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Low score on FIESA with new grading system - anon

Posted: Jun 24, 2013

Hey guys..have a question. This quarter is over this week and with the new grading system they have implemented for post-audits my QA score is quite bad at about 96% to 97%. I have never had a low score like this ever in my career and have always been between 98.5% to 99%.  Have any of you experienced a low final score for a quarter before and if you have what happened to you? Did they have QA work with you or was it like instant termination. This new grading system is so very stressful :( Any information anyone has is very appreciated. Thank you.

Well for me - MTSlave

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My end quarter Fiesa post audit score is much lower than yours. I had a couple of bad days 2 months ago and they audited all 500 lines on those days of course. I knew there was no way in h*** that I was going to make the grade (and of course I have not been audited since). Like you, my QA scores have always been 99+. I was in tears, called my supervisor and had a long heart to heart. Thank goodness my TL is good and I have avoided the henchman this time around. If you have a good TL, you might want to consider doing the same thing.

Did talk to TL - anon

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I did talk to my TL and I'm honestly thinking we may have the same TL because we had heart-to-hearts to about my score as well. She keeps telling me to hang in there and is such a sweetheart. She is really the only reason why I haven't left here because I feel I will never have another boss like her ever again. My TL also knows that these scores really don't represent my quality of work. I'm just having a tough time. And they always of course audit the hardest of the hard doctors. My score should be higher as well if we were still on the old grading system. It's very heartbreaking at times. I really love my accounts though and I honestly do love working for this company. I haven't had a bad experience here. It's just been a very tough quarter this quarter for me and I really don't understand why. Thank you so much for your reply as well!

Low FIESA scores - Freebie

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I was trying to stay off this but I just had to say after reading these posts I am in exactly the same position. I've had 100% all this time and then all of a sudden I have 15 reports audited in a 2-day time frame and had scores on some of them as low as 92%. The docs they audited on those were ones I was unfamiliar with and not in my primary accounts and they had all been B-mode jobs and I got scores marked off for blanks that they filled in and also a major error for 2 nonmedical words that the QA thought the doc wanted left in (I don't think he did). It can't be a coincidence. I think somebody figured out how much was going out in bonuses (I've been the highest producer on my team, too) and decided to knock us down on QA scores to make sure that didn't happen.

TL - me

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Actually your TL isn't allowed to talk to you about this and if they are, they are risking their job and yours. You must contact your manager, TLs have been told over and over do NOT discuss these things with employees and the few who do, spread around what they are told.

The game they seem to play is this.... - my2cents

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Dangle the carrot claiming if you have 99% quality you can get bonus money. Then they QA you to death on every crappy dictator on your account, never the good dictators, and if you do say 5 reports on an account you rarely work on you can guarantee those will be pulled for post audits. It's just a game they play. I figure as long as my overall quality score when you combine the post-audits vs. the "QA fill in the blanks" audits show a 98% or higher QA score they can't fire me as I'd have plenty of ammunition to give to have an attorney beat them up pretty good.

In addition.... - my2cents

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Technically my post-audit QA score is 97.5% BUT my overall QA score which covers hundreds of reports this business quarter is 99.56% accuracy. I know 1 other person on my account with the same type of results and I bet it's the same for many others -that's why they don't really get eager to fire people over quality scores.

QA Audits - uniquemonique

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I got dinged for 3 "invalid blanks" on a report. and I got an email from my Tl saying I have to do the ENRICH QA modules in 2 weeks and let her know when I've finished. My QA rating had never been below 99% until I started here. Like every other MT, I have decided to not let it bother me, I do my job and that's it. I KNOW I'm a damn good MT. QAing constantly does not encourage anyone to work harder.
Especially when the post audit is done in - Coimbatore
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To add insult to injury, having QA done offshore AND they make abundant errors in grammar and spelling AND tuck in wise comments. Grinds me so hard.

If you are trying to get the bonus... - Then, yes, you

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need to pay attention to those stupid FIESA scores. But..let me tell you something I found out. Those scores are COMPLETELY unreliable. My accuracy score is at 98.53. It's been there for the last 4 pay periods. Exactly the same number. My other score, the one that is based on the amount of blanks you send in? It has gone from 0.99% to 5.?%, up to 18.3%, down to 11.0%, back down to 4.83%. I don't send very many blanks in at all. Not even 2 or 3 each pay period. When I asked about this fluctuation, I found out the managers have to separate "our" scores from the total scores of everyone overseas. So, it's hand done. Personally, I stopped looking at them when this started happening. I'm concentrating on the amount of lines I get every day and my regular pay. I got the bonus ONE TIME. Right after that, QC started nailing me for absolutely everything. I literally felt picked on. Never believed it would happen (they told me so on here), but it did. So, hang in there like your TL says and just do your best work and keep your head down. Just my 2 cents worth and that isn't much.

A little confused though - anon

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I have read everything you guys have said, and thank you so much for the responses, but don't they use FIESA to grade us as they want us each quarter to at least be 98% to stay employed? I was under the impression with how it works is if you aren't at least 98% consistently per FIESA grades you aren't keeping up a good grade and therefore may get checked on and worked on with QA to boost your score up or be terminated. I would even be happy to be 98.53% and wouldn't even be worried at that point. I am more worried that I am 96% to 97% and that is just to a point where I really hope they don't end up terminating me. I am not really sure what process they have for this at all.

I emailed you. - No message

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Your accuracy score stays the same the whole quarter; it's actually - last quarter's score you're seeing. nm

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No they got me just under 99% and stopped post audits - weeks ago on me.

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They do this every quarter, they audit and audit and audit until I can't get the bonus. I am not paranoid as each quarter there is a different number of reports/lines audited and it always stops the second I am under 99%.

Sweet little system they have. I have never hated a job with the passion I hate this one.

I hear ya - anon

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My concern is what happens when you are 96% to 97% and what the protocol is. I haven't really gotten that question answered.

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