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Another experienced MT fired from MModal - Moving On

Posted: Feb 27, 2014

Sixteen years through various company takeovers, valued myself as extremely proficient, kept to the background, did my part in the team effort w/extra hours worked through countless holidays (what's a holiday?), parent illnesses, death, children's college, spousal layoffs, etc.  Watched in horror as my career was shredded with more and more condescending nonsense from QA to "classes," redundant pep rally conference calls, all leading to an after-shift (oh yes, I worked yesterday) short (cold) phone call labeling me as a "corporate decision."  Gee, you're welcome.....

what was their reasoning? - Old School

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Did they give a reason?

Another experienced MT fired from MModal - Moving On

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Metrics, of course, the reason by which all will eventually falter.  Lowest 99.3, highest several 100's, but the latter have no weight compared to the lower value.  And, the 99.3 was for subjectively interpreted errors of my English usage (with ESL MD, no less).

they are going to live to regret this - Old School

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letting go excellent MTs because they can't make 99.6. They actually think they can find someone to come in and do better. Sorry to hear about this.

Was 99.3 an audit?? - JerseyMT

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Was the 99.3 an audit of 5 jobs? Were you in Performance Management before any of this? They are supposed to follow a certain pattern and cannot get rid of you for one failed audit. God bless you. I feel your pain.
I just got 99.5 and mgr said it wasn't low enough for corrective action - anon
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If you want perfection, hire robots not humans.
I was "terminated" for a 99.5 - MTpockets
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Really? I was terminated last week for a "failing" audit score of 99.5. I was told it had to be 99.7. Oddly enough, I had been complaining to my manager since just after New Year's about not having work and asking for new accounts. Over 25 years experience. Never failed an audit before.
Not sure why I am not fired for the same audit you got - anon
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maybe it is up to mgr discretion?? I don't know, doesn't make sense to me. I have been at this company for over 20 years so it isn't like I am cheap so they want to keep me. I am at the top of the pay scale.
Audit 99.5 - debstp63
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I am in the exact same boat...was warned that I need to be in the "green" next month. I scored a 99.5 for February and was told that is not good enough and that beginning Q2 the score needs to be a 99.7 or better. I really don't see how that is possible to maintain. I am worried too...I started with Spheris in 2005, then went to Medquist and not Mmodal. I have a feeling that I am on my last leg too. Anyone know of any good companies to work for?
LOL They did hire robots. It is called ASR. Worked out really good. - LOL. nm
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99.3 audit...MModal - Moving On
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The above-noted audit was one of many, 99.5 audit before that, considered "struggling," I was told.  This is in the context of several 100% audit scores in the SAME BATCH that were apparently uninteresting.  Sigh... 

I appreciate all the kind comments.  

Try not to worry about it, you are lucky IMO - anon
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Something much better than this crappy hole of a job will come your way I guarantee it
some day - when you
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have spent time back in the real world for a while, you will look back and laugh at the absurdity of this. You were canned for 99.3? Are you sure it was not because you have been there so long that they could save money by replacing you with someone at a lower rate?
What's really funny about their reasoning is that - back in school, a 99.3 was an "A".
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Some day... - Moving On
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Ha! There is no lower rate than the downhill ride that I have been on with this company.  Deep cleansing breath....

Just a thinly-veiled excuse to dump you so they - can hire 4 cheap, inexperienced Indians.

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This company deserves whatever might happen to it in the next couple years, which becomes more and more likely with each passing day.

It's a shame what this profession has become and the - xxx

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tactless way in which we are treated. So sorry for you. You sound like so many of us who have been loyal to a fault with these damn greedy corporations. Something good will come your way.

It's a shame - Moving On

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Thank you, am hoping to get something soon, have been on the job search since Jan 1.  Everyone says it takes awhile, but am hopeful.  What a weight lifted (MModal), even so...

To Moving On - MT

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Take care of yourself and never think less of yourself. Never. Good luck to you.
99.3 is a good, solid quality by ANY industry's standards ... - anon
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...except this one.

If you were in ANY other career, a 99.3% success rate would be considered the best in your field. Only in THIS field ...with THIS company, is a 99.3% success rate considered a failure.

It literally makes me ILL.

Good luck to you, I hope you can see this as the door that has just been opened for something much better for you in your life.
Hang onto all your past emails and other documentation. - Perhaps a chance to sue them will arise. (NM)
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Take UI and stay on it as long as you can - - M*Modal will have to pay for it. nm

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But... - See question-not OP here

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If you fail to meet their requirements (however stupid and unrealistic they may be) and they fire you, can you still collect unemployment? Can't UE just say "they failed to meet our standards of quality?"---or some such thing?
Depends on state, I believe - sm
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In my state, there are workers who intentionally try to get fired after 6 months so that they can collect UE, and they are successful.

