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I've read the notes on here about people not checking FIESA, but I feel I need to. With constantly being moved around on accounts, I try to actually learn from blanks being filled in and such. And let me say up front that I do value the QC's and QA's. They often are able to hear things that I just cannot, and they have to know SO many account specifics just to "fix" things. But what I hate is that those of us who don't review FIESA, or the managers who ignore our requests for review and potential reversals, we are basically letting errors and just plain bad work slide by.
I'm not lumping all QC/QA people in the same boat, but we all know there are a few bad eggs (just like their are bad egg MLS), and unless we question being marked off for things that we don't agree with, and unless we bring attention to it, it's never going to get better!
You know, we're supposed to follow rules, make sure all our “i's” are dotted and our “t's” are crossed, but I don't know how many times I've seen the same QC's forget to fill in all the fields so we can actually learn from our mistakes. And don’t' get me started on how much I hate that if I send a note to a QC for a medication blank because the doctor doesn't know how to pronounce things correctly and it could be several different things (even with context, dosage, and looking back at previous reports not helping), and then the QC leaves the blank (because, honestly, if none of the above can help, how can they figure it out either), but then they review the entire report (I know, they're supposed to), and then knock me for the stupidest stuff like putting "The" in front of patient when 99% of the time this doctor says "the patient" and in this one spot where I thought they said it again, but they didn't. You know the types of things. Sure, if you heard it, great... but what good does it do you to change it, mark it, and do all the extra work for something that doesn't change the meaning of the sentence, the context, etc... Are you getting paid for how many errors you find? Because if so, you have really been hired to make the life of an MLS a living he!!, not to "better the report."
Okay, I just had to vent. Luckily most of the crap the QC's find is just that, on a QC report and not QA... not like we could ever get bonus anyway when we're running out of work all the time or being moved from account to account or schedule to schedule.