A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Happy Thanksgiving from MTStars - Moderator

Posted: Nov 25, 2010

MTStars wishes everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. 

We are thankful for all of our posters, their opinions, their participation and an opportunity to provide a gathering place for all.

MTStars Team


and I appreciate the opportunity to be part of this - Backwards Typist

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forum over the years. It has been very helpful and a lot of fun.

Thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at MTStars.

Couldn't do without MTStars... - Yochana

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It's the best!!

MTStars is very informative - RLee

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and a useful learning tool for myself. Happy Thanksgiving to your team!!!

Thank you MTStars - M&M

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Thank you MTStars!

Hope it was a great one for you, and everyone else, too. :) NM - Fellow Traveller

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Empty Stars is a funny smart place - JohnLopresti

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It's nice to visit here again. Still laid off from widespread offshoring. I wish there were something brilliant and charming all MTStars' intelligent writers could do in this time of turbulence in the "industry", so we could continue to make it worthwhile for our doctors, patients, universities, hospitals, and similar institutions and people; so they could hire us at a fair wage and benefit from our cheer and precision.

Maybe I should start writing advertising copy for medical transcription software...nah, I still want to work with all those bright doctors, and share their responsibility.

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