Hi everyone
I feel like I just have to vent a little. Hope that's okay. I've been a transcriptionist for a long time (17 years) but I am beginning to believe that I must really stink !! I had applied to Transtech and Transolutions and haven't heard a word. I am thinking it's me. I currently work nights from home and I swear I have not heard dictators like the ones I have been getting, all ESL and I can barely tell what they are talki ...
Is this some kind of doctorize for ligament laxity, or something else entirely?? Would welcome any help here.
Examination under moderate sedation showed a positive Lachman, questionable s/l "lilax" (not relax) posterior cruciate and lateral collateral and a third-degree MCL.
Help please:)
I work at a residency clinic and was wondering how to sign off a letter if you want to put the resident's initials (the one dictating), the precepting doctor and then your initials. Usually they tell us just to put our initials on a new line, i.e. /mt.
For a doctor you would do: DR/mt, but what about the resident? Do you put both sets of initials? Thanks! ...
I recently was switched to a new account. On the old account my initials appeared after the doctors at the bottom of all reports. Now they are not my personal initials. Anyone else using a platform that does this? ...
Has anyone ever had QA (as IC or employee) remove your initials and put their own? I have never encountered this and wonder if I am overreacting, but it makes me uneasy. Thoughts? ...
I have always typed my initials with the doctor then me as ABC/def. That is the way I was taught when I got my MA degree and have always seen it as that until I started working for this office. They type it ABC:def or ABC;def. Nothing is consistent and seems like everyone does whatever they feel like. Also, when typing a note for a PA and CRNP I always put their initials and then the initials of the doctor and then mine such as ABC/DEF/ghi and I have not seen one report t ...
I thought it was a HIPPA rule to have the transcriptionist's initials as part of the document in the signature block...am I wrong? I am not comfortable leaving mine off. ...
So 2 1/2 years of working for MM, at who knows what pay, only to end that amount of time with nothing to show for it that might be able to be used to get a job for a better company. Is it very likely you could get a coding job elsewhere with nothing but MM experience? ...
If a letter is dictated by one person on behalf of another (the "another" is the one signing the letter), what do I put for the initials at the end of the letter? ...
If a QA has the initials HBE (home-based employee?), does anyone know if they are offshore? If they are US, why don't they have US in front of their number? These people seem to be the nastiest of the bunch and the most nit-picking. I just failed a post-audit because I missed out the word "the" where it made absolutely no difference to the meaning. They also seem to make the most errors as I got a few critical errors reversed recently and it was the QAs with the initials HBE who were ...
..well, I'm really close to finishing. It seems as though, based off things said here, I've made a bad decision. Oh well, I'm almost done, so I mine as well finish and sit for the RMT exam. I actually am applying to school for respiratory therapy. Any newbie's have anything positive to say about their experiences getting started as an MT? I hate to have a negative attitude, that's really not how I am, but sometimes you have to be realistic. I'll still apply to MT jo ...
report in over 2 hours. I'm thankful this is not my family's main source of income but I do need what I used to make. As I said before, I am collecting partial SUI for times like these but really guys, how can we remain employed by a company who does not give us work???? I'm sorry once again for venting. ...
and though I am not thrilled with the pay at my new job after leaving Transcend/Nuance, reading this reminds me why I did leave and reminds me of how stressed I was with them. I have been contacted by lawyers that really seem to be working the class action case. Maybe there's hope on the horizon. ...
Basically, it's been working out fine until one day last week when I received an email from the transcription manager saying that was "short on my time" on one specific day. I was confused because while I agreed to work first shift on specific days, I wasn't aware that I was strictly held to a specific schedule and wondered how they were keeping track of my hours worked because I do not punch a time clock. I assume they are keeping track of the hours I'm logged onto th ...
Asked for work, that there is plenty of work and they need lots of MTs to handle all the work. I was born at night but it wasn't last night and I'm sure you aren't posting there isn't work because you are so busy working OT. ...
I've been all over the place today, from California to New York and everywhere in between, and not a single report from ANY of my "primaries" ... not even one.
There doesn't seem to be ANY rhyme or reason to the type or location of the reports I've gotten ... it's crazy. It's like a switch has been flipped since yesterday, and I also notice my Teamwork timecard has my manager's name changed to the new one. Guess this is what my work flow will look ...
I swear I stopped coming to this board a month or two ago, and today is my first day coming back and it is the same thing! Oh, MT is not what is used to be...oh, we make minimum wage...oh, I hate my life....oh, blah blah blah. If you hate it so bad, then quit and go work at McDonald's! Leave this business and give us MTs who enjoy their job more work to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...
I'm an IC but I don't work for any company, I have my own clients. One of my clients hasn't paid me since August, claiming a cash flow problem and they stated they "want to pay me asap". Well here I sit, tons of work to be transcribed from them but NO motivation because I'm behind on MY bills (IRS, etc) due to them not paying me.
My husband says wait until the 15th of October when they for sure will have my September's work bill and then tell them pay or I quit and wi ...