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here's your sign - catwoman

Posted: Dec 07, 2009

For the past three years my husband an I have hosted his company Christmas party here at our home.  The company and employees make all the arrangements, including sending a cleaning service the day before!  It's great. All I have to do is sit back and watch as my home is transformed into a beautiful Christmas party venue. 

This year he has a new boss.  She called me just a bit ago and was asking for help with finding a cake.  (She's new the the area)  She said "John (my husband) says you work at home, so I was wondering if you'd be able to go to a couple of different bakeries and order us a cake".  I tell her sure, no problem.  When I take my lunch or after work I can do that for you.  (silence on the line, a long, long silence)  So I say "hello...".  

She finally says, "l'm sorry.  John said you work at home, am I missing something"?  I explain, yeah I work at home, I do medical transcription...at home... in a home office... and she says "I'm sorry, I'm kind of confused.  Can you do this favor or not"?  I'm laughing at this point, feel compelled to explain to the ninny that it is a "real job" and I have "real scheduled hours" and when John said "she works at home" that he didn't mean that I was a home maker!  Her reply is "hmm,  That's different isn't it"?  I say, "okay, if you say so"...

Some people!  So clueless!  Anyway, it made me laugh.  I'm going to look for the cake later though.  I'm going to order the most expensive one I can find and charge it to their account!

My opinion of this.... - sm

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You felt she automatically thought you were someone below her and felt compelled to confuse the issue. A lot of women work from home, not just doing MT. She only asked if you could do it or not, so what's the big deal?

I'm not really finding why you had to call her a ninny? Did that make you feel better?

You do know that some people do not realize that MT is a work at home occupation as it is also done in-house.

I guess this all made you feel real special today, but I'm really not seeing why you felt the need to downgrade the woman on the other end.

It sounds to me like you are jealous of her! LOL

opinion - xoxo

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Meow much?! So then we must guess that firing back at this poster makes YOU feel better? Makes YOU feel special? You're all spit and venom today! I don't get "jealous" from that posting... Yours on the other hand is just plain silly.

I thought the story was funny!! I've had people thinking that since I work at home also that I've just got all the time in the world to do whatever. Afterall, I've got all day to get it done right! haha!

Come on now! It's funny, that's all!


meow! - prettykitty

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=o) Funny!

And you firing at me is okay? - sm

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The OP is full of herself. This job is nothing but a type at home Mommy job and we all know it to be true; so why come off like she is muckety muck to someone calling on the phone.

Furthermore, if she was on scheduled hours, why is she answering the phone anyhow?

This OP likes to toot her own horn and her post is silly and just downright rude!
sm - zippitydooda
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WOW. Don't value yourself much as an at-home worker do you? My job is certainly more than that to me.

Answering the phone at home hardly requires adept multi-taking training.

How is it rude? I don't understand why your feathers are so ruffled. If you didn't or couldn't appreciate her little story, why try to shoot it down? Why not just skip on to another posting, perhaps something that makes you smile instead of reminds you that you only have a glorified "type at home mommy job"?

We all toot our own horns once in a while. TOOT. there, i just tooted mine! settle down before you bust a vein.
re: zip - OMG
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I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt! I don't know how these conversations escalate like they do, but this posting (zippitydooda)made me laugh so hard!

By the way, I also feel that my job is much more than "opinions" does. I'm sure hundreds of us MTs do as well.

TOOT! I did it again!
The same reason you felt you didn't - need to skip to another posting.
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All opinions are welcome here and that was my opinion of this OP's post. My opinion is that of ignorance on the OP's part.

I wonder what the lady at John's work thinks of his goofy wife that "works from home." LOL

It's all funny to me! No veins are busting.
work at home wife - ImeldaQ
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If John is anything like my husband, he's very proud of his wife. I don't how many of us took on MT'ing as a second or third career, but I did and I certainly don't think that John's wife has anything to be jealous of. She's probably an educated woman, like many of us, who works very hard in a field that takes expertise, accuracy, concentration and focus. This is a specialized field. I love it.

I personally am a retired CCU/RN, who wanted to keep her foot in the health field door so took on MT'ing and legal nurse consulting. I work each job, part time at home and this is most certainly don't feel I'm "goofy". My husband think's it's great.

definitely NOT "goofy" - mt
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I agree with you ImeldaQ.

On a side note, I don't understand why a person would feel compelled to react that way to such a cute little story, but whatever, that's their problem, I guess.
"A type at home Mommy job," Speak for yourself. - Fingers
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No, we do not "all know this to be true." You should speak only for yourself, as this statement is what is "silly and downright rude."

To "toot my own horn," I take my job very seriously and I do not consider making approximately $50,000 per year a "type at home Mommy job." I personally would not be able to produce 98% or better legal medical documents in the amount that I do if I had kids at home to care for.

I think the OP's point was that some people, like you, do not consider an MT job a serious employment commitment, but only something for someone with nothing better to do. It is sad that you look at yourself in this manner, but fortunately you do not speak for all of us.
fingers - smithnwesson
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WELL SAID! Your posting speaks for HUNDREDS of MTs. Bravo (or Brava)!

sm - LOL

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WHOA! I can just picture you, your feet slightly parted, planted firmly on the floor, hand on hip, brows crossed intently, red face, finger shaking at the face, yelling! ROFLMAO!

Settle down, they're just sharing. That's what the board is for, to share stories.

Catwoman, it was a funny story. I get where you're coming from!

re:LOL - chismosa

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This picture would be complete and haunting if you'd have put in that she was in a robe and hair rollers with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth! Then it would be my MOM! EEK!

Easy Tiger! Lighten up! NM - lol

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working at home-who is confusing? - wondering

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Sounds like you are the one that is confused. This person who wanted the OP to go and look for the cake obviously DID NOT have a clue about working from home and just figured she could do whatever she wanted when she wanted. Much like lots of folks who think because we work at home we can do anything we want.

You are the one that sounds jealous! We have enough problems in the MT business trying to be "credible." Why are you making things worse?

LOL - (sm)

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Reminds me of the time my husband's aunt called wanting me to plan my MILs 60th B-day party. I sat silent for a moment, then told her I was going to have to have my husband call her when he got home. She had said something about it just being a few phone calls, blah, blah, blah. Now, I realize she probably thought that MIL would appreciate it more if we did it, but she just has not walked a mile in my shoes. I know some here could have pulled it off too, but not me. For me life is constant work, never enough, fear of losing the job at any moment, and definitely anything but a mommy job. My kids are growing up without a mother because of this job, but at least they have food and a roof. If I knew then what I know now . . . Anyway, auntie called later and told DH when the party was and asked if he would bring potato salad (he hates potato salad -- LOL) and sodas. I missed the party . . . yep, you guessed it, I had to work.

And I wonder how many of the people reading this - understood

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'here's your sign.'

Google it if you didn't.

Hilarious . . . . sm - Hiya

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I googled it and actually this link to Scopes.com is hilarious reading: http://www.snopes.com/humor/jokes/heresign.asp

I understand why she was confused. Your husband told her ...sm - at home

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that you "work AT home." He should have said that you "work FROM home."

Many people do not get it that one has a JOB when told that "one works AT home." They just assume this means that you are a housewife.

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