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Kicked off? - Too early for this

Posted: Nov 02, 2012

Anyone else having issues with DQS this morning? Jobs won't upload - provider database won't load, etc.,etc.

Won't log on - Shell

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Same here. Now won't log on.

kicked off - RADMT

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Yes, since 8:00 am, all day yesterday too, problems with documanage too! All this after the hurricane, need work!

Failed to connect - Nature

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Yep. I have been trying to get on for awhile now. I keep getting failed to connect. Before that, the system was very slow.

Yah, DQS won't upload - grrrreat

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Yah, was on working and barely got job to upload, now one won't download. DEP Now showing green light. Guess the next step is a phone call.

Having problems too - and on hold

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now for 5 minutes.

on hold now for 15m, and DEP Says green. NM - grrrreat

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Kicked off - Shorty
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Clocked in and changed production to work availability and will clock out when work is available. Not sure if this is the proper procedure as I cannot get in anywhere to find out, but will see.

Apparently, there is a global ticket number. - NM

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Kicked off - Shorty

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Just kicked off also, will not download my job. Failed to connect, yada yada!
Lost my job the other day from all this and was a biggie. Hate this crap!

upload - anon

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Mine won't upload but it also won't disconnect! Not sure how to get out of it!

Kicked off but won't shut down and won't upload - nm

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Me too - Me

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I could not access the doctor's list and now it will not upload.

Kicked off - Shorty

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Cannot get into Remedy either to send a report letting them know system down. Call tech support and will be on there forever waiting. What the heck do they expect us to do? Oh right, don't earn a wage today. Just venting.

DQS problems - prissy

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I had the same thing all last night until 3 a.m. About 12 jobs did not submit and I could not recover them, just gone.

Also can't get into Remedy to get a ticket - anon

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Does anyone know - when downtime pay kicks in

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It looks like it might be needed today.

Kicked off - Shorty

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If I am not mistaken our CCM has to ok it. Been so long I really don't remember. Also needed for two days ago when down 2 hours waiting.

downtime - anon

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I will submit mine as soon as I clocked out until I can get back on.

Kicked off - Shorty

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Just tried TCM and QA and waiting on answer. Hopefully this is resolved before long.

Do we need a Remedy ticket for downtime? - sm

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Do we clock in a certain way on our timecard to get paid?

Just read the downtime policy - on MQ Central

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When (if) the system comes back up, just email your CCM with the number of hours you request for downtime and they will make the adjustment on your time card. MQ tech downtime is limited to 8 hours and paid at benefit rate.

Do we clock out? Should we clock back in using Work Availability? - nm

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Clock - Shorty
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That is what I did, sent msg to TCM and waiting to see if wrong. There isn't any work so makes sense.

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