Transcription at home changed my life - DataEntry
Posted: Jan 19, 2013
In the year 2000 I started making 34,000 then by 2005 I was making over 55,000/year. I bought a house, thought eveything was good. Suddenly in in 2008 I made 37,452 and by 2009 I lost my house, my job and had to live on my 401K money that I had to take out early to survive on, plus unemployment of course. This year 2013 I made 18,000 dollars. I lost my standing in life, I feel depressed alot, I can't take my grandchildren out anymore like I used to, maybe once a year is all I can afford. My boyfriend hated how my job treated me and finally we split up from fighting so much. He was a loser anyway, but I pretty much feel like I'm just a pawn/slave and I isolate myself from my family and friends more and more. We can't work more than 40 hours a week and on some accounts, you can barely type 50 or 60 reports in 8 hours because the reports are very long and difficult and you only get paid 1 dollar per report. I don't even want to talk to anybody much anymore cause my other friends have boyfriend, good jobs and I am crippled and can't work outside the house. I'm probably crippled from sitting and sitting and sitting. Anyway, I look every day for a job and I see 600 other people are doing the same thing. Thank you for listening.
I am TOTALLY feeling your pain - In the same damn boat!
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When I read your post, I had to wonder if I posted this in my sleep?! Minus the grandkids/kids and being crippled (but that will probably come next). Easier said than done I know, but try not to let the depression get the best of you!
thanks - DataEntry
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I don't and won't take any pills, (I dont have health insurance cause I'm considered "part time") through no fault of my own but theirs for giving me the crappiest account ever made. But I read scripture and pray and try to keep my depression at bay. I try to have a positive attitue, and look all the time for another job. But now I know I'm not alone, there should be another forum we can all use to communicate besides this. It feels good to communicate with like-minded and feeling people.
I am TOTALLY feeling your pain - In the same damn boat!
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I have had many days, where if it weren't for my family and pets, I would also be praying, but praying that I just wouldn't wake up. I am also trying to figure a way out of this, but the most reasonable option is school and that takes time and money, of which I am short on both! We have to keep our chins up...Right?!
Pain - floridakeys
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You know I was afraid to say it, about praying I wouldnt wake up, I almost welcome "it". I feel horrible for many people here and there who are suffering because of this "evil power" that's going on right now. That's why we need to band together.
And yet.... - Jenisue
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Our taxes just went up! UGH! I made way less money per hour five years ago but my paychecks were a good bit more. It doesn't make sense.
You are not alone - we are here
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I posted a while back and felt so much better to know that I was not alone. You are not alone in what you are going through, post whatever you need to, it helps to write it out. Wishing you the best and you have my prayers.
Getting out of transcription changed my life too - wheres_my_job
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I relate to so much of what you have said. It's terrible to get into that downward spiral - it's like the fingers of the MTSO are taking a personal interest in stuffing you (us, all the workers) down the drain of a miserable life.
And then the other day, I saw there are truck drivers getting paid $9/hour. I think this is just WRONG - I don't think MTs should be underpaid like they are, or truck drivers, or ANYBODY. What is wrong with having a decent wage, GOOD wages? Absolutely nothing. It's what makes a country strong, in my opinion - a big burgeoning middle class.
I got out of being an MT - as I have posted elsewhere - I'm not in a GREAT situation now - I only have a couple hundred dollars in savings now - before I had zero, so that's better right? A couple hundred?
And then the other night I took a watercolor lasts 3 hours...AND I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. Usually with those long classes, you take a break in the middle, hit the vending machines (not a good idea health-wise)...but at this class, I was loving it so much, drawing, painting a little bit at the end...listening to this artist talk about his life and his work...exploring the merits of watercolor versus oil versus colored pencil...all the other talented people in the room...I just didn't get up from my seat till the end. I could have gone 3 more hours, truthfully!
