A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Who's ready for Amy's contest "quality starts with me?" Oh boy - nm
Posted: Apr 25, 2013Can't wait for another thrilling contest 
And dont forget the chance to win that taxable - shiny $100 gift card
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since I have NJA, I guess I could start working on the contest. NOT
the taxable part is so funny - nm
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We still have to pay our taxes like good little americans.
I didn't realize it until one year I won about - budmt
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$500 or so worth of prizes and had to pay a good bit out in taxes, but I did sell the Tiffany bracelet for $100 to a friend so I more than made up for the taxes.
"Quality has gone out the window - Quantity is Job 1"
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The end.
Quality only starts with me when I can afford to start - my day with a decent meal. Cant, currently!
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Show us the frickin money.
Quality starts with me when I am given a primary account and some backups, not bouncing around on 35 - Should just change it to quantity instead
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Quality would also start with reducing these CPs from 6 page novels into no less than what fits on the screen in Fluency.
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