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Radiology Jobs still making decent money? - RADMT

Posted: Mar 17, 2010

Are there any MT's out there that do Radiology and still have good accounts and are still making decent money???  Just checking, going to lose my biggest account in a few weeks.....

How do you know? Now I am worried. sm - RadMT

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I cannot lose another account. We keep hearing that they are growing, but where is the work???? Is this account in NJ?

Radiology - RADMT

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We were told in Feb that out hospital would not need us after March 31st...they are trying to place people but suggested most go to HIM...this account is in Mass.

Same here - 12yrmt

[ In Reply To ..]
We must be on the same account. I'm not looking forward to the move to HIM. Maybe I'll get lucky and be put on an account with some work still available.

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