And now it's Saturday, and the good feeling from this class has lasted all the way to today!!!!!! I've been happy for like TWO WHOLE DAYS NOW!!!!!!!
Okay, the reason why I go on about this is not to rub it in, "look how good I have it" - I DON'T - I'm in a very precarious living situation/financial situation, still...but that terrible, terrible, grievous, overwhelming, excruciating hopelessness and pain I had, being an MT, stuffed down the drain by this industry....that's gone. The job I have now, the pay is terrible (but better than MT!), I can't STAND to be working 5 days a week, coworker tensions, worry about my car breaking down, having enough clothes, benefits, no health insurance...that's not good...but I want to ENCOURAGE YOU, if you are reading this far - YOU CAN GET OUT OF MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION.
I don't know how, given the specifics of your situation - but you have to at least start from the point of: "I CAN GET OUT OF MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION." Please, please, please open yourself to this possibility - even if you can see NO WAY OUT NOW (sorry for the ALL CAPS) - just start with that thought. It can change your life, if you just stay with it, keep your eyes and ears open, look for and be open to ANYTHING (class, friend, religion, social service organization, politics, relative, ANYBODY AND ANYTHING) getting you to a better place.
Okay, I'll stop now. But I believe YOU CAN GET OUT. YOU CAN DO IT.
The only way to pay the MTSOs back for their greed is to not - be a cog in their wheel of unfortune.
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I would love to see the day we all walk out and never look back.
I am working on it for myself. I hope you are, too. Enough is enough.
Like you, I am working on it...hope to be out by April or May. - FBL
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Taking classes now. Won't say in what because what I do not need right now is a flood of negative "that will never work, stupid" feedback that we sometimes see on this board.
Good luck to everyone who is working on his/her Plan B
Even if you were studying Basketweaving 101, it - would be an improvement over MT! :)
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Anything, absolutely ANYTHING, other than MT that any of us trains in, is a far cry better than this sham of a job that is currently circling the drain.
Absolutely - we need to
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all walk out and never look back.
I have been looking and looking and looking for a job, already have a degree, and don't even get interviews.
Next, I may have to move, yet again. Starting over is hard, and I will not know anyone again, whereever I land.
The problem seems to be that I am not bilingual, not to mention references after having been at home alone for so long.
I might study Spanish, just to get one of those jobs - wheres_my_job
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I could re-learn Chinese, but that might be too hard. It's fun to speak another language, I think.
Half the jobs where I live require bilingual- either - Spanish or Mandarin! (n/m)
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Your quote on what truck drivers are making? - Precious
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I don̢۪t know where you read that but I can attest to the fact that is 100% wrong, as far as what my husband made last year, almost $100,000 and he is not independent but works for a company and he does not work 24/7. He has been at this particular job for about 12 years now, union and he loves it.
I was talking about NON-union truck drivers - wheres_my_job
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That's why they just got unionized - and their pay went way up. Why can't MTs have a union? Just 'cause the majority work at home? Attitudes, I think...
Need to check facts, again - P
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You did not state union or nonunion, you said truck drivers and now you are saying "that is why they just got unionized." Where are you getting your facts from? Please check and come back and post when you have them together. Drivers have been unionized for years and years.
Nope, was in the news recently - wheres_my_job
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It was just in the news, about the truck drivers' pre- and post-union pay. They didn't have a union, now they do. Yeah for your husband, and all the unionized truck drivers. I hope the ones who still aren't unionized, get one. Gracious. Relax.
Maybe the news report was about - truckers
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in a specific industry or region that have, for reasons not entirely clear, never been unionized.
What the previous poster was trying to get across to you is that truck drivers have had a very robust union for many decades: The Teamsters. Maybe you've heard of them. They were in all the papers.
Finally, someone who knows - P
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The teamsters have been around for over 100 years. Some people just flap their jaws and try to make sense of something and have no idea of what they are talking about.
