A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I resigned! - mt4ovr20

Posted: Aug 17, 2011

I resigned from MQ and I feel so much better!  I was so stressed out and have a lot of things going on with my family that I felt that I had to get out of this crazy job and I tell you what, I feel great!  Good luck to everyone that stays with the Q.   Laughing

I did too!! - mecmt

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Congratulations! I did too..I gave my notice a week ago but the last 3 days have been so stressful there I just couldn't work. Probably forfeited the PTO I had built up but I was so unhappy I couldn't take it anymore..I did find a new better paying, better hour job that I start next week..I hope you find something!

i wish - lottery

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I wish I did not need the money and could just resign.

Good luck to you.

Did you all take a transcription job - or something else??

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I just have one more semester and then I am finished with school and will be done before Christmas. Unfortunately, I do not know if I can hold up much longer. This company depresses me and it so demoralizing.

Still an MT/MTE - mecmt

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Yes I took a position with Transcend..the pay is better and the hours are good...I know with every company there are good and bad things said, but experiencing it firsthand with the Q really put it in perspective. Good luck to you!

Thanks! YOU ARE GOING TO DO GREAT! - Good Luck to you!

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Some people on this board say grass is not always greener on the other side, but LITERALLY, IT CAN BE A LOT GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE.

Anything beats the stress MQ has caused. It will not get any better, but worse. I am not negative, just a realist :)
I agree. I left 3 months ago too! - ex-MQ MT
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I went to Keystrokes. Like Transcend, there are a lot of bad postings lately, but I decided to make my own decision and I am so glad I did. One of my MT friends went to Transcend the same time I went to Keystrokes and is very happy too. The grass is definitely greener anywhere than at MQ!
Questions - sm
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Do you find that their ASR is more efficient? Do they offer bonuses? Do they give cost of living increases? Do they supply you with a computer? What else can you tell us? Thanks. Sorry so many questions!

Re: I resigned! - Nick

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Congratulations! If you were here I would buy you dinner. I never felt so good as the day I saw MQ in my rearview mirror.

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