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The Q buys JLG? - can someone confirm?

Posted: Sep 16, 2011

I wonder how that's going over down there? I can only surmise.

can someone confirm? - nonya

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YES, MQ has sucked up...oops I mean bought JLG. Depressing, can't seem to get away from the Q!

Never mind....I see the - has already posted NM

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A lot of MTs are NOT having a good day. nm - HatesMQ

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And nowhere left to go as MQ will soon - MT

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own every MT company in the US. Glad I have an in-house hospital position I will be going full time with sometime next year (someone retiring), I am part time now. Small rural hospital with no desire to outsource...tried it a few years ago and then went back to their own MTs because of doctor complaints.

Cannot wait to put in my notice with MQ.

Not me..VERY happy to start fresh with MQ!! - JLG was not good for me

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"Q" sucks (up companies and then spits out the employees) - Former MT

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So sorry for those of you at JLG who love their jobs. You have 9 months to a year to get your crap together and run.... and I don't necessarily mean to another transcription company. Learn something new, go work at Wal-Mart for a bit... whatever. I would love to go back into transcription, but with the "Q" gobbling up everything in sight I would live in constant fear of receiving that same Email I got when I was working for Spheris, that the Q was taking over. I left last month after 10 years as an MT and instructor for MT programs....can you believe my new boss in a completely different field actually sat down and asked me how things were working out for me???? I had worked for these people before and left to become an MT.... was told "we hope you never leave again." The Q (not my CCM-she was awesome) just sent me a form letter or two regarding my "termination" (that term ticks me off) and the return of equipment! SAD!!!

uh oh - Cathy

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holy moly... I did love my job and the people I've talked to at JLG says nothing really is going to change. Boy I've heard that one before, this isn't my first transcription rodeo. I honestly don't know what to do as things are working well right now.

holy moly - Former MT

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Here's my story, sad but true. Worked full time at an MT, always kept "something" on the back burner. After the first so-called "MT Reward" 4 months after the buyout (pay cut-loss of bonuses, etc.) I went to PT with the Q, and worked more hours at one of my other jobs....This summer this employer asked me to go full time shortly after yet ANOTHER pay cut. Can't believe I was actually toying with the idea of still sticking around the Q. Then the day (literally) before I had to give my decision my account just vanished...(to India?) Well, at that point I figured, here's your sign! I left last month, and now my bills are getting paid on time. I don't think with things going the way they were at the Q I would have been able to balance my work with 3 jobs and my life, cuz they would eventually probably want me working some God-awful schedule that would have conflicted with my delicately-balanced days. Best of luck to you! Get your foot out the door now ( as it sounds like you have) before the roof caves in!
oh boy - Cathy
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When I talked with people at JLG they were "positive" about the changes. Me on the other hand know better than to think that. I drive a school bus during the day and work 5-11 and Saturdays right now so am hopefully going to keep that. Every email I get from JLG they say "at the present time" everyone will be hired into Q but I truly am very anxious about this. Bus driving doesn't pay well enough to pay my bills but has kick ass benefits. I absolutely am keeping ALL options open on a wait and see basis.

ptsd - moonchild

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i can only speak for myself but i can't even begin to describe how depressed i am about jlg being taken over by medquist. i quit medquist 2 years ago after 2 years of feeling like i was living with an abusive spouse, voluntarily giving up benefits because it was so horrible, became an independent contractor with jlg and have had 2 very happy and productive years. now they are telling me i have to go back and live with my abusive spouse. i've been crying all day. maybe it won't be as bad as it was 2 years ago but from all the posts i see here, it doesn't look like much has changed. this is a very sad day.

Dear Moonchild - Former MT

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I gave all I had to my MT career for 10 plus years, went through 2 buyouts by other companies, and we eventually became Spheris.... but nothing prepared me for the discouragement I experienced after the Q became my "master." Two pay cuts in less than a year, then my account of 10 years just went away one Monday morning-POOF. Thankfully, I was in the middle of deciding whether to take a job in a completely different field and that made the decision for me! I am so sorry for what you are going through, but it's experiences like yours that will probably keep me from ever returing to the MT line of work... constant dread of THE Q gobbling up my employer!!! Best of luck.

i wonder.. - moonchild

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...if at the ripe old age of 57 i could go back to college and still be able to pay all my bills and my mortgage and try something else. being 5 years away from social security (if there is any) it hardly seems worth it. maybe i could rob a bank and get put in prison and have free board and medical care. almost preferable to how i felt when i worked for MQ. okay, i'm going to stop now....gonna try to shut up until i know for sure if its as bad as my fears. thanks for commiserating.!
Well, at least you will have some time to decide - what to do. I went thru this with
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a different company a few years back. The changes won't happen overnight. That's pretty much physically impossible.

