A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Anyone have any information on medical abstractor jobs? - or any experience with it. sm

Posted: Jan 02, 2013

I would be interested in hearing about the type of work involved in this field and any other information one might have regarding it.  The type of duties involved, pay, benefits... TIA

Reply - Anonymous

[ In Reply To ..]
I am an abstractor, I can e-mail you privately if you would like.

That would be great. Thanks - nm

[ In Reply To ..]

anyone else with info would be appreciated never got an - email from this person, TNX nm

[ In Reply To ..]
check your "spam" or "junk" folder.... - not all emails go through
[ In Reply To ..]
the email function is intermittent to say the least. Not always the senders fault.
thanks, but there is no email in spam or elsewhere regarding - this post. sm
[ In Reply To ..]
I do check my spam on a daily basis just in case, but thanks for the concern.
Don't worry - Anonymous
[ In Reply To ..]
I will respond when I have a chance, I didn't have time when I got home from work today. I need to collect my thoughts a bit first but will try and send you some info by the end of the week, hang in there! (By the way, you're welcome)

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