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out of curiosity how many blanks do you leave - sm
Posted: Jul 13, 2014
before you send to QA? We used to be told 4 or more send it, then it changed to whatever you think is best kind of thing.
3 or more - mt2north
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I will send on reports with one or two blanks, but if there is 3 or more I will send on to QA
Never unless I really want to know something I think QA would know - Eets72
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The number of blanks I leave depends on . . . - MacroDiva
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If there is some question as to what the provider is saying (is the potassium really level 393 doctor?) if I don't know the term and cannot find it after a reasonable search, or if I simply cannot understand what is being said. We are an important part of patient care, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The medical record is also a legal document by the way, and it needs to be correct when it leaves our keyboards; sometimes that entails leaving blanks. The longer you have been at this, the fewer terminology blanks you will leave, and more for questioning what you hear, so in the end I think it ends up about the same. There is nothing wrong in leaving a blank if you must; in fact, good MTs do leave blanks, and how many depends entirely on the quality of the audio and the skill of the dictator. Personally, I will not reprimand my subs for leaving blanks, I will only take drastic action if they guess and get it wrong.
What I don't want, in a nutshell, is for the record to be wrong!
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