A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Interesting article about transcriptionists not going away - anon

Posted: Jun 10, 2015

I came across this today when I was searching info on medical transcription. I found it interesting when it said offshoring was once popular in the 90s...


Can't open the link, get 404 error... - However, I would expect them to say that...

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They are trying to sell a transcription course for $3000-4000. Of course they are going to say transcriptionists aren't going away. They can't expect to say otherwise and still get people to buy their overpriced course.

Consider the source - DJ

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Looks like a school/staffing agency to me

So glad I read that. - So happy me.

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Thank you for sharing that article. It encouraged me not to give up quite yet.

Article appears to have been written by a school. - Most career schools are less than honest.

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I would be more apt to believe the experiences of MTs that I read about here over what a for-profit school is saying about the MT profession.

hee. sarcasm font apparently needed. - nm

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Very misleading. - sm

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"3 Key points:

Speech recognition technology WILL NOT make medical transcriptionists obsolete.
Electronic health records WILL NOT eliminate the need for medical transcriptionists.
Medical transcription work WILL NOT completely be moved overseas (off-shoring)."

While these things cited in the article may not make transcriptionists completely obsolete, it does effect the number of transcriptionists needed to perform the job. I had an account recently go to EMR and instead of us getting 100-120 reports a day to transcribe, we now get maybe 5 a week on a good week. According to VR companies, MTs can edit twice as fast as they can transcribe (although we know from experience this isn't quite accurate), doesn't it then make sense that the same work can be performed using fewer MTs?

So while jobs not going away completely, there are fewer and fewer quality jobs left in this profession. With MTs with years, sometimes decades, of experience losing their jobs to EMR and VR, it is much harder for a new MT to break into this field as they are competing with very experienced MTs, and if they are lucky enough to find a company willing to hire a new MT and train them, it is often for minimum wage or less.

I certainly would consider the source on this article as it is definitely not unbiased.

I wonder when it was written? nm - mt

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Very misleading on the link mentioned - anonie

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The information from the Labor Department was from 2012. Not that way three years later. That is a huge drop. I unfortunately was amongst those who got chopped down to nearly nothing and one of my companies would not work with me and just fired me.

The other one I begged many times for more work than my one account and got passed by so many time that I just quit. Am fully retired but it has certainly eaten into my being able to do much but try to hang on with my SS and my tiny hospital pension.

Gosh, when is the government and these companies and the Labor Department going to see how they are screwing MTs and good ones with much experience.

Good luck to all of you. I sincerely hope you can get something to stay afloat. I am having to get assistance now from lots of places and waiting to see if I can move into another apartment not so expensive. Do not know how long that will be though.

Really discouraging when you are so alone and have no one to help earn the money to stay afloat. Divorced and I earned well till this happened.

My clinic completely eliminated MTs in favor of - front-end SR, so I dont believe this.

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That is not "an article" ... It is advertising . - sm

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Yes, please consider the source! That is not "an article." It is ADVERTISING for an online school. Look at the rest of that website. They teach a long list of things from MT to coding to billing to scribing, etc.

You can't just accept anything in print because it is in print. Read between the lines, consider the source, and be skeptical.

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