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I've noticed some of you guys saying that - you refuse to do your

Posted: Feb 04, 2015

backup account or an unfamiliar account when you run out of work on your primary.  Are we allowed to do this?  I would rather stick my primary and flex my time to a later time or even not at all if possible.  I don't want to risk getting below 99% (which I still sometimes do even on my familiar primary account, but I know it would happen on my backup account, which is unfamilar to me, rarely work in it).   But I thought if we ran out of work we had to immediately hop on the secondary account.  I would love NOT to.  Then I read here that some of you DO this.   To those that do, have you always just flexed your time?  Does your TSM get her panties in a bunch if you don't go ahead and switch to another account?  TIA!

I personally find when I - run out of work

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Which seems to be A LOT lately, meaning I get OOW on ALL accounts - this happens generally in the morning because invariably OT was offered the night before and all the eager beavers got on there and cleaned it out.

So anyway, I then go off until there is quite a bit on my primary and I will not be scratching for all the other accounts little bits and pieces, half the time they run out too.

I just figure if I run out of work and I am going to be short hours, might as well make those hours count. Getting higher lph is almost the same as doing plenty of hours and of course lower lph due to secondary, tertiary, more unfamiliar accounts and specs.

When you have the lovely OOW for 15 minutes and you are magically granted the day off if you want - ooh, wait, except I need money, right? So no day off, just sitting there at the monitor waiting for work finally to come up?

I find if I wait until my primary has plenty on it and then go on it is more profitable for me. My TSM does not seem to notice or care in my case.

My platform automatically puts stats from all accounts first (which can be a pain sometimes, because some crappy accounts suddenly have like 10 stats which really aren't stats), also if I run out on my primary automatically the secondaries come up, but if I run out of all work and I am waiting for work to turn up, I feel I am justified in not logging back on if there is not much in my primary, since they have already interrupted the rhythm of my shift.

That's how I work it, anyway, but what I really wish? Stop overstaffing my primary and let me get a full day in!

ditto - newbutold

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I have 2 jobs so don't have the luxury to flex so I just end up short hours and make my hours count. I have a great account and just type as much as I can during my scheduled hours and still normally come out alright

I flex when I'm OOW on primary - sm

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I don't have a life (really) so I flex my time when I run out of work. I don't wait the 15 minutes either. I wait maybe 5 minutes and clock out. I don't send email to supervisor either. Why bother when she already knows there is little work available. There have only been very few times that I haven't been able to make up the time. My current supervisor hasn't said anything. Granted I only have my current primary and it keeps me busy most of the time, no secondaries. My supervisor tried to force some secondaries on me, but I told her straight up that I vary rarely run out of work so I have no need for a secondary and also I can't make any money when I'm jumping from account to account. Another reason that I gave her was that my primary has very specific account specs that are very different from other accounts I've been on in the past and I finally got my AutoCorrect entries in Word all changed for this account and I'd just rather not take on another account when there was no need. She didn't like it but I've managed to stave off any secondaries.

Their "policies" for everything are ridiculous. Just do your job and work when there is work and forget about the rest.

Same as above - sm

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If I run out of work, I flex my time. My TSM, luckily, doesn't seem to be too worried about schedules, just as long as work doesn't go out of TAT (and with the small amount of work lately, that never happens anymore).

There always seems to be help needed on other teams' accounts, but I do not volunteer because I don't want to do work on an unfamiliar account, especially now with the backlash of this new compensation plan. My manager asked me once to help out for another TSM, but I just told her that I would rather flex my time and work on my main accounts. She seemed to understand my stance on that issue.

My advice would be to consider the consequences--sm - anon

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There does not appear to be a hard and fast rule about how this plays out with the TSMs so you have to ask yourself how you would deal if you were called to the carpet on it. You may just get a warning (most likely) but then it could move to termination. How do you feel about that? How does that affect your personal situation? What if there is some initiative to cull the herd and they decide to cull those who are not sticking to their schedules, etc.

The other thing to consider is whether or not the work will materialize later in the week. Are you certain it will? Just some things to think about when making your decision.

It is not really fair that some of us are forced - to accept secondaries

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And others just get away with it, frankly.

I have objected strenuously too to having secondaries, but well tough on me, so you guys who only have one primary are really lucky. My primary is also very unusual and has lots of differences to the norm, but that did not matter in my case.

