A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

American transcription work - REX

Posted: Apr 21, 2014

Would American transcriptionists be willing to work for a lower cpl rate if they were provided with steady work?

American Transcriptionist - mtinmi

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Only my opinion, but NO!!! I find it insulting that this question would even be asked. I read your other post. Bit of advice, pay a little more and get good transcriptionists to get quality work. They are a very dedicated group of workers and will give you their all if they are being compensated and not feel like they are being taken advantage of, which is what is happening now. It is real hard to read/hear about the millions the upper crest makes when you are working for not even minimal wage. I know it is about profit, but if you want quality work, you have to pay for it. I commend you for wanting to keep the jobs in America. Spend a week being a transcriptionist, understand this is not an easy job, we don't just listen to words. A good transcriptionist is worth every penny she/he is paid.

mtinmi - Nick

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Um, gentle correction: "every penny that HE or SHE is paid." Some of us guys, you know.

Nick - mtinmi

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Sorry, I corrected it.

Reply - REX

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I've been a transcriptionist and owned my own business for 30+ years. The reason I am posing this question is because I am finding it close to impossible to compete financially with offshore companies and have been trying to find the solution for at least the past 3 years. I would appreciate any suggestions as to a viable solution to this issue.

Reply - mtinmi

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If you have been a transcriptionist for 30+ years then you know how little the pay has become. Why would you ask if we would take less. As a business owner you don't want to take less to pay your transcriptionists more. You do have expenses I am sure but with the trend going hiring IC instead of employees costs are less. It is a hard situation for all; you as well as us. You want profit, we want to be able to make a living and the facilities want their work done for nothing but want the quality they were used to with in-house transcriptionists that cared, thus their specifications. Maybe it is time the facilities learn they are dreaming the impossible dream. Work does not get done for free, especially quality work.

The solution would be to pack up and get your - behind out of our country that U ruined.

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REX - nana

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I feel for you, I really do, but where does this stop? So this contract you low ball to get the job, then when the contract is up you would have to go in even lower and we take another pay cut? Everyone wants close to %100 quality but don't want to pay for the quality. You can't have both anymore. If you pay me less I have to type faster to make any money which means I cannot guarantee quality.

The hospitals don't care about whether a coma is in the right place or if you used the right verb or noun or put a semi-colon where a coma shoud go. They don't really care about the whole transcription. They rely on the written orders in the chart to care for the patient.

Maybe you should just hire TYPISTS instead of transcriptionists. Then they will type exactly what they hear and will not know the difference if its right or not.

How much less can you go? The going rate for VR is 4 cents or less and straight typing is down to 7 cents or less.

So unless you are willing to work for free or next to nothing why would you ask us too. Just to work. I don't volunteer my services and that is what you are asking us to do. So the answer is no. When the world stops running on money then I will stop worrying about how much I make. Until then sorry.
I don't feel for him at all. He's nothing but a - PARASITE on America.
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Have a deal for you - anon

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In order to take less money then this is what I will agree to. If you have voice wreck then I will make 1 correction per line. Rest stays as is. Lets see how the hospitals and doctors like this nasty voice wreck then. I don't fill out demographic screen, no MR number, don't worry if name matches name doc gives. I don't do carbon copies then and I don't do any research. If doc says left here and right there I don't question it or fix it. If labs are wrong they stay.

In staight typing I type exactly what is said.

You can't buy a Ford Focus and expect Cadillac quality. Isn't that how it works? So you can't have my knowledge or 20+ years experience for less. As far as I am concerned I could care less if this work goes overseas cause I am not willing to do it for free and that is what you are asking.
one correction per line for VR - mter
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one correction per line for VR would be a hard choice for what to correct....I guess I chose correctly this morning when I decided to correct the referring physician's name from Dr. Chicken Head to the correct name...lol. VR is a mess! Oh, almost forgot the that patient had pancreatitis, but VR put patient diagnosed with having pretty powers. What!!?!! Many times I delete more than I transcribe.

my vote is for - sm

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just letting the VR go through as it is. If VR is so wonderful,let them have it as it is. If you want a quality report, throw that junk out and hire us to do it right the first time. Pay the good MTs a minimum of 10 cpl and/OR give fabulous benefits.


