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Email about new Fiesa pilot program - for onshore accounts only

Posted: May 06, 2015

Did anyone else get that email? Anyone else think it is a joke too just like everything else related to Nuance?  "We have listened to your feedback about nitpickiness regarding QC1 scoring and have decided to try this program out."  So, they are going to start leaving QC1 reports out of Fiesa, so if we want to see any feedback for QC reports we have to email our TSMs for it, yet even more work that is unpaid, which I won't be doing (never really paid attention to QC feedback anyways).  So, they listened to our feedback regarding nitpickiness huh?  But instead of addressing the nitpickiness, they're going to continue to nitpick us, just hide it from us. Nice. That's really addressing the problem, Nuance! Way to go! 

*sarcasm font

So now we can't even see the QC audits? - Fine with me

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Now, how about doing away with the QA audits too?

I mistakenly initially read the email as saying we could check the QC audits if we wanted to, but apparently for those of us on all US accounts, we can't even see the "feedback" (yes, sarcastic virtual air quotes) - woohoo!

Yeah, thanks for small favors, Nuance, but most of us have been ignoring those stupid QC things for months. Also the other ones, frankly. Not valuable AT ALL.

Here's an idea, Nuance, if you're listening. Stop tying our pay to FIESA AT ALL. That's the real problem.

Think about it, you QA/QC people who are reading this (and Nuance higherups if indeed you ever do). I have had QA decisions reversed, yet the QA person who nearly cut my pay a big amount probably got 5 lashes with a wet noodle, am I right?

I have seen an MT complain on this board about a QA person filling in a blank with a typo, and heard the outrage from the QA people, it's just a typo!

If your pay got slashed by $50-100 a week from a typo thanks to a QA person, you QA people might realize that to us a typo can mean literally being able to pay your mortgage or not. Tying pay to nebulous "errors" is nefarious BS.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you really care about improving quality to such a great extent, target those who are habitual offenders (and probably the ones who have the 300+ lph because they just don't care and make up the FIESA penalties with volume) and TRULY have a program to improve, but do NOT penalize those of us who occasionally miss a word or you disagree with their punctuation.

How about pay tiers based on experience and proven track record, not just whatever little nitpicking mistake QA pounced on this week?

How about giving those on the accounts the longest maybe some preference in the form of enough work on our primaries to get through most of the day instead of making us all fight it out and spreading the work so thinly we all have to have multiple accounts and then still run out of work?

If you had one MT to advise you you might know these things, but I have to wonder, if you do have anyone at all advising you who is an MT, that it is probably someone who hasn't done this job for years and really does not have a clue about how things work for us.

I cannot imagine any MT worth their salt okaying this punitive and unfair FIESA garbage.

QA/QC - tmt

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I am one of those âyou QA/QC peopleâ you refer to. I am on the QC1 Level. I hope this pilot program works. It would give me great pleasure knowing that the reports that I do quality control on will have a less punitive effect on MTs. Fiesa = Punitive (On so many different levels)

This is all done purposefully, they will not fix it, it helps to frustrate - more of you into quitting.

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The e-mail refers to QC-1 and on-shore-only accounts - QC-1 is what you send in for blanks

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Correct me if I am wrong. It sounds like this pilot program is for on-shore-only accounts and they are not showing QC-1 scores in Fiesa. These are the reports you send to QA with blanks, etc and do not count against your Fiesa score anyway but are annoying because they will show up there if you go below a certain percentage and you have to acknowledge them. What is annoying is that they will marked you down a full point if they were able to fill in the blanks. That will knock a small report down to 98% and will pop up in Fiesa to acknowledge, but it does not count against you score.

You can still see your QC-1 reports in your platform, or at least I can in my platform, to check out what the blanks were, etc.

For this pilot program they will show up in Fiesa as 100% even though that is not the true score and you have to go into your platform to check QC-1 reports (I believe.) Maybe some platforms are different. I hope this is accurate information...that is my take on the e-mail.

Onshore-only accts are fewer every day, so it can't be a big pilot. nm - acuteMLS

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I have yet to receive the email... what are on-shore-only accounts? - nm

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Not done to be nice - anonymous QC

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The only reason they are doing this is because they are rolling out a QC compensation program similar to what MLS have and we will no longer be putting feedback into Fiesa, only capturing lines.

ah yes - anon

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The truth always comes out. Nuance is never motivated by being "nice". NEVER.

Sorry to hear that. Sorry for you on-shore QC people that is. - That stinks. sm

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Definitely not a "welcome to our world" type thing. Our world sucks.

QC audits, so what, who cares? - QA audits are what count

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Punitive nitpickiness most definitely will continue on that.

Nuance - sick of them

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I have 15 years experience and they made me feel like I just got out of MT school. Their docs, well most of them, are awful. Six weeks of that crap was enough for me. Their time clock and punching in and out OOW and point system for feedback sucked.

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