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MQ buys JLG. How many companies has MQ - bought out this year? 3? 4?

Posted: Sep 16, 2011

"Chewed up and spat out" might be a better description.

MQ buys JLG - cathy

[ In Reply To ..]
Oh boy, I work at JLG and come home today to see MedQuist has taken over. I work weird hours as I also drive a school bus and things have worked out well with JLG in my doing this. Now from what I understand a timeclock will be involved when in fact all along we have been on production knowing exactly how many lines you need to produce to receive benefits. There is so much confusion here and this spooks me.

MQ buys JLG - Former MT

[ In Reply To ..]
Cathy, whatever you do don't give up that other job. The Q is terrible. They acquired Spheris and it was all downhill from there. I too have always worked other jobs outside the transcription field. Thank goodness I was offered full time at one of them right around the time my account of 10 plus years "disappeared" one Monday morning.... You have about a year before the whole thing caves in - I would start looking now. Sad but true!

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xxx ...