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Now they want us to sign out every time we get up - fed up

Posted: Nov 13, 2012

Now we are supposed to sign out every time we get up to go to the bathroom, etc.  No way.  Supposedly affects our line count. I get twice what I am supposed to line count wise according to the statistics so screw that. I also get paid for 2 20 minute breaks a day according to state law and I don't have to sign out for them.  What next. A GPS on our person?

Where have you heard this? I didn't hear or get an email - about anything of a sort.

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is it just your TSM telling you this? That would make for an awful lot of punches if you have an over-active bladder or diarrhea.

Have'nt heard or read that anywhere.

signing out - fed up

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Yes, TSM and have heard this before as well. If not it is supposedly "time card fraud."

I have only ever been told to punch out if I am - away from my computer for

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an extended period of time or if Im on break, NEVER, ever been told to punch out to go to the bathroom and I have had 2 different CCMs over the years.

I get up to warm my coffee, grab a quick sandwich or whatever and nobody has ever said anything to me.

So I guess all over the world people are comitting time card fraud both in-house jobs and at home jobs everytime they get up to go to the restroom or get a drink.

Unfortunately, this loads to problems with possible DQS time matching. - dnr

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This is what I was told to do a long time ago when I was hired, but then, a couple of years ago they decided to go after people whose DQS time that didn't match the time cards. Yes, I sign out of both DQS and Schedule Source, but interruptions don`t coincide with breaks.

Now that's funny. Timecard fraud. One of the - issues in Transcend lawsuit NM

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Glad that these MT companies are finally paying - Transcend lawsuit
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It is about time.M Modal better get with it or they are going to get another CA lawsuit. They prob don't care though as what did we get from the last one...nothing. Time card fraud...yeah right.

Oh well... - me

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Then I guess I better keep Teamwork minimized at the bottom of my screen because I have an overactive bladder. LOL.

I'd wear a diaper and keep a litter box by my desk - L&L

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if I had to sign out every time I had to pee. I don't worry about anything unless I'm over the 15% wasted time noted on those pointless statistics. Also, it used to be they allowed a 10% difference between cloked-in time and DQS time. Don't know about that now.

When we sign out, are we supposed to make up that time sm - shortcake

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at the end of our shift? I have a very tight schedule on most days and when my shift is over, I clock out and I'm out of here. So if I clock out say 3 times for 5 or so minutes each, that is at least 15 minutes short of my shift, although I always make my line count. Maybe prison clothes and an pretty ankle bracelet will be next????

Good luck with enforcing this one - They can

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kiss my flaccid white behind with their time card fraud threats. C-ya in court!

yeah,they want you to make up the time you are signed out - fed up

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so if you are signed out half an hour, you have to make it up. Sounds like Prison camp.

plus who cares anyway, not like we are getting paid by the hour - fed up

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I don't see the big deal with the whole time card fraud thing. We get paid for what work we do. Nothing else.
Exactly!! I wish there was a way to stop this - craziness. How can SM
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this be timecard fraud when we are only paid when are fingers are moving on the keyboard? I really don't understand this at all. Actually, the companies are committing fraud by asking us to "adjust" our timecards so they don't have to pay minimal wage because in reality that is what many make. Transcend lawsuit addresses this issue.

i could be so much more productive - without a time clock

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but of course I ain't no big CEO or nothin'.

Me too!!! I guarantee I'd have more lines at the end of the - sm

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day without all this corporate nonsense!!! I definitely miss the good old days.

Id have more lines if I had a primary, LIKE AMY PROMISED - fools

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Apples to oranges - old and burned out

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Right now I am earning an hourly rate that is approximately what I earned 30 years ago. That is assuming the working conditions are approximately the same - i.e. I worked in an office where I got up to go to the bathroom, had conversations with my coworkers, and got up to get a cup of coffee, etc., and never had to clock out. If I now have to clock out every time I take a short break, I cannot even compare what I earned then to what I earn now. Perhaps that is what they want.

BOOST program - nightowl2

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Its probably part of the BOOST program. I had to go through a little training session because my percentage of idle time was rather high. So what they are saying is if you can limit the interruptions until you finish the report, it won't go against you on your idle time. As long are you are not in a report, it won't go against you. They have lots of little programs that tell them how long you have been sitting at your desk picking your nose, dealing with dogs, children, someone at the door, or your college kid calling for a change! it actually will boost your production if you could just tell the dogs to shut the heck up and continue working til you are done with the report.

Yep I agree - TooOldForThis

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this BOOST program is probably one of the reasons behind this punching out to go peeeee.. my percentages are horrible, but mind are because I spend too much time searching specs for answers, and WAITINGGGGG for email replies to my questions, sometimes up to 45 minutessss, and I have 'parked' jobs and have done like 5 more reports and still WAITINGGG for a reply to a question so that I can send the report on. Sometimes I have gotten so fed up I just sit and WAIT, and then when they ask WHY my line count looks bad or my percentage.. well then ANSWER YOUR EMAILS..

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