FFS, chill out! - Union MT
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Why is it necessary to get so nasty? The OP saw a news article. Obviously it was about non-union truckers. Her high crime was apparently failing to specify that part. Do you have to flagellate her because she didn't report every single particular... what state, what industry, local or long haul, union or non-union, what kind of trucks they're driving, what they're hauling... I mean... really?
Yes, being union makes all of the difference to truckers. Actually, in the rare cases where MTs are unionized, it makes a huge difference too. Unions are relatively toothless now, but still, they're a damn sight better than just being at the employer's (supposed) mercy!
I should know. This month, I'm an MT in a union job, and I'm making about $31/hour plus full benefits. Am I any better at what I do than the vast majority of people here? Hell, no. I just happened to luck out, because back when I was hired I couldn't have cared less if the job was union or not. But of course the union couldn't keep the employer from laying many of us off because of Epic, Dragon, and going to VR. (Our department is now about half its previous size.)
And I know that when I'm laid off (which will be soon), if I (in my late 50s) can't get into something besides MT, I'll probably make just about 1/3 of what I do now, with almost nothing in the way of benefits.
I stated truths and can speak here - P
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The person I spoke to was posting things completely off the top of their head, maybe for the shock effect? Truck drivers only making $9.00 an hour. I would be willing to say even nonunion make more than that an hour although I would research my sentence before just throwing it out as fact. Secondly about truckers just becoming unionized. With what Mters are facing they should have the real facts, not a bunch of made up stories.
Thanks - don't see what the big deal is - wheres_my_job
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Saw a news story, referenced it in a comment. seems strange that whenever I, "wheres my job", mention unions, I get a lot of grief. I can remember way back when, I was getting accused of posting stuff that I didn't, hilarious! Really, it's kind of flattering people care so much what I say :) Thanks to all my fans! LOL.
Good question - DataEntry
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Why can't we unionize? Its too hard. Maybe somebody has experience in unionizing. When I first started transcribing at home, we god reimbursed for using our electricity and internet service. Now I have to pay my cable company 138/month for bundling plus 25 for electricity, and I get paid about 250-300 a week. I know it depends on the account and how they pay, but you get stuck until you can find something better and it can take a long time to find. I say Angie's List for poor transcription companies and list the best so we all know what we're getting ourselves into. Angie' right?
truckers and unions - nana
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The point is being a member of a union gives the members a good living and higher wages. That is what we need. We need a centralized union that all transcriptionists have to join, regardless. If they want to send all the work over to India then we deal with that but I don't think they will do that. Why is it that they have the reports typed in India and then we have to edit them to make them correct? Because they can't produce a good report. They can't have Indians editing Indians and they can't hire just anyone to do this work. I am sick of hearing all the complaining on this board about low wages, no work and not being compensated, not being able to pay bills, etc, but you don't want to do anything about it. And these posts about truck drivers make the point.
I remember back in the early 70s or so when the truckers pulled their trucks off the road in protest. The milk was spoiling in their trucks, produce rotting, meat rotting. Nothing moved. That is what we need to do or we need to accept their unfair treatment and shut up. Yes we will be taking a risk of being out of work but I would rather be out of work than work for less than minimum wage at this job. These MTSO's know we won't do anything about it and we will accept whatever they want to give, yet they are making money. We let them do it so then we deserve it.
I really don't care who agrees and who doesn't agree with my post. I have been on this site for a few years and its the same thing over and over again, low wages, no benefits, promises not fulfilled, etc. THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT OR SHUT UP. I am sick of hearing it already.
If you edit voice recognition and all of the stupid errors that you fix on a daily basis or have to retype the report completely, don't do it. Editing was supposed to be a few corrections; couple of punctuation changes but not what you are doing. Let these doctors see what voice recognition does to a report and they will scream to the heavens. That is what its going to take. If you want to play it safe then for God's sake be quiet. Otherwise we all need to take the risk and do something about it.
