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Shorthand License Won't Be Renewed - mkd

Posted: Sep 24, 2014

From my sup:  "I just received word that Shorthand licenses will not be renewed at the next expiration.  Most of you use the expanders in Fluency, so are not affected.  I believe there are still a few of you who use Shorthand still, you may want to use this advance notice to transition over to the word expander in Fluency."

This so upsets me!


Can the IT department - sm

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change your expanders from shorthand to Fluency? I worked for a place after I left Medquist a few years back, where I had saved the user.aco file to my computer..the company had an IT guy who converted them from Medquist to their format..Wasnt easy, but he was a really smart guy. Call Phil..see how well that works..

Considering "Phil" can't even figure out - sm

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how to let us fuzzy search physician names after all this time, I wouldn't hold my breath that they can figure out how to convert an expander dictionary!

LOL I know, I crack myself up sometimes - nm

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No, no! - Must not call Phil

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until further notice.

I've been paying for my own ShortHand forever. Didn't even know - sm

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that they were ever paying for it since Fluency has a built-in expander (even though it's garbage). I've searched forever for a comparable cheaper or free expander program, but no luck so far, so I keep paying for Shorthand...

Pay For Your Own - mkd

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That is probably what I will do if they will allow it. I use the Fluency word expander to expand words, but I use Shorthand for the other shortcuts that require multi-key commands and tons of other things. It's a shame they are not renewing. I wish they would reconsider.

I put all my expansions on Shorthand. That way, I can use them - sm

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anywhere I go with any platform. Much better than trying to use a company's proprietary expander program.

They said the same thing about Instant Text, - however,

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when it was taking me so long to get my computer up and running because they told me I needed to transition from Instant Text to shorthand, my supervisor had me call and get Instant Text installed and I have been using it anyway for well over a year since it was supposedly not renewed. If they ever make it so Instant Text doesn't work, I will quit and find a new job rather than switch everything over. I would just continue to use Shorthand if that is what you are using. It will probably continue to work and they will probably help you with it anyway if something goes wrong with it. I think there are too many people using both programs to actually make us all quit.

Shorthand is $30/yr. Well worth paying for rather than quitting IMO. - Always paid for my own. nm

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Breevy is only $30 one time cost. You can import your Shorthand list to it. - FYI nm.

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Shorthand Cornerstone Licenses Will Be Renewed - sm

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I checked with my manager regarding the above claim. She had not heard about this. Even though she seriously doubted that Shorthand licenses would not be renewed, she checked with her boss who confirmed that "Cornerstone Shorthand licenses will be renewed."

If there is something different happening to those on Fluency, I do not have any info regarding that. I also refuse to speculate because that just causes unnecessary drama. I can only suggest that those using Fluency check with their HDSM before panicking.

What if we've been paying for our own? Wonder if they'll cover it. - nm

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