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Interview at assisted living facility for MT - a little help please

Posted: Nov 19, 2014

I live in a very rural community, 1-1/2 hours from any larger city.  When I moved here, I thought I could work from anywhere.  I have been looking for a job for 2 years, but there has been no need for someone with my MT experience, and age discrimination is definitely alive and well.  I have an interview set up for tomorrow at a local assisted living facility/nursing home for full-time MT.

I certainly have no problem demonstrating my expertise and ability to perform this job.  What I would like to know is questions I should ask.  I know you don't just walk in and say, "What are you paying?"  I would also like to know if I am replacing someone, and why.  Most importantly, I would like to know if this is going to be a long-term position, or if it will be eliminated in the near future.  Do they use EMR?  Will they in the future?  What kind of benefits do they offer?  I just don't want to jump from the fryiing pan into the fire so to speak. I feel like these are things I need to know, but I am not sure this line of questioning is appropriate in the first interview.  Is it?  How can I maybe ask without directly asking? 

It most definitely is appropriate - sm

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Why waste your time or theirs if the job doesn't fit you..

your interview - MT

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Go into the interview positive. Allow them to speak about the job and then when it is your chance speak your mind. Salary may be brought up when they describe the position. Stand tall, walk proud. Good luck to you! You can do this!

At the end of the interview, you will typically be asked if you - have questions. So ask then SM

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All the questions you mentioned are very typical and relevant. Sounds like a good job, I hope you get it. Please post with an update.

Interview - Good luck

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It's definitely appropriate to ask if it is a newly created position or if you are replacing someone but I would not ask why they left; that is between employer and employee and has nothing to do with you. Salary usually comes up sometime during the interview, you have a right to know how much you are going to get paid. Temp positions can work into permanent jobs, but that is important to know. I agree, save your questions for the end. After you discuss the job with the interviewer you will probably know what you want to ask. Good luck, I hope it is something you want.

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