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Type what I wanna say - lovemydane

Posted: Jun 04, 2015

I would absolutely love to be able to leave a QA note on every report where the dictator is being a true imbecile.  QA note "dictator smacking candy, unable to clarify."  QA note "dictator calling from cell phone with bratty kids screaming in the background."  QA note "dictator carrying on conversation with several others while dictating, unable to clarify what is or is not supposed to be in report."  QA note "dictator a complete idiot, mumbling the whole time, spelling everything incorrectly, having a party with music and yelling in the background." 

Feel free to add!!! 

Hahaha - FlynFngrz

[ In Reply To ..]
QA note: Dictator calling on cell phone while in cavernous bathroom. Difficult to hear due to "water running."

Giggle - lovemydane

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Brought me to tears with that one.

Hazard pay - kcmt

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I think, at the very least, we should get hazard pay for transcribing some of these people. It is truly maddening how incompetent they are..and these are the people who are supposed to be saving lives.

Another example - lovemydane

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The one I just did... QA note "dictator dictating on floor, several conversations going on in background, dictator moving phone, putting phone down, forgetting where he is in the dictation, covering the phone with his hand to keep the background noise down (duh), shuffling papers, and speed talking"

I actually put such notes in the QA box. - but in professional manner

[ In Reply To ..]
"Cannot hear dictation adequately over background conversations." (nurses)

"Cannot hear dictation adequately over background noise." (screaming kids, dropping equipment, shuffling papers, et cetera.)

"Unable to discern whether doctor is dictating or continuing his conversation on the phone."

"Unable to discern whether doctor is dictating or talking to the nurse."

I don't bother to send a note to TSM with job number and doctor's name anymore, except for those who talk on the phone.

I document sound problems, etc., in the QA box. Yes, I know they might delete it, but too bad, they were informed.

once i put - moonchild

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i could not hear about 90% of the report. the entire thing was blanks. i put THIS AUDIO SUCKS! i think they had to agree.

QA note - sm

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"Dictator mumbles, slurs speech and talks extremely fast."

Type - wanna say

[ In Reply To ..]
QA note: Mid dictation, female physician taking a phone call from her lover, angry at him over the possibility of having impregnated her.

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