A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Is Nuance up for sale - Nuance

Posted: Aug 16, 2014

I just chanced upon this interesting article which suggests so.

Nuance’s $250 million 2027 Convertible Notes redemption is either a signal of an imminent buyout or a red herring.

If one read between the lines and disregarded the noise during Monday's earnings, a very interesting event was announced which could signal a buyout is on the horizon: Nuance is calling back all of their $250 million, 2027 Convertible Notes (at 2.7%).

It is my belief that the redemption of these notes is in anticipation of a buyout in the near future. It would help the acquirer save over $50 million from the convertible liability if the company is bought for over $23.36 per share.

A buyout offer is on the table and calling back the debt will save the future acquirer ~$50 million from a debt to share convert.


Yep, I googled "Nuance for sale" several articles came up - after I read yours. I think...

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It may be a good thing. From what I've read, they haven't been doing as well. It's been Nuance and MModal dominating the industry for years now. I wonder what will happen if their influence tapers off? It would be interesting.

They made a multibillion dollar enterprise off clinical documentation. Seems it would have been a lot more simplistic for the hospitals to keep their own MTs.

Is it possible - mt2north

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for MModal to buy Nuance after emerging from bankruptcy??

I seriously doubt MM is in a position to buy Nuance. - sm

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Their CEO will be stepping down on August 22nd and based on what I read their board members will run the show afterwards; there was no mention of a replacement. Also, they seem to have combined all the MT regions into one, which eliminated some of the TSMs and QCs. Guess that's all a part of the restructuring since bankruptcy.

Samsung was mentioned as a potential buyer. - nm

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Wonder what future will hold for MT side of the business.. - anon
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Will be interesting to see what changes for MTs in October......Good or bad?
What possible good could come of anything - Nuance does? No optimism here. nm
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always changes - whiplash
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Nuance's track record is pretty poor in announcing changes that are either late, or never happen. It will be interesting to see if the "changes" ever come to fruition. As far as the future of transcription side of Nuance house should a sale occur, expect a rockier road. A technology company seeking the speech recognition technology and healthcare devices of Nuance probably would choose pieces of Nuance in order to avoid getting stuck with MT side. MT business it is very low return on investment.
Samsung will never buy into healthcare segment - Nuance MT
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Samsung will be potentially interested in their mobile softwares and not their healthcare business. Its possible that Carl Icahn would want to split the company into two and sell the mobile business to Samsung or Apple and the healthcare division to GE Health or some other major player.

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