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Has anyone else heard they are getting moved - sm

Posted: Dec 14, 2012

to a new BOB and new supervisor?  Does not make any sense, except won't make any money as have to learn all new accounts.

I better not be! - Wont be a happy camper at all!

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I am tired of being moved, changing accounts, bouncing accounts, pay cuts... I just want off this roller coster!

about time - if you have no work

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been saying it for months now!

no work - recentlyoutsourced

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I HAVE work on this acct. very rarely run out.

well isn't that about typical - sm

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so instead of reassigning the people who have no work day in and day out, they reassign the ones who have plenty. I know there must be a logic there someplace, but I fail to see it. Maybe that's why I'm not the COO.
Recentlyoutsourced I believe works for Nuance, not MM - maybe she does not realize this is
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the MModal board? I have read her posts on the Nuance board and believe she started a thread over there (Nuance board) about being moved.

At any rate, I know they are moving people around at MModal. After the restructuring back in October and getting rid of CCMs etc. they also moved more work to India and so those MTs are on accounts that are over-staffed and are now having to be moved to new ones.
Yes, those were all Nuance accounts she named. NM - ANON
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Anyone familiar with GM in North??? - nm

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yes, why - ??

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That is who I am getting moved to, just wondering - sm

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general stuff. Is she fair with PTO, answer emails, etc. How difficult are her accounts? Just curious, as I have been on the same account with MModal/Medquist for 9 years, apprehensive about having to learn all new. I have been bounced around a lot this month, but at least once a while got to do my original account. Now with this move apparently it is starting over. I don't understand why you move people that have been on an account that long and understand it.

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