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Can someone explain the productivity graph to me - gross versus net

Posted: May 07, 2013

The blue is gross, the red is net, but what does that mean? Are the lines supposed to touch, is one supposed to be over the other, what if they are super far apart, or right on top of eachother? How can I go from under 200 lph one day to over 350 lph the next? Are we supposed to run on an even plane or is up and down and all over the way to go?


I am so confused.

Net is what you make. Gross is what you get after taxes. - Is this what you mean? nm

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No. On the graph for Lines Per Hour. - Not pay

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You have that backwards. - mtmt

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Gross is what you make before taxes and net is after taxes. By the way, I don̢۪t pay attention to any of that on Fluency if that is what the OP is talking about.

It means nothing anyway... - me

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When I divide my total lines by hours worked it comes no where near what that graph shows, so I really don't see any point to it.
Correct. Pay for LPH goes by time clock and total lines - Graph is useless. NM
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From what I can figure - me

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I think they want the lines to be close together, at least in terms of inactive time. If I have more inactive time, the lines are further apart. I think the LPH are only calculated for the time you are in Fluency, not time clocked in Teamwork. Agree with above posters, doesn't really matter, just do what you do.

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