A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Dec 21, 2012

The world may not have ended, but my job, as I knew it, has.  Now I should just call in dead and tell them I died in my pod.  What do you think?

I have a very strong feeling that after Jan. 1st, a lot - of US MTs are going to get the axe. nm

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Gut feeling, strengthened by how things have been going down at my company lately.

just at nuance or US wide - nm

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My gut tells me US-wide. I have a very uneasy - feeling about transcription in 2013. N_M

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Why? - anon
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They are sending ever increasing amounts to India but they are also still hiring US MTs. Why would they go to the expense of training new US MTs to turn around and fire us next month?

I agree that there will be more Offshore MTs than US MTs in the very near future, but I certainly don't see the bulk of us gone this coming year.

Some hospitals still require onshore and the fact is Indian MTs have 80% accuracy requirement, which means at the very least they will need a TON of US QA to get that up to hospital standards.
80% accuracy requirement??? - anon
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And they hold us to 99???? WTH! I'm so frustrated with how we are treated. It is pathetic.

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