A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Finished my first week at my new job and I love it! - mtmtmtmtmtmt

Posted: Nov 08, 2009

Well, I started my new job as an office assistant and I love it.  It was nice to know that when I got home, I was done for the day.  I did not have to work into the night and worry about making my lines.  On Friday, we had absolutely no patients scheduled and no doctors were in the clinic and I still got paid.  If I had been doing transcription, I would have been without pay for the entire weekend and would have had to compete with everyone else on my account on Monday to try and make up those lines.  It was great. 


A ton of stress has been lifted off my shoulders knowing that I have a paycheck coming no matter what.  I have benefits.  I have PTO accruing.  It is the best switch I have ever made.  I was going to keep doing transcription on the side, in the evenings and weekends, but I just don't think I am going to do that.  It is nice to not have to worry about it anymore. 


Just giving hope to those out there who are thinking of changing careers.  I can happen and it can be good for you and work out very well.  I can see myself retiring from here, whereas before I had no retirement plan at all. 


I can't wait for my insurance to kick in in January so I can get my new glasses!  My entire family has health, dental and vision coverage now.  We will all get 2 free cleanings every year.  I am just very happy about it. 

Those in depressed state should try outside the home - Lynn

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to find employment that will actually give them a paycheck and benefits if they need them. So many here state they cannot leave their homes to work, thus MTSOs seem to take advantage of them and their pay keeps getting lower and many having to work overtime and extra jobs to make a living. Others like you need to get off their duffs and go for it. This work has gone down steadily over the years and many will not make a living at it anymore but yet they continue to say cannot work out of the home. Good for you, others probably will not listen. Sad.

Do you mind sharing how much you make? - sm

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I was an office assistant years ago & just wondering if the pay has come up. My current checks are getting so low, I might look into going back to it... Congrats on your new job!

I am at 11.38 an hour, plus all the benefits, so it would probably come to $15/hr. - mtmtmtmtmtmtmt

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And I know people will say, "Well, I can make $25 an hour doing transcription." But you have to figure, if the work is not there, then you are not making anything. If you are getting paid 0.10/line, but only getting 100 lines a day, then...

Also, just FYI, my official title is office assistant, but it is really reception. I answer phones, check-in, verify insurance info, collect co-pay and schedule office appointments. So...

Kudos to you! - Lunar

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I'm glad to see you took the big leap to get out of the MT rat-race. Peace of mind is priceless, isn't it?
OMG. You have no clue! (sm) - mtmtmtmtmtmt
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I had absolutely no clue how much stress I was under until I started this job. On Friday and Saturday I was soooooo tired I could barely keep my eyes open. There was just a ton of weight lifted off my shoulders and a lot of the knots I had in my shoulders and neck just disappeared. It was the first time in years that I could relax and actually look at my computer and not feel I needed to be clicking away on it. It was amazing. I really cannot describe it. My computer is now used as a toy! You should see my Farmville farm now! LOL.
I agree about the peace of mind, I too wish that came along with this job, nm - fg
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Wow, that is great! I don't think - sm

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it pays that well around here unfortunately. Since you'll be verifying insurance info, handling co-pays, etc., you might be able to eventually get some experience with medical billing too!
I took billing classes at the same time as I took my transcription (sm) - mtmtmtmtmtmt
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classes and have actually worked as a biller/coder. I would eventually like to get in to patient care technician. I am really enjoying interacting with people again and I am finding that I am pretty good at it! LOL.

I was very lucky to land this position especially with the way things are with the economy.

But, I just wanted to share this to other transcriptionists who feel stuck like I did. Don't sell yourself short! You have a ton of qualities and qualifications to venture out into other fields!

sooo happy you are happeeeeee now. Great!!! - darlene

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Me Too! - Sleepy MT

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I just ended my third week out in the "real world" as an appointment scheduler at an ortho office. I'm only making $10.50 an hour, but full benefits, insurance, actual paid days off after the first of the year, etc. I really, really like it. It's good to be out with people again. Of course it's stressful learning a new job, but it always is. There is hope and there are jobs out there. The person I replaced moved because of her husband's job. There will always be some turnover no matter what, so keep looking. You may have to check out medical offices and send in your resume blind. I don't think this job was ever listed in the paper, etc.--I just happened to know about it because I was an independent contractor there as a MT and they were cutting MTs because of going to EMR, and it was listed on their internal website. I think they use temps from local employment agencies a lot and go from temp to hire if they are happy with you. Just something to check out Oh, by the way, I'm 60, so don't think you're too old to get back in the work force!!

Happy for you. Thanks for posting. Giving hope - to rest of us.

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What are your duties as an office assistant? - What do you have to know?

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I need to find something, but can't afford to go to school for long, both time and money-wise. I just wondered what things you do each day, and did you have to go to school to learn any of them?

Good for you!!!! - passing thru

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So glad things have come together for you!

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