Nana - Anonymous
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The difference between milk truck drivers and us is that our work can be sent offshore, theirs cannot. There are also temps who can work for any of us who choose to go on "strike." I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I know many MTs who are union members who lost their jobs to offshoring and VR, the unions could not stop it. Please don't come here and tell people what they HAVE to do. You can do something about it as well, you can stop beating a dead horse and find something else to do. What is it that MT offers you that is so special that it requires YOU to keep beating your head against the wall? Maybe you are the one who needs to shut up.
Truckers - DataEntry
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I believe the truckers that pulled over and quit working were ALREADY in the union and went on strike, probably by the order of the union bosses. We are not unionized yet so they will just find someone else who will work for 3 cpl.
getting out - anonMT
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I've enjoyed reading your recent posts about getting out and how much better you feel after leaving it behind. I am working on getting out, too, and hope to be in your position in the future.
It's good to know others are in the same boat. I feel like MT has sucked the life out of me, and I felt no optimism whatsoever until I went back to school and saw a plan for my way out.
Way to go taking the art class, too. Was so hoping after reading your previous posts you would pursue your love of art. Best wishes.
DataEntry, posting your story may well save someone - else. Please save and repost
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it often. A way of making a difference that doesn't actually cost anything. :)
I suspect many about to pay for training programs are told to pay no attention to the noise of all the losers, the lazy dysfunctional malcontents who populate this site. How else to explain all those who keep paying those bucks and leaping into the void?
I think there are other home office positions to find other than MT. - IAMT
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Try doing a search ( of job boards you trust and put in REMOTE and then USA for location. I just started looking and there are a couple listed for data entry, taking incoming pizza orders, and reservation agents each day. I got out of MT other than a small tape account that will now probably end in 2014 with new EMR perhaps, and am working outside the home doing elder care for a local agency and apartment hallways but still could use some more hours and $$, so I watch these boards routinely. Why not, have the office set up, phone, computer and most ads I have seen usually pay for training and your headset. Thinking about applying as I think one would have the skills needed and it would be socializing a bit with folks.
Regardless, I hope things start turning around for you. Don't feel alone though, lots of us in the very same boat. I personally ended up not even applying for MT jobs or trusting a single greedy MTSO after all my days and years of loyal and dedicated work, though used to love this profession and at that time looked forward to logging in. Not proud to be an MT any longer at all and I do feel better lately. I work harder now but get more satisfaction out of a job well done, may not make what I did 10 years ago but get a lot of gratitude and appreciation. Things do have a way of working out, but sometimes takes a fortitude. Bless your heart and good wishes coming your way from this computer.
prayer - sm
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Do you have people to do Bible studies with? Those help, focusing on God makes problems smaller. MT ruined my life too. My hands are permanently disabled, lost home and now am in school (and debt) for a new career. Scary stuff!
If you are only getting paid $1 per long report... - me
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You need to switch jobs or better yet obtain your own clients.
Transcription at home... - vf
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Same here. I was making so much money from 1998-2007, I too bought a house, a couple of cars, helped others, took vacations, etc. Now it takes an entire month to earn what I used to earn in one week. I didn't lose my house because I rented it out, but I'm hanging on to it by a thread. I got divorced in 2006 before the financial bottom fell out from under me and I thank God that man loved me enough to keep taking me back everytime I left through the years. Needless to say, I'm back with my ex and he takes care of everything and allows me to do whatever I want with my less than minimum wage earnings. And having learned my lesson, I am saving most of it so that in a year's time I will have a measly $1,200 stashed away for an emergency.
$1200 is not zero...that's the main thing for me! - wheres_my_job
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I want to personally congratulate you for saving! It's hard when you are not making that much money to begin with. So good for you. I'm in the same boat.
