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Keep getting kicked off for "inactivity" WHILE I AM TYPING! - no name

Posted: Apr 06, 2012

I sign back on immediately and get 2 reports reserved for me, but have to Recover to get back what I had typed.  Getting really annoying.  Happened twice already.  Anybody else?

Are you losing your internet connection? - KKL

[ In Reply To ..]
Hi, I haven't worked for MQ in over a decade, but I wonder if you are getting kicked off due to losing or slowing down of your internet connection? That happens to me with another company at a predictable time of day. Some internet providers throttle back your speeds on purpose on a regular/daily basis. I can always tell because the time it takes for my keystrokes to appear on screen keeps getting slower and then my antivirus s/w says I am not connected. Just a thought.

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