A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I have about 25 years in MT, owning a MTS and filling other roles in the field as well.
Frequently on this board I read the frustrated posts from those with 20 to 30 years of experience who have submitted resumes/applications but do not hear back from the hiring company. A couple of times I have suggested that OVERQUALIFICATION may explain the lack of call back. Both times I was personally verbally attacked on this board, with the notion called "ridiculous" and "absurd."
WELL, LISTEN UP: Today I attended a workshop conducted by my state's DES for those over 50 who are changing careers or re-entering the workforce. The instructor spent over 30 minutes discussing OVERQUALIFICATION, i.e. when highly experienced, accomplished applicants INTIMIDATE the interviewer, leading the interviewer to fear that the person will be after their job, will want too much money, etc. We had a lively discussiion, with several former-manager classmates chiming in about their personal experience with this phenomenon. We were also furnished several-page handouts from articles and employment industry literature on this.
Obviously, I need to contact the professionals who wrote the literature as well as my state DES and inform them that they have no idea what they are talking about, that the phenomenon DOES NOT exist because some "genius" anonymous MTs on this forum insisted that it doesn't.
The primary reason I wanted to share this, though, was to encourage those seasoned MTs like myself. When you don't hear anything back, you should remind yourself that you may be OVERqualified for the position rather than lacking in some area. Continue stressing those positives, and remember that with all that experience you have MUCH to offer any prospective employer! :)