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Supervisor says I'm wasting her time asking questions - BH

Posted: Sep 23, 2010


I got an e-mail about procedures for canceled reports and when I asked the CCM, I didn't get an answer. Then I e-mailed the mentors (for when we need to talk to somebody about a problem), and she was responding to the mentor e-mails. She said " I noticed you asked the mentors this, so again, you are asking and taking up 3 people's time."   Actually, I only e-mailed her and the mentor.

Every time this one lady dictates a report, she spends a lot of time with side conversations, then says to cancel the report. We got some complicated instructions about what to do with canceled reports. Whenever I try to follow these instructions, it leads me in circles, and I can't submit.  When I e-mail support, I don't get an answer right away, so I ended up putting it through the regular way.  I got a really severe e-mail from the supervisor because she got an e-mail from the dictator herself about this canceled report.

Well, anyway, anytime I e-mail this supervisor about anything, she says I should spend more time working than asking questions.

Can you look at accounts specifics or pend the report? - lindawordlady

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I don't work for Medquist but if I asked a question and did not get an answer, I would keep asking until I do. Another thing, if you have accounts specifics, pull that up (I am assuming you saved it and can just pull it up) and do a control F to find what you are looking for instead of reading thru the whole thing. Ya know what I mean? Do a control F and type something like cancelled reports to see what comes up. That's what I do, as it saves time from reading the whole thing, which in my case is 17 pages long. Hope that helps. Could you pend the report and ask for feedback in regards to that answer? Hope that helps.

Account Specifics - BH

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I have the whole account specifics. They keep changing it. So if I have questions and these instructions don't work when I submit a report, I ask what to do. They send me the account specifics again. That's like saying "if you don't understand #1, then refer back to #1.

wait... you get mentors? - where is my mentor?

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About the CCM, I would explain 1 time in an e-mail that you are unclear about something. If you do not get a response in 24 hours, then mail out to whomever you like and add note to it that you asked CCM 24 hours ago, with no response.

Also, maybe ask the QA lead for your region becuase she knows all the facilities and what they want, and also you could just CALL and not wait for an e-mail, especially if you are in a report.

Mentors - BH

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They don't want us to call. I did get called by payroll once, because they thought I didn't understand something.

It's sort of a joke, I think. If you don't understand the rules, don't ask questions. Just read the rules again. Yes, we are assigned a mentor, but only if we are in mentoring. After that, you have to use the mentor loop, and only if it is about a specific report. Otherwise, you may get the same mean supervisor answering the mentor loop.

Wasting Supervisor's Time - Nature

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I am so sorry you have a supervisor like that. It is too bad she does not realize that you are wasting your time, because she cannot give good instructions. I guess I am just lucky that I have a wonderful supervisor. It is also hard to believe that a doctor does not realize that by the time you have typed a report, and she says "forget this report," that it is too late...you have already typed it. Makes you wonder about her compentency. Hope things get better for you, but I know how that goes.

I would look at the client profile and if there are no instructions there or you don't understa - mqmt

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She and the mentor are there to help you otherwise why are they even there?

I have emailed the "higher ups" about things and my CCM asks me to go per protocol but I never get a response unless I do go above her head. She has no business being a manager period!

Um, what? - Mt

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MQ Guidelines tell you exactly what to do - type it, enter twice, type DICTATION CANCELLED, make QA note (without a marker) saying the same thing and upload. If the client wants something different it should be in the CP. If the dictator said cancel, it's recorded, so what's the problem, exactly?

Canceled reports - BH

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It's because new rules in Cornerstone give you instructions to put comments in the comment box of the customer flag pane, and when you do that, a red error comes up and says you have text in the comment box and to remove it, and then another error comes up saying you must put "canceled-lines only" in comment box, and you go round in circles.

There are no instructions for this hospital account to make QA note without a marker.

and you posted here why? - Mt

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This is the MQ board, so everyone assumed you worked there. Perhaps that is why you are confusing the heck ou of everyone.
I do work for MQ. - BH
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I do work for MQ.
cancelled jobs - exspherismt
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I hear you BH. I think I am on the same account you are and the rules are changing weekly. If you haven't already, try emailing the help desk for questions. They are really nice and help me out a lot.
Canceled jobs - BH
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I work on the Cornerstone platform, S&W account. I have decided, as you say, that support desk is best. (That is help desk.) That way, as the jobs are being submitted, right then I get help for that specific report, then I don't have to tell the supervisor my problem the next day. (They usually don't send you the manual to read - which you already have. They just help you get that job submitted, because they don't want to hold it up either.

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