VR/SR - Gerri
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vf - you are so lucky to have such a wonderful ex. He sounds like a real winner. My ex left me (for another woman) in the mid '80's with three kids (11 yr. old, 13 yr. old, and 15 yr. old). He gave me the house with mortgage payments, $500.00 a month child support, and absolutely no other help. He was such a hateful person the kids were glad he left. He beat on them and me, too, when he was with us.
I made it, working 7 days a week for 9 years, and sometimes doing transcription at home at night. He would not even help with the kids' school clothes or supplies. He only saw his kids about once every three months (usually by accident). BTW, he lives maybe 15 minutes away.
You are so lucky. Very few men would be this kind.
Let me tell you how Transcription ruined my life - Better off Dead
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I feel your pain ol so deep. Let me tell you how transcription has ruined my life. I work 3 different MT jobs. (I keep 3 because you never know when one will cut you, close down or be without work). I start work at 6AM and work until midnight 7 days a week. I still dont have enough money to pay my bills. No, my bills are not high. As the matter of fact, they are probably lower than most other people's bills. I am still on food stamps and medicaid. I have no life. I can't sleep at night from worrying. My health is terrible. Just got over the flu. I am always tired, my head hurts daily. I wish I were dead on a daily basis. I have no time for my boyfriend or son or family and friends. From being isolated at the computer for so long, I have developed severe depression, social anxiety, and fear of the outside world. I have absolutely no self esteem. Despite all this, I still tread forward at this crap all day, every day just to have the little bit of money that I do make...which I am extremely thankful for. The other day, I realized that I am only 1 paycheck away from losing everything I house, my car, my family, my life....and this is after I have work 15-18 hours a day, 7 days a week. I honestly wish I were dead.
Hmm.. - Catwoman
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Out of curiosity, what rate are you working on? Honestly, if you work 15-18 hours a day, 7 days a week, you should be greener than grass with money.
Not with multiple accounts, ridiculous job specifications, - VR, transcription bloatware, s/m
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platform glitches, daily rules and requirements changes, shoddy QA, software that cheats us on lines, getting dinged for errors and/or sending reports to QA, VBC, and arbitrary pay cuts.
I get it - but
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then maybe you need to look elsewhere with maybe one or two less problems from the list you made.
PAY? - Almost Homeless
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I only work for 3 cpl voice rec. and 8 cpl typing. So, nope, I am not green.
Taking responsibility - Wondering
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It's called personal responsibility and owning your actions. You made a choice to do what you do. If medical transcription ruined your life, it is because you allowed it to, and still you stay - why is that?
Why do I stay? - No choice
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I have no choice. I am sick and I am not able to work outside the home. I have to work from home.
Don't let blamers get you down - wheres_my_job
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It's rough, making any kind of transition in this economy especially if you are sick. Choices narrow. I wish you the best of luck - I liked the idea of being a pizza delivery order taker.
The economy is in the toilet - wheres_my_job
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It's scary - the consequences of making a leap...the wrong leap, in an economy like this, can put you into a homeless shelter. There really ARE mistakes to be made, and there may NOT be a "safety net" to catch you when you land. So there are valid reasons for staying - and leaving - both. Personal responsibility is honoring your feelings, understanding the risks of each decision, pulling in support from compassionate people who understand what you're going through, and then doing what you can to get a better situation.
Blame doesn't help anyone move forward, or take responsibility. It just makes the blamer feel better about themselves, in my opinion.
Economy in the toilet - Wondering
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Yes that is true, but if all a person can do is complain about how their life has been ruined because of their occupation and is not willing to do anything to change it, then they are not taking responsibility to improve their situation. There are other work at home jobs available and it is a personal choice. It is also a choice to play the victim.
