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Resigned, not a word from MQ??? - dabbcart

Posted: Feb 11, 2010

I worked for MQ for over 3 years, resigned last week.  Not a word from anyone from MQ.  I worked weekends, every holiday except Christmas and Thanksgiving, worked extra when they asked, always made up time, hardly ever had any time off except for things like family emergencies......2-3 days at a time, never a whole week!  Geez, ya think they would miss that.  I will miss this board, feel like I had friends at home.  Will be working outside.  Is this normal?  Not to say bye?

byebye - sm

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Absolutely normal. I flat out quit one day and about a week later someone called. I announced at that time I quit and for them to send a label for me to send back their equipment. 2 months later it's still here! Yeah, they love and appreciate us huh! I just love checking back on this board once in a while. Glad I got out. Everything stays the same.

I will say bye to ya dabbcart! - stuck4now

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Bye and GOOD LUCK to you!

Does the new job have room for another? :j Please, take me with you!!!

Resigning - MT

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I sent an e-mail resigning and my phone did ring that afternoon. I was in QA Dept at the time, so maybe they were low on QA people or something.

It took forever for my shipping ticket to get here. I called them 3 weeks after resigning, and they got right on it.

Word to the wise: Print out that e-mail resignation so they can't come back to you and say you didn't tell them. The e-mail will have the date on it for proof. Then save it on your very own personal computer, if you have your own computer.

Also, when you actually get the ticket, track it on the computer and then print out the entire "proof" of arrival to MQ--it has the date, who signed for it, etc. I am keeping my "proof" for at least a year. Have heard some horror stories of MQ bugging people to send back equipment they already sent back, and threatening to charge them for it.

To resigning MT - Alice

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I resigned from MQ and sent their equipment back. Fortunately enough, I kept receipts, copies, etc. and could prove I sent it back. They started to write/call me that they were going to have their LAWYERS come after me for not returning their equipment. I sent them a copy of the receipts, copies, etc. and told then that if any LAWYER were going to be involved, it would be my own, thank you very much, and to stop harrassing me or I would start a little legal action of my own. That was the last I heard from them. Good riddance. But do CYA, you know, "cover your, um, ankles," with these folks, as they will try anything with anybody.

road hard and put up wet - work horse

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They don't give a hoot about anything but their $bottom$ line. Use you up and throw you out. I can't believe how smart you are to only work there 3 years! You are brilliant! They are dull and stupid.

Gee, I have worked every Christmas except twice - in 20 years!

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I have worked EVERY Thanksgiving for the last 20 years. I have worked every Christmas Eve for 20 years. I have worked every Christmas except 2 in 20 years. I have worked every Christmas Eve for 20 years and every New Year's Eve and New Years Day for 20 years. Work Friday nights and Saturday mornings. Although, I have had a week off here and a week off there 3 times in 20 years.

IT SUCKS!!!! I did not become a nurse because their hours, pay, working holidays sucked, but that was 20 years ago and now look at the money they are bringing in and my pay has been cut in half? TRANSCRIPTION SUCKS!!!!!!!!

Good luck to you! You are lucky to break away from the ball and chain.

Me too!! In 25 years only 1 christmas and 0 thanksgivings! - I work weekends, too.

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I guess you gotta know somebody.

That is -- I was OFF 1 Xmas and 0 Thanksgivings! - I work weekends, too.

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I have worked every single holiday for a quarter of a century.

I gotta leave MQ, seriously.

Are you kidding? - AnotherMT

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Do you think anyone really cares in a company with hundreds of employees doing the same thing you did? You aren't the first dedicated employee to leave, I can't believe you really expect them to care. You are just a blip on their radar screen. If you worked in an office and people actually knew you, it might be different, but we are just dots on a map. For every dedicated employee that leaves, another one will show up to take their place. You, as a person, matter not to the company.

Resigned after 4 years - Former MQer

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I quit last May, cold turkey. No more MT. I called and let my supervisor know. She was really surprised and sorry that I was going. I was a Tier 3, did a good job, hardly ever heard from the company, asked for a raise in January, reminded the supervisor again in March about my request for a raise. Nothing. I was ready to quit by May. I was still at 7 cpl. I found it a little frustrating that the hard working, quiet MTs out there don't receive any feedback about the good job they're doing. BTW, she did call me a month later to see if I wanted to come back. I miss the terminology!! I watch "House" just to hear it! But between the frustration of ESLs, the low pay, tied to the computer, no time off for Part Timers, I decided to free myself up. It's a sweatshop.

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