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Whomever is entering docs into ADT should be held accountable. sm - ververyoldMQMT

Posted: Mar 22, 2011

I have been here with MQ 4ever it seems.  Today, I just need to rant.  It seems that for the last week or so ASR has gotten WORSE, leaving out words and still not changing terms which have been repeatedly "corrected" by me.  It is not "learning".  Of course, I guess this means job security.   

But, the next rant I have is how many ways can someone enter a docs credentials and initials in?   Constantly leaving out the periods after the middle initials.  Sometimes entering MD as such, and then other times M.D.    So, I ask, what IS the correct way and why don't they have to be accountable for the mistakes in the ADT listings.  

Okay, that's it for me today.

agree - ls

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I totally agree. I have some that come up in all caps - personlly I let it go the way it comes up in the search - figure that's the way they want it and have been told in the past to pull the names in from the search to be sure the spelling is correct - so there you have it - but there are a lot of inconsistencies for sure

I agree! - clockpuncher

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I see things like:

Jane Smith, MD ID # 12345 Cardiology
Jane Smith ID # 54321 Cardiology
Jane Smith, M.D. ID #00000 Cardiology

Now, which one would you pick??? Maybe all the same person, maybe entered multiple times, who knows! I pick new and enter Dr. Jane Smith and let someone else figure it out.

Abbreviations - Anon

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We were told years ago to delete the periods in MD, PhD, RN, etc.

Exactly, which is why ASR should do the same - Just Sayin nm

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I was told if ASR has not learned by now, it never will - Sunflower

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At the end of the report when they do their mumbo jumbo of....this is so and so...please send copy to and a copy to and a copy to.....I put it all under a skip marker. Instead of s-skip, then red-s, s-skip....Just highlight the whole thing and skip it cause it is not learning.

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