Sigh. Complaining can help, complaining IS doing something - wheres_my_job
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Everyone's process is different. Ever hear of the 7 stage of grief, or whatever it is? A person's livelihood is disappearing, this is a major life event. Who cares if they complain for a while? Sometimes people need to do that, before they can make a change. Just as people who get online and carp about other people "playing the victim" and how it's a "choice," fulfill some need they have to feel in control and important. Are you saying there is no such as being a victim on planet Earth? Because that is simply false - people are victimized all the time, taken advantage of, oppressed. People get thrown for a loop, are treated unfairly, mistreated. When they write about it in books and publish scholarly articles about it, it's called "history." And there is a vast difference between struggling to change a situation you're stuck in when you HAVE support (emotional, financial, etc) and when you DON'T. The "tough love" approach does not help a lot of people making a transition in their lives - in fact, harsh judgments can have the opposite effect.
I laugh so hard at the concept of "personal choice" as somehow an equal force to "corporate choice" at play in the global economy. It's "organized labor choice" (to strike) versus "corporate choice," dearie.
Transcription - MT Pockets
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I barely made $15,000 this year. Last year we bought a house, and that was right about the time work slowed down as usual for the season but now even working a full work week with work, I bring home way less than I did even a year ago. If something doesn't happen soon, I don't know. My husband has a pretty good job, but with having to rob Peter to pay Paul with credit cards, etc., we have more bills than ever. I enjoy working from the comfort of my home and the flexibility it comes with since I have kids and also have social anxiety, etc. Even if not for that, I live in a small town and getting a job other than at the local fast food joint here would be unlikely. I just pray that it will get better. I know things could always be much worse. Hope things get better for the other posters.
I'm right there with ya! - sm - Meerkat
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I'm the only one I know who doesn't have, or know how to use, an iPhone, because I can't afford it.
My one "luxury" each week is an inexpensive exercise class, which I can only go to if I recycle enough aluminum cans and plastic bottles to pay for it.
I eat crap food, because I can't afford the healthy stuff.
I can't go out with my friends and see movies, concerts, take road trips, etc., because I can't afford it.
I'm getting in flabby shape because I spend too much time in front of this PC. The rest of the time I just don't feel motivated enough to exercise. And I don't want to take the time, because "some more work might come in." (Yeah, RIGHT.)
The only way I can visit my family is if they buy me a plane ticket.
I stopped vaccinating my pets, and only the oldest one (15) gets vet checkups. The rest - well, just gonna have to keep my fingers crossed. I still make sure they never go hungry, even when I might have to.
My computer is on its last legs, but I can't afford another one. And of course, my company doesn't supply them. If my computer konks out, I get fired.
I had to give up on relationships long ago, because the constant depression, which I think is largely caused/exacerbated by the downfall of medical transcription, makes a relationship impossible.
I have health insurance and dental, but still rarely go to the doctor or dentist, because the insurance doesn't pay for very much, and I can't afford the copayments.
If I owe money on my taxes this year, this will be the first time in my life that I'm going to have to pass on paying them. My rent is more important.
If Uncle Sam wants my tax money, maybe he better reconsider allowing my work to be sent offshore.
I always enjoy your posts, Meekrat - wheres_my_job
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That's all! Gotta go take the trash out now, and maybe write/read a little....
Boy am I ever glad you mentioned trash night, - because it is here, too, and I forgot!
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A great big THANK YOU!
LOL - there's more recycling stuff I could take out... - wheres_my_job
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but I'm too tired - sore really - getting yanked on by 2-year-olds at my job now - daycare.
Boo, hoo, hoo - to Meerkat - Anonymous
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"I'm the only one I know who doesn't have, or know how to use, an iPhone, because I can't afford it." - You are not the "only one" who doesn't have or know how to use an IPhone. Trust me, they are not a necessity.
"My one "luxury" each week is an inexpensive exercise class, which I can only go to if I recycle enough aluminum cans and plastic bottles to pay for it." - You should be thankful that you are able to do this, a lot of people are not able to leave their homes at all. You also had money to purchase the items in the first place, unless you are dumpster diving, which I doubt.
"I eat crap food, because I can't afford the healthy stuff." - That is your choice. A lot of healthy food is inexpensive, actually cheaper than crap if you plan ahead.
