A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

12;55a, just got kicked out and can't log back in. NM - Shipwrecked

Posted: Dec 06, 2010


Yep - g

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Me, too. I was in the middle of a report, and a message came up saying that my session time of activity was up. what?

Got same message but was able to log back in... - kms

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It did take much longer to connect and re-download the job I had just completed.

Back in. - g

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I'm back in and was able to recover my job. I don't know what happened.

Back out, right in the middle of a report. - g

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This is getting a bit frustrating. Ugh!!!

Same here only this time it told me it was due to inactivity... - kms

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even though I had been working on the job the entire time!

Back in and got job back - Here now

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I got kicked out twice thus losing about 15 min. I send msg to Qcare and also a note to CCM about lost time. At least my jobs came back so no loss there.

They did system maintenance - last night.

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They always do it in the middle of the night. Last night was the night.

That was done SUNDAY MORNING at 1AM... - anon

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