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A VR pattern I've noticed: (s/m) - Meerkat

Posted: Jul 15, 2011

While wondering why VR doesn't seem to be getting any better, I've started noticing a pattern while I work that might have at least something to do with it:

I have several accounts, and switch around all day.  Usually there are a lot of corrections per line with my company's VR system.  I wonder why it makes the same dumb mistakes over and over again.

However, I've begun to notice that if I've been sent a lot of VR-editing work by the same doctor, and it's all STAT work, so the TAT is pretty much within minutes, the VR starts getting a few things right after a couple reports, that it was getting wrong when I first started editing it. 

Unfortunately, the following day, even if I get the same reports again from the same doctor, VR will once again be making the same mistakes until I'm caught up almost to within minutes of the time the report was dictated.  Then it starts to get a few things right again.

So maybe it's so-called ability to "learn" is temporary and doesn't stick.  That would sure explain why we keep seeing the same dumb VR errors over and over again. 


VR - msmagoo

[ In Reply To ..]
I noticed that too, but in order for it to change back, another transcriptionist would have to be changing it back to the incorrect format for several reports, and some of the errors are pretty obvious ones. good question for tech gurus ? :) would be nice if an "expert" in how voice recognition works would explain these things.

A guess - Cathy

[ In Reply To ..]
I wonder if your company is running all of the doctors through VR with the same profile? Maybe that is why it learns "temporarily" if you get the same doctor in a row for a few reports. They should have separate voice profiles for each doc so that it can learn their voice and the proper corrections. VR is only as good as the person who is training it. If it is not being trained properly, it will not be good. I noticed a big difference when my employer switched to M-Modal and had their staff handle training and corrections for us. It is much better than our other VR engine that is maintained by our own staff.

What platform does your company use? We use Dictaphone Enterpres Express Editor and - ArkMT

[ In Reply To ..]
it is horrible. There are reports where the VR completely omits long sections. For example, I'm in a report now that the following was completely missing although was clear dictated,

"had an anterior wall myocardial infarction with stenting of his LAD"

And this sort of things happens on many of the dictators, not just particular ones. To me that is just unacceptable. Recently, when dictators would dictate "aspirin 81 mg daily" the VR engine was leaving out the "81 mg" even thought it was clearly dictated. This was on almost every single report I did during an 8 hour shift where the dictator dictated aspirin.

I've wondered if maybe my supervisor doesn't really understand how the VR engine works and how it needs to be trained, because I'm like the OP. When I'm doing the same dictator, one report after another, I actually will start to see the corrections I've made in the next report so I don't have to make the corrections again, but come back the next day and do the same dictator and it's back to the way it was before.

We keep getting the same old spiel about how we are supposed to be at least twice as productive with VR, but I've only seen my production increase by maybe three hundred lines at most.

I keep thinking if I educate myself about how VR is supposed to work from beginning to end, maybe I can help my supervisor and my coworkers understand and get the VR process to work better. So someone explain dictator profiles to me and how they work.

That should be "Enterprise" NOT Enterpres. - ArkMT

[ In Reply To ..]
Forgive any other typos. Frustration causes my fingers to not work right!

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