"I can't go out with my friends and see movies, concerts, take road trips, etc., because I can't afford it. " Again, this is your choice. You and your friends need to find cheaper ways to entertain yourself. Form a book club or take turns getting together at each other's homes for movie night, go for walks together, there are ways to have fun that cost next to nothing.
"I'm getting in flabby shape because I spend too much time in front of this PC. The rest of the time I just don't feel motivated enough to exercise. And I don't want to take the time, because "some more work might come in." (Yeah, RIGHT.)" - You stated above that you are going to exercise class.
"The only way I can visit my family is if they buy me a plane ticket." - Ask them to come and visit you.
"I stopped vaccinating my pets, and only the oldest one (15) gets vet checkups. The rest - well, just gonna have to keep my fingers crossed. I still make sure they never go hungry, even when I might have to." - It was your choice to have pets, you must have known that they would be a financial responsibility.
"My computer is on its last legs, but I can't afford another one. And of course, my company doesn't supply them. If my computer konks out, I get fired." - Look into obtaining a refurb, they are not very expensive.
"I had to give up on relationships long ago, because the constant depression, which I think is largely caused/exacerbated by the downfall of medical transcription, makes a relationship impossible." = My advice: Get some professional help.
"I have health insurance and dental, but still rarely go to the doctor or dentist, because the insurance doesn't pay for very much, and I can't afford the copayments. " - Most health insurance plans pay for preventive care once a year, as does dental. Many people have no insurance at all and children who need medical care, so you are not alone.
"If I owe money on my taxes this year, this will be the first time in my life that I'm going to have to pass on paying them. My rent is more important." - File an extension or ask the IRS to put you on a payment plan, it can be done. The other option would be debtor's prison, which if you life sucks so bad might seem attractive to you.
If Uncle Sam wants my tax money, maybe he better reconsider allowing my work to be sent offshore.
I said what I said because I am sick of this. God helps those who help themselves. Do something about it or shut the heck up.
Meekrat - I love reading your posts. Keep posting! - wheres_my_job
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Everyone tries to get their emotional needs online - when people take the time to rip someone else who's struggling, that's all their doing - meeting their own emotional needs, to keep themselves feeling worthwhile and important.
Hope there are some good things in your life today, Meekrat!
Ditto. - Dewey
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Agree with your post, and I also enjoy Meerkat's comments. Okay, let the flaming begin! : )
I TOTALLY agree with you!! - anon
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You pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you.
I'd being using "Anonymous" too..... - Thinks4Herself
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If I posted something like this in response to another person's struggles. Compassion is obviously not your strong suit.
Makes me wish I believed in Karma!
AGREED! - Student
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To summarize I went from making a good living to barely minimum wage in 2 years. After being treated like crap, lied to, and feeling like an unknowledgable employee, I finally up and quit 8 months ago after employed with same place for 13 years. I had no plan in mind just had to get away to keep my sanity. The stress took a toll on my body, my autoimmune disorder kicked into a flare lasting 6 months. I have pain, numbness, etc of hands, feet, neck, and back from that job.
Thankfully my husband earns a good living but the house we had started to build is on hold for who knows how long, I've sold items of value and sentiment to contribute. I physically can't hold down a job right now trying to get my illness back under control, the numbness feet and hands make that a little hard.
My marriage is falling apart because of my MT profession. The anger and anxiety I had over this was heck on marriage, my guilt over no longer bringing in an income and feeling like a burden has me depressed. I can't leave the marriage, I'm broke.
I have lost friends due to my anger and depression and the social anxiety.
Positive note, I was accepted into accelerated healthcare management bachelor program to start next month and will be finished in 1 1/2 years. Not sure what I want to do with that but healthcare is all I know and I love my future is looking up and seems to finally have some options.
My point being, leaving MT career behind was spur of the moment and had major consequences for me, but NOT ONCE DO I REGRET IT!
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