A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Rate for General Transcription? - Micele

Posted: Nov 18, 2009

Is it the same 10 cents per line as medical?  I am out of work right now with over 2 years of experience.  I have been checking out freelance websites, and the pay seems pretty low.  It is sometimes described as dollar amount per audio hour or as an hourly rate.  They list the hourly rate as about $5 an hour or less.  Is it because the work would be easy?  Should I bid for a job and offer 10 cents a line?  

I need some work so badly I just don't know what to do :(  

They list the dollar amount per audio hour as $20 - micele

[ In Reply To ..]
20-30 per audio hour? THat doesn't sound that good

Consider the fact that it takes an average of - jt

[ In Reply To ..]
3 to 5 minutes transcription time per minute of dictation -- therefore 60 minutes could take you anywhere from about 3 to 5 hours to transcribe -- now divide $20 by 3 - $6.66 an hour.

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