A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
The recent ad onthe Job Wanted Board for Oncology scribes prompted me to check a couple of employment search sites. I was pleasantly surprised to see that there were many ads for, not just "Scribes" but now for "Scribe/Medical Transcriptionist." There are facilities looking for people they can hire directly to input in real time to their EMS. There were several for Oncology and Emergency Medicine. Have they finally seen the light??
MTSOs are trying to sell us on being Scribes for them for the pennies per line, but the online ads are paying by the hour. Not a lot, about $8.00 per hour, but I also checked to see what some MTSOs are charging facilities for remote scribes and the only one I could find online charged the facility $20. per hour. I think between $8.00 and $20. per hour may be the answer that could eliminate the middleman and create savings for the facilities and fair pay for us.
Please, do some digging as you have time and share what you find on this.