My advice would be, don't panic and jump ship unless you have a sure thing waiting in the wings. For now, you can pretty much coast, ride it out, and see what happens.

Still, there WILL be changes. If you're happy where you are now, you likely will NOT like the changes when they finally do come.

In the meantime (i.e., the next 3-6 months), explore your options. Put a Plan-B into place. School could be an option, especially if you're not the sole support of yourself or your family. Then you might be able to go full-time.

If you're staying in MT, it's hard to say where to look next, as I'm kind of in the same boat right now, though I made the choice to stick it out and see what happened. That was 4 years ago, I've been looking in earnest for the past 2 years. Still havent found anything yet, as my goal is to get out of MTSOs and back to a job in-hospital. Which may happen, or may not.

I'm 62 and could take SS soon, but am waiting as long as possible, because there just isn't going to be very much there. And I'll still have to work.

I'm in a pretty precarious balance right now, there's just no where else I can cut back. So all it will take is one more paycut, or an illness, or a rent increase, and I may have to move back in with Mom. At age 62+. :(

Still, maybe there are changes coming that we don't even see yet. I'm hoping a new field will open up that I'll be good at. Or that some sort of legislation to control this mess of an industry will come about that will benefit the MT. Something will have to give, not only in MT, but in the entire country, because it cant go on like this much longer without caving in.

it is as bad - North MT

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I know there are still some cheerleaders on this board and some who have just started who apparently are just grateful to have a job, but honestly it is as bad as 2 years ago if not worse. The benefits went from pretty decent to downright terrible in June ($6000 deductible for family that costs over $500 a month) and they started this lovely First Time Right program which means if you end up sending more than 5% of your line count to QA they dock you 3 cents. Per line. Sure there is a way around it- just don't send to QA. Ever. Yeah they still audit and deny raises. They also cut back the tier rates and what they pay so some people took huge pay cuts while others didn't.

Depending on who your CCM is and what accounts you get you might be okay for awhile until you find something else. At least you know the program and the learning curve won't be as long. If you come in expecting the worst then you won't be disappointed. Just make sure you get a decent line rate coming in because as you know they don't give raises and that will be your rate forever.

sigh - moonchild

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we had a conference call today that said we'd keep are current rates and maybe even our clients, but he kept saying "at least initially". I know what that means.

thanks for the honesty. i'm expecting the worst but hoping for the best. i like to be prepared. :/
sigh - Former MT
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BINGO... you've been there, heard that, seen what happens, and unfortunately know what the path ahead will be. I know it's very frightening, but at least you KNOW what is coming, unlike some of your coworkers, and can start "planting seeds" now. Probably 4 months or so till the FIRST pay cut then.....it just gets worse!

I feel the same as you moonchild - ...pit in my stomach all day

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I quit MQ a couple of years ago and from time to time I read this board and just thank my lucky stars. My luck has run out.

I kind of feel like a European must have felt being invaded by the Germans during WWII. To make matters worse, it is being run by Colonel Klink and Sergeant Schultz Where's Hogan when you need him. Hogan!

best you can hope for is good CCM and good accounts - Q is as bad as ever -NM

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had a good CCM - Former MT

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I had an awesome CCM, who had come over with us from Spheris. Finally when the last shoe fell, another pay cut, and my account went away overnight (India) she knew I couldn't hold on anymore. I had given all I had to give, and it was time to move on. So thankful I kept my fingers in so many different things, and made a very smooth transition to another (former) line of work. Someday I may use these skills I have again, in some way, shape, or form, but that remains to be seen....

Q bought JLG - Cathy

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Yes Q bought JLG as of an email I received today from JLG, spoooky for sure

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