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Question about labor laws and IC rights. - JC

Posted: Nov 20, 2012

I had a check bounce from a client as I am an IC. I was wondering if I have any rights as to file a complaint with the DOL or the BBB? Any and all info. will be appreciated. TIA

have you tried contacting the client for a replacement check? - nm

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Will get funds in the form of a money order. - JC

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At least that is what the client said. I requested a money order instead of a check. That way the money had to be fronted first.

I will try but - JC

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after my check bounced the first time and the bank alerted me to it I emailed her to make sure she had the funds available when they resubmitted it. She never got back to me

try to redeposit the check - nm

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My CU already put it through twice. - JC

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That is the limit they will do.

Hot checks are handled by the district attorney - see message

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It's no different than passing a bad check at a store. Contact the worthless check section at the local DA's office.

My suggestion ... do not allow them to victimize you - Getting real about bad checks

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Passing bad checks is not an accident . . . it is a crime. If YOU paid THEM with a bad check, they would be all over you.

Doctors and MTSOs are likely to do this when they are financially strapped, often right before going out of business or declaring bankruptcy. The longer you wait the less chance you have of getting your money. Paying the MT with a bad check is a famous scam.

You do not have to be the indecisive, powerless victim they assume you are. Stop thinking you have to make nice so they won't get mad at you. Stop thinking you need their work even if they won't pay you.

If you do not alredy have that money, on Friday send a large male relative or friend to collect it for you. No threat is necessary; males get paid because they are taken seriously.

Meanwhile, contact the DA's bad check division and find out what you need to do. That info should be online. Then, on Friday, if the money is not in your hand, DO IT.

I know one MT who worked nearly 2 years on late payments, bounced checks, and promises from a doctor who knew he was going to close his office. She was never able to collect the last 8K he owed her. Her reason for tolerating this? She really, really needed the work. She was afraid to be assertive for fear of being fired.

I can tell you this, JC, if you can't stand up for yourself on this, you should not go into coding because there unscrupulous doctors and companies will pressure you to code fraudulently. If you are afraid to say no because you don't want to upset them or lose your job, you will risk going to jail.

It helps to have your clients sign a contract specifying the penalties for late payments and bad checks. Next time, get one.

Now find a big male who owns a suit and visit the DA's website.

If the company is a member of the BBB, they can be influenced by a report, but I would not count on it. The DA has better luck. Chances are they already know about them.

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