"Called to the carpet on it"? Really? I doubt very much whether they have a leg to stand on when the work is so thin on the ground due, I have to presume, to a combination of overstaffing and all the good dictators seemingly going to EHR.

If there is no work and you are free to leave the rest of the day, how are they going to call you out for coming on later when your primary has more work? It just seems like common sense to me.

Can you say what your situation is? You are giving plenty of advice but have not explained how you handle this situation yourself.

I simply mean everyone has to decide for themselves--sm - anon

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how much risk they are willing to take. Are you willing to risk losing your job over it? If you are fired for not adhering to your schedule, my guess (again just a guess) is that you may not be able to collect unemployment. So my advice is to really understand the potential impact that you have to deal with which of course goes with any advice taken on this board of how to deal with things.

Right now, I do not have a secondary, as I was recently moved to this account. I also plan on quitting within the next few months so I am more willing to take chances that I was not before because my dependence on this job is lessening and we are preparing to just depend on my husband's income. Prior to that, I worked whatever was available because I had no choice, I needed the money.
What you say is the same thing as - most of us do
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Please understand, I am not waiting for the good stuff to come on the system, I am waiting for ANYTHING.

My primary is overstaffed, but it also has a lot of work and fast TAT (probably why overstaffed).

If anything at all comes on after getting OOW it will most likely be my primary, so how do you figure anyone would lose their job when there is no work on the primary and you have to go on later to do it?

It is not a choice, it is necessity. For Nuance to persecute anyone for not working their schedule when there is no work, well, I don't even think they would be so silly.
I thought the question was more along the lines of not working the secondary - anon
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So, if you choose to not work your secondary when OOW and only focus on the primary. The reason why I think someone could lose their job is because I think the company is overstaffed and if they are paying people benefits, there are different ways they could single people out to lighten the load and if a person is only willing to work their primary, that may be one way. I do not think it is necessarily right and I definitely do not think it is a good way, but what I see is that at some point, they are going to reduce their workforce.

We are set up so work flows in from various accounts. sm - smmmm

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Like, I personally have 7 different accounts. Work comes to me in a pool in which I receive one report at a time with the one closest to being out of TAT first. My "primary" consists of 3 different accounts. So, I only stop working when all 7 of my accounts are empty. Then, I follow the OOW procedures, including emailing my supervisor who usually does not respond to these anyway. Then, I flex usually, but tell my TSM when I will be flexing. Again, email usually not answered, but I keep a copy of those emails for myself. Not working on your secondary account in my opinon is "cherry picking".

I don't get that either because the work - just comes to me

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I don't 'hop on' to a second or third account, I don't (my platform I guess) does not allow me to move to whichever, it just flows to me as it set up to - 1, 2, 3, 4 then OOW if all of those are OOW.

When I was on byndtxt, that is the way it was--sm - anon

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But in escription, it is different, you are logged into one account at a time. Byndtxt you were logged into the platform and things flowed.

I have that too, but I do wait until - there is plenty on my primary

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I cannot manipulate anything in my queue, but I can SEE what is on there.

My great sin I guess is waiting until there is plenty of my primary and logging on then. It doesn't mean I don't get secondaries or stats, I do, and I only do this if I have been entirely OOW initially on my shift.

When I log on in the morning I would type anything they got till the cows come home, but unfortunately they got nothing all too often lately, so what I am saying is if my tertiary account which is awful has 10 things on there later on and still no primary, that is NOT when I would choose to flex. My TSM has no problems with this, when we get OOW we flex when we want to. I should also say this rarely happens, as my primary is the one that fills up a lot more than the others.

I don't consider this cherry picking, as I said if there were work during my shift I would do it nonstop, it's only when I have the OOW on my shift, and I am hardly picking and choosing, just hanging on until I know there is enough of my primary.

I even get sick of my primary - I used to make line counts as below, but even my primary seems to have mainly bad (although familiar) dictators now and it is really hard to get above 200-250 lph, no matter how hard I try, because there are a lot of line count killers that dictate really a lot more than line count makers.

It is not productive to criticize the way other MTs get through their work when we have been so royally victimized by Nuance, so while I have an issue with some being able to have only a primary (wish that were me), you have an issue with me not waiting at my desk and typing anything that crops up and call that cherry picking.

I doubt very much whether anyone is really able to make much of an improvement with any of these methods anyway, and again, all would be moot points if there were enough work for those Nuance has hired at the times they hired them. The real question is, why is the lack of work happening so often now?

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