A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Hey, whatever happened to that contest? - Shoved under the rug

Posted: Sep 27, 2010

Maybe if they wait long enough, nobody will remember, right?

I will still remember - so very sad

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I guess not that many people cared about it to push for answers. I asked CCM, still waiting for response.

the upgrade contest? - nightowl

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Are you speaking of the DQS 6.1 contest? I wonder if it is because the 6.1 upgrade is so bad, they decided to put a hold on it until they get the bugs worked out or go back to what really worked :)

are you the original nightowl - that used to post a long time ago?

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No, sorry. just a 3rd shifter - nightowl
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