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Score below 99% - burnedoutco

Posted: Jan 15, 2014

My score for the quarter was 98.3%.  I will probably get fired.  All my working life (25 years) I always scored excellent on quality.  When I look at the post audit though, I am mostly at 100%.  It makes me feel kind of worthless. 

Post audit mostly 100% but 98.3 for total? - CurioustMT

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If you've not had an issue or been counseled on this before, I doubt you will get fired. If you do, you most likely could draw UE!

Just curious though. If your post audit scores have mostly been 100%, did you just have a couple that were like 40% or something?

Go through your post audits (you can only pull Post-Audits for 10/1/13 to 12/31/13) and see if there were any you can dispute. If you can dispute enough to bring up to 99%, then you'll still be eligible for incentive if you get your TSM to reverse them.

Good luck!

Curious - burnoutco

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Curious, see other posts, they say it all in a very articulate way. I spend hours of my own time getting things reversed, but it is like "trying to herd cats." Look that up if you don't know what it means. Thank you to the other posters. I don't feel so alone.

Don't be rude! - CurioustMT

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Your response was uncalled for! I was trying to be helpful, unsure if you knew you could dispute, etc.

I didn't go through your other posts, I just read this one. And my response was trying to be helpful, just trying to understand how you have mostly 100's but end up with a 98.3? Like I said, I've been there. I've had below 99%, and I was trying to let you know that you don't have to worry unless you were already counseled on this.

And yes, I know what trying to herd cats is.

Mine was lower than yours....sm - LoveMT

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My post-audit score is somewhere around 97%. I have completely given up even trying for any correction reversal on ANYTHING, even if it's an obvious error on their part. For example, I have a report that was post audited 2 days before the new quarter, and there is a nice size deduction of 2 points, BUT there is NO ERROR in the explanation. Both sentences read EXACTLY the same, word for word... I have no idea why the deduction was made and/or what the error or correction is because some QA person on the other side of the world does post audit on my reports and probably just slapped it in there to bring my score down at the last minute. Obviously, whoever audited the report didn't take the time to look at my score and see that they had already chopped it low enough for me to miss ANY bonus period....

My QC audit scores are at 99%, and I personally feel that score better reflects my work. The offshore post-audit QA is a JOKE! I have been doing this for more than 17 years, and I have NEVER scored under 99%, even on an emergency audit where several of my reports were randomly pulled and audited, some going back as far as 3 or 4 months... Even then, I scored 99%. So, I KNOW what kind of work I produce, and I definitely don't need a QA auditor from India to rake me over the coals and try to make me feel as though I'm an idiot. They truly do not have a clue as to how stupid it makes them look to correct or change things in a report. Perfect example right here:


QA post-audit: "Vaguely sounds like "include" but not sure."

Of course, we all KNOW that most physicians will say "include or includes", but you better belief that QA person changed my "include" to a blank and then marked me off for transcribing it... I could now care less about the incentive bonus and I know I will NEVER reach high enough quality to make the quarterly bonus, not with someone like that auditing my work!

I'm not killing myself for these ungrateful people any longer. I will work my 8 hours, try my best to make MY personal goal of lines for the day, and clock out. I'm done scraping and scratching and frantically trying to reach something that is dangled in front of me like a cupcake in front of a diabetic!

Completely agree - new but old

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i used to let myself get so worked up that I wanted to throw up. I NO longer care. I do my work the way I have for 15 years plus now and clock out. I check my FIESA so I cannot get called on for it, but it no longer affects me. I have my second job with another company who I completely love and they do not belittle me or mark me off because I did not put The at the beginning of the sentence which I clearly did not hear but those with their Superman Ears obviously heard the physician who does not speak English hear the word The and of course it COMPLETELY alters the meaning of the sentence - so go ahead and mark me off it if makes your day. I know longer care. Don't come to me when you need extra hours or time. I could care less. I would much rather put my OT to my other company who actually cares about me and respects what I do and do well and don't have people from a foreign country telling me who was born and raised here how to speak or comprehend the English language!!!

That's what I do....make a paycheck...nothing else. nm - mt

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Paycheck nothing else - anon

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I couldn't agree more. I make a paycheck, clock out and forget it. I have never EVER SIGNED a FIESA error. I am simply not going to do it. I don't even look at the emails, don't bother trying to get it reversed and have never been called on it.

I refuse to give them any OT as well. Forty hours a week is it. Not killing myself for "extra money" when it only gives QA another chance to ding me for nothing.

HELLO, I am not loyal to a company that robs me of MY wages in the most despicable way imagined, trumped up errors on their part, not mine.
Same here... - me too
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I clock in, do my work (if there is any), and clock out. My time off is MY time.

As long as I meet my hours, production, and QA then they can't do anything. Let 'em try. Fire me. I don't care anymore either. I've never been the kind of person to just do the bare minimum at ANY job before MT, now I'm not willing to go over and above anymore. No OT, no extra help. I'm only still with my MTSO because of the insurance benefits but once I find a different FT non-MT job, I'm gone!

I also took a second "income" cash job where I clean house my husband's boss' house once a month and I make more money in 4 hours of cleaning than I do working 8 hours of MT.

Even UE pays more than minimum wage!
Your last sentence says it all NM - SamMT
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Probably won't get fired - anony

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My score was "below what they want" as well, and when I bluntly asked my supervisor if I was going to be fired, she said she had no intentions of doing so. I believe they just brow beat us into feeling like we don't know what we're doing, lose self confidence and quit so they won't have to pay unemployment like they would if they fired us. I just ignore FIESA to lessen the stress.

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