we are deprived of the same privlege or they are not returned to MT pools like the rest of us! It is not our fault their positions are being eliminated! Why should we get stuck with only the absolute dregs, one right after the other, while supplementing their income?

There's just no positive spin I can put on this.

Only positive at this point... - nn

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Are the hours I work. I worked nights for many years for another MTSO, and Nuance had a 1st shift opening some years ago so I jumped on it. Up until 6 months ago, I had a great TSM and enjoyed the account I was working on. I now have a new TSM who seems like a babe lost in the woods and my primary account is usually out of work, or is stacked with the worst audio and dictators. There has been a drastic change in my work experience here in the past 6 months, outside of the new, exciting pay plan.

Sounds as if the returning team leads are siphoning your best dictators - like they are on mine.

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...so unfair.
I wasn't aware any TL had to return to typing, what platform sm - former TL
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is this? To go from an hourly position to production, it doesn't seem like those people were given a choice.
Probably not, but sounds typical of Nuance. - sm
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They changed my base rate of pay (along with everyone else) without any notice, and they also changed my schedule without any notice.
...and yes, I'm still here, but not for much longer. I have some time off I'm planning on using up in the next 6-8 weeks and then I'm hoping to become just a faded memory to Nuance.

Nuance - MJ

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Nuance wants to pay its transcriptionist 7 cents per line. They are doing everything possible to make this happen. Bump you down to 7 cents if use too much QA, even when you are given a horrible pool. Bump you down to 7 cents for errors, which they consider major; however, are minor, i.e. missed period, comma, the, etc. They also take away your good pool if you make too much. They offered "exclusives;" however, they have a 4 hour 24/7 turnaround and if you have one late report, you lose your "exclusive." I went from averaging $17 an hour to about $5. Beware when signing up with Nuance.

similar... - sm

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I'd have to say hours/schedule that I have is top. The accounts I am on, especially my primary, is great. Am left alone to work for the most part. Schedule would be top though. If I am late or flex a bit I do not hear a word. Emails are another positive even though I hear people on here complain about them. I get them throughout my shift and am updated on accounts in a timely manner.

Positives. - MT

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Awesome TSM. Great schedule. Great account which I've been working on for 11 years now. Good money, PTO and of course no gas expenses and tax breaks:)Oh and I'm always left alone to do my job, no negative e-mails.

Positives. . . - um

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hmmm, (crickets) sorry, nope, nothing.

Okay, maybe one thing. I get to work at home.

Positives are fine but - MT

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Does the landlord/bank, bill collectors, etcetera think these positives are worth anything? Do these things pay the bills?

Positive: Conditions are such that they have enabled me to--sm - anon

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focus and evaluate what I really want, and transcribing is not it. Conditions are also giving me a shove to say that this line of work and company are not worth foregoing that which I do want.

Great TSM, pretty good schedule, pay on time. - wannie

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Right now, that's about all I can come up with.

This thread is indicative of either... - Will

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TSMs and other Nuance lackeys having nothing to do or TSMs desperate for help and trying to influence MTs to come and work under horrific conditions for substandard pay. There are simply no positives to working for Nuance, unless the employee in question is a complete and utter masochist.

Will: You are one insulting dude or gal. sheesh nm - Get a grip

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Nm: If the shoe fits... - Will

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Wear it!
If the shoe fits? Really??? - MT
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So if anyone has anything positive to say about their job they get insulted? Is it just me or does this board only seem to cater to those who whine and complain? Maybe stop spending so much time complaining and acting like a jealous brat and either make this job work or make your exit. No encouragement here whatsoever, which is fine. But do you really need to slam those who are making it work? I mean really????
Methinks thou doth protest too much - Will
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Will, that was soooo, well said! - Perfect.

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My guess is it's that lady with "mom" in her screen name usually sm - just my guess

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who was complaining last week about someone being negative or something.

I have mom in my name - mom22

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I don't know if you're insinuating me, but I'm thinking I'm one of the few that has mom in their name. And if I did complain about someone being rude or disrespectful, I don't have a problem in putting my screen name on it.

Not sure what I have to do with this thread, but you might find it surprising, Will, that I agree with you in that working for Nuance is like a torture chamber.

all the new stuff I'm learning - MThead

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Why just yesterday I learned I've been transcribing "nontender" wrong all these many years, it should be "non-tender." I can only hope there were no fatalities due to that missing hyphen!!!

Where do the get their spelling from - CINDY

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I have typed it that way always, nontender. Didn't even change the meaning of anything, nontender means nontender no matter hyphen or not, so what's the big deal Nuance. Are you trying to find the one period in the hundreds of reports that are typed. Seems your time would be better spent on something else. How does that make you QA people feel when you finally find that missing colon, period or comma or if, and or but.

It's documented as nontender in the sm - nothappy

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transcription manual in several places, just bring up the manual and do a search for nontender. If they dinged you for it, I would use this as ammo.

My positive: nuance sent me to the food pantry - and I found love with a wonderful man in line

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Better to be poor together than hungry alone.

Positives - sm

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LOL!!! @ the "non-tender" poster and "I found love in line at the food pantry."

If there is one thing positive about Nuance, its that their MTs have a great sense of humor! Some of the funniest posts I've read on MT Stars have came from the Nuance board.

My positive - Backwoods Typist

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My only positive about Nuance is that they made me mad enough to give me the kick in the arse that I needed to go back to school. Thanks, Nuance! I hope to fire you shortly. :) You can look forward to my exit survey. How's that for "new and exciting?" I think you know what you can do with that new compensation mess.

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