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Alt+L numbering - are we paid for this? - Daisy

Posted: Sep 21, 2010

I just thought of something!  Are we getting paid for the numbering if we hit Alt+L?  Or is it the same as Headings and we don't get paid for this?  Is this yet another way to pay us even less???

Yes we do. And we DO get paid for headings. - We do not get paid for HeadERS

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Two very different things.

We were told that if we don't want to use the automatic numbering, we don't have to. We can number the old way if we want.

um, no, you do not get paid for the numbering - where did you hear that

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Not even for the keystrokes Ctrl + L You just get paid for the text after where the numbers and spaces would be.

And I do it the old way for that exact reason.

paid for headings - mt1

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I don't think we have ever been paid for headings.
Then I may quit making them right!!!!!! - dumbdumb
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I spend a fair amount of time making sure the headings match what the doc says. May just let "close enough" be good enough. If I get in trouble, I will tell them I didn't type them nor get paid for them.
You do get paid for HEADINGS... not Headers (ASR Page) - or footers (we dont do those anyway
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Where do these rumors get started?
I meant "Headers." We do not get paid for red headers. - Daisy
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no message
Yes...we do. - lalala
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I think you are wrong, but I hope not. - anonymous
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yes, we do get paid for red headings - Mt
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This has been done to death on here and I don't understand why this keeps coming up.

No you do not get paid for autonumbering because you don't actually type them, all you do is hit enter to go to the next line after you have started the process. If you think it is faster to correct the misnumbering by ASR or by what the dictator says than to simply hit enter, well good for you.
Headings vs Headers - MT
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Some of the supervisors don't know the difference between the word header and heading. They tend to call the red headings headers. Headers and footers have been around forever. They're just the things you type in, but you don't see it until the final document. Haven't been paid for those in years.

As far as I know, we get paid for the red HEADINGS, but maybe they're purposely changing the name to headers so they don't have to pay us for them. I'd say 8/10 supervisors call them headers.

keystrokes in headings - alphamt

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Where does it show we get paid for headings and numbers? I spend way too much time on messed-up headings. My problem is trying to change a divided heading into a whole one from ASR. I delete the extra characters that on heading's ends, delete the hard return ASR put in, and combine. Easier for me than moving words around after un-heading them. If not getting paid for all the keystrokes, will just delete all words and put expander in. Cannot "train" the system to stop messing headings up apparently. TIA!

Headers VS Headings - Once again...

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We do not get paid for headers, which is the patient demographics/ADT info; something we don't see when we type the report. We do get paid for the red XML tagged headings.

Again, HEADERS are the ADT info, name of hospital, address, etc. stuff that is automatically put in during backend formatting; we never see this. We DO NOT get paid for these.

HEADINGS are what we type that is between the sideways Vs and the backslashes and are in RED lettering. We DO get paid for these. Many MTs, including myself, have tested this with comparing counts in Word.

This post should be stickied at the top at all times, so this argument will stop cropping up.

RE:Headings SM - Coffeebean

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We never got paid for headings that were not already included in DQS headers thereby creating "new" headings.We are paid only for the ones that are already included in the DQS list.

Incorrect. - We are paid for ALL red tag headings.

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