A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Has anyone checked with a lawyer about MM not paying for CCs and - sm

Posted: Nov 26, 2012

demos when we're required to spend time searching and entering them?  How can we be required to spend hours and hours a week searching & entering "required" information but not be paid for that time or those lines?  Would it be a labor lawyer?

why are you researching them? - I quit doing that.

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If the dictator does not give (and spell) the first and last name, I just put Dr. FirstName or Dr. LastName and then leave QA note that says, CC name unclear, not spelled.

I dont get paid, so why would I do anything more?

You're still listening, trying to figure it out, typing Dr. LastName, and typing a QA note, - yet theyre not paying you for any of it.

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Thats part of the job - geez

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If you cant handle it, give me your work and find something else. I am sitting here with no work and would gladly type Dr. FirstName just to get a paycheck. Unbelievable how lazy people are.
I spend about half of my time in each report - sm
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searching CCs which are REQUIRED and we will definitely get in trouble for, searching demos for patients which the dictators can't be bothered to enter the MRN or spell the names so it takes quite a while to find them, filling in assistants, surgeons, referring physicians, anesthesiologists, etc., which they've now put into the ADT specifically so we don't get paid for them. By the time I've done all that, I get a 45 second report to type. So, no I'm most certainly not lazy, and the reason they're able to screw us out of so much of our time is people like you who roll over and thank them for screwing us.
That is what our pay includes, CCs, etc. Just - flmt
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part of the job that we have done for years.
No, we were always paid for everything we entered before - sm
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this company started screwing over our entire industry. When you spent 15 minutes on a report, the majority of that time entering things you aren't paid for, then end up making a dollar for those 15 minutes, you are being screwed. There is no excuse for what they are doing. We have labor laws that protect us from employers forcing us to work for free.
If labor laws were protecting us, they wouldnt be - getting away with it...
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Now what??
Because they haven't been turned in yet. Once they're busted - sm
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I would imagine a class action lawsuit would take place for a lot of back pay.
Or a year membership to AHDI - been there, done that
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No law suit is gonna fix this anymore.
Even if we didn't get back pay, if they were forced to start paying us here on out, it - would be well worth it. NM
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wont happen... India and Pakistan will get work - faster than the ink dries!
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Just being realistic.
Those countries are also starting to stand up for their rights as well. - Only a matter of time before they arent cheaper.
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right, when they lower our pay more to even it out - its dead, stop beating it now
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its over, curtain closed.
If you have nothing helpful to offer... jeez - nm
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You must be "new" to the business - MT
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Sorry, but before these offshore companies monopolized the industry, we WERE paid for these in addition to getting substantially higher cpl to account for job requirements such as researching a medical term or drug.

If you think it's perfectly okay for the pay to be cut repeatedly per line AT THE SAME TIME as being told to "do the same work, but sorry, we simply decided not to pay you for it anymore" that's crazy.
Amen. Makes you wonder if that's even an MT posting - sm
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because what MT in their right mind would be defending having our pay cut to do the same work & being forced to do so many things for free. Mindblowing.
Lazy? It is unpaid. I was getting paid to produce - a report. If they want a data entry clerk
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then they should pay me for it. More and more say, give me your work because I don't have any. What part of "they have no work at all for anyone" don't you get?

I would gladly search it out if they paid for the characters at least. They don't even pay for that. Then you wind up with a tongue lashing from the customer and your QC that you mixed up the names for God's sakes after spending 15 minutes searching through the marble mouth name dictated in the first darned place.

Get over yourself! If they want CC's let the customer do it; they know the doctors referring better than we do. That is obvious since they complain every week to the QC about it.

Good heavens! I'm so glad I quit this stupid job and quit working for FREE!

I won't even go into the fact that I also need to code the stupid reports as well as to what procedure was done and God forbid I pick the wrong one. None of this data entry work is paid; none of it! At 4 cpl for ASR and all the changing you have to do, you've worked for free! They don't care. To them, you're just another stupid typist that needs your hand held and an auditor to tell you when to transcribe the word "the" or "at" in a report. What a joke this company is and the ones defending it? I can't believe it! I just cannot believe you'd defend unpaid work. Amazing! Just amazing!
Amy? Is that you Amy? - Shouldnt you be out buying a new car or something?
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Quit pretending to be an MT and posting BS on this board. Nobody here believes your crap.

And you haven't heard about it? No nasty letters? - nm

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MM not paying for cc - tl

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On top of that, threatened to get fired if an error is made!

CC - anon

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One of the other big MTSOs has a class action lawsuit brought about by some of their MTs for this same exact thing, not being paid for research, CC, etc. The outcome, if in their favor, will be beneficial for all MTs.

Yes. You are correct. - sm

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The same should apply to all of these companies not compensating for keystrokes for CC's, time spent researching/reading "helpful" material the QCs send, and time spent reading e-mails regarding changes on a daily basis of account specs, coding reports, reviewing audits, etc. The list goes on and on. This is not just a production job. There is more to it and none of that is compensated.

no lawyer, contact labor board - soapie12

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Read through all the related posts. Ditto, don't like not being paid for ALL I do. I wonder if the State labor board has something for us MTs? My husband does construction and had been paid regular time for a government facility job. Those jobs pay more, required by law. He contacted the labor board and they sent him a formal complaint form. HE GOT HIS MONEY!! I wonder if they have something like that for us.....hmm, will be checking that out and will post again what I find out.

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