Besides, I'm sure that if you have the documentation showing that you were hired for 98% accuracy and then showing how they gradually raised the bar and all the other nasty things they've been doing to get rid of people, you wouldn't have a problem collecting.
save prior audits where passing was much lower - anon
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that is all the proof you need

I am probably right behind you. - Failed audit.

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Waiting for my followup audit. Funny, we were good enough for the industry all these years, and now new policies are being created to be rid of us. I have stressed over this job enough, trying to be perfect, trying to get enough work to get by, and trying to keep my benefits.

I think it would almost be a relief if I were let go if I can afford a health plan through the Insurance Exchange now just for peace of mind. It would give me time to dedicate to looking for another job. I do not care if it is for less money. It would force me to find a position where I knew what I was making each pay day. I would not have to worry about working nights, weekends, and holidays (just because I am not home, that does not make that convenient). I would not have to worry about no pay if there is no work. I would not have to worry about a "no work policy." I would not have to be concerned if the electricity went off for half the day.

My pay has already been cut so much, I don't see how it would matter so much. I just need to find something for the next 5 years. At my age, it is a problem I am sure. Being scared, being used to working at home, and the benefits have kept me from making a move. Once I am forced to, I may be a much happier person in the long run to face the unknown.

We will probably be in the unemployment line together. - sm

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I had been doing well quality-wise, spot checks by QC looked good, then tripped up with a critical error so I was put on the auditing radar. Since then, its audit after audit, some good, one that was not so good, and ever since then, I am an absolute mess each and every day I come to work. I think this stress and tension can actually lead to making errors, don't you think?? It's easy to trip up under such stressful work conditions, and the fact that this stress is happening in my own home makes me wonder, why in the world am I still in this line of work? At least when I worked at a hospital, I could go home and leave the stress there. Actually, there was no stress when I worked at the hospital. None whatsoever.

Unemployment line - Moving On

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I have great empathy for your anxiety.  The past few months have been the most stressful of my working life.  Second-guessing oneself, triple-checking every detail, even with our inherent confidence and knowledge in what we do, the dread is there.  All, it seems, for an end result of lowering our pay before they terminate us anyway.  Once on the Performance radar, well, good luck! 

OMG... I'm probably next!!!! - toomuchstressMT

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I just failed yet ANOTHER audit with a 9.55! I just am ready to kill myself. I have slowed down, double checked, triple checked, and I miss the dumbest errors. I have been an MT for 30+ years, and never in my life failed an audit until MM raised their accuracy rate to an almost humanly impossible 99.6!! My self-esteem has just rotted to the core! This is the 3rd audit I have failed... how may before they fire me??? I have given this company my blood, sweat, and tears since they did the hostile takeover of my last company. I'm just beside myself right now....

me too - stressing out

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Same going on with me. 30+ years with stellar reviews, until working for MModal. Accolades and bonuses from them until new standards implemented. Averaging 99.5. I'm scared to log into my e-mail every day for fear of receiving another failed audit. And they're not nice about it either, very harsh and unforgiving, not helpful, very demanding. This is crazy. Don't kill yourself, please. ;) It sounds like we're all in the same boat.

Exact same boat here - XYZ

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Just wait until NEXT quarter when the standards are raised AGAIN ... to 99.7. I'm barely hanging on with 99.6 ... the new standard will end my job. I don't even think it's humanly possible to consistently have that high of a standard.

I don't see how they will be able to - keep anyone

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The bar is set so high, everyone is sure to fail to attain it at some point. Upper management may want us gone, but the TSMs are going to be scrambling to find someone to move the work.


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One day all of this BS is going to come back to bite them. They have thrown out skilled and very knowledgeable MTs like they were garbage. They have the new policy of accuracy requirement of 99.7 so they can fire you for not performing your job, if it is convenient for them, hoping you cannot collect UE. You audit anyone enough and they WILL fail, if that is convenient for them. Their pay policy has changed. Their PTO policy has changed. Just say NO WORK POLICY speaks volumes.

POLICY, POLICY, POLICY. The word makes me sick now. The company is losing business faster than they are gaining it. They have too much management and other people desperately trying to justify their jobs. I may not be around to see it but I take comfort in the fact that my crystal ball tells me all of these policies of theirs will prevent good MTs from working for them in the future when they need them.

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