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suggestion - instead of

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competing on price, sell on quality. Point out the case against Precyse for killing a person because of overseas work. Show examples of poor quality and misunderstanding of American idioms by second language MTs. Point out patriotism of keeping it here.

I think the "middlemen" need to be entirely - eradicated to save the MT profession. nm

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MT is such a shady business, that at this point - I wouldnt even do it for $20/hour.

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I need WAY more money than that, even, to put up with all the BS these shysters dish out on a daily basis. I hope they all go into bankruptcy and FAIL.

errr???? - MTSucks

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I'm going to be patient here, since it's clear you have no idea what the real issue is despite having been told in no uncertain terms. The answer is no. It isn't lack of work for most of us. It doesn't pay enough. The only way we can afford to live is by working so much that we don't have a life. Do you understand now? The rates are too low, end of story. You can always take a cut in profit. You can try cutting the fat from the top rather than from the bottom up, but the answer is completely uniform. Raise the MT pay. We are not blue collar day laborers who stand on street corners waiting for the construction truck to come by. We are medical people in the medical field who have to know almost as much as a doctor. My goodness, 25 dislikes! That's the most I've seen, and that's from the ones who bothered to click the button.

Another ridiculous response... - REX

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You must be right - 35+ years of being a transcriptionist myself - consistent cuts in pay - 18 hour days - on top of running my own business for 15+ years and keeping MTs throughout the US in business during that time. Yup, you're an "MT" so you must be right - I just have no idea!!

The Only Ridiculous Thing Here - MTSucks

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The only ridiculous thing here is that you had the nerve to come on here and actually ask us to help you figure out a way for us to accept even lower pay. Yes, I am right, and yes, you have no idea. If you did, you wouldn't ask such naive and clearly insensitive questions. Look at the responses on this thread. You have very little support. Take the hint and go away. All you're doing is making people even more upset. Being in this or that or the other thing for x years does not make someone right. The minute you became an MTSO you became the enemy with whom we have to sleep until something better comes along. Mark my words. When something better comes along, the MTSO will have to sink or swim just like us.
to MT sucks - sorry for your bitterness - REX
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You are honestly uninformed and clearly bitter and for that, I feel sorry for you. Many people have lost their jobs and have had to take a reduction in pay in many different fields, other than transcription, due to offshore competition and other reasons, myself included. All I'm trying to do, as I've done for many years, is to bring work back to the US - thus my asking the question about where MTs stand salary-wise. Lumping MTSO's into one big group is not only delusional but dangerous and misleading - you could be stopping someone for applying for a job that may be a good fit for them. If everyone in the same industry (in my case, MTSO) could be lumped into one group, then I suppose you should be happy with a very low cpl - the same as someone who just graduated yesterday from Career Step. Everyone in the same industry must be exactly the same according to your "knowledge", right? So why should you make more than a newbie if you're both MTs? Aren't you both MTs? Aren't all MTs "created equal" like all of us MTSOs? And please don't tell me where I can and can't go to express my opinion - if you're so "patriotic" then you should know that we enjoy freedom of speech in this country.
REX... you are not understanding what - you are being told
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What is the difference between losing your job to offshoring and losing your wage to offshoring? In essence it is the same thing. We are losing our livelihood either way. Your question has received the response it has because you are asking us to take less money so you can make more. It doesn't do me any good to lose my shirt so you can keep yours.

Your noble deed means nothing if we are still pushed into the poorhouse.

NOPE. Only guaranteed hourly rate for me. - or nothing! nm

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REX - Let's talk about your original post - Couple questions for you

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You have asked a very interesting question here, but not supplied enough information for a solid answer, so maybe. I have read some of your posts but probably not all. Have you said exactly what that lower cpl is? What are we talking about, 6.5 cpl, 7 cpl, 8 cpl, what? You say you do not use VR, so I guess than is not even an issue.

When I started in this business 25 years ago, I made 6.5 cpl. I was on one account, same doctors day in and day out and NEVER ran out of work. I turned that into $36,000 a year. I had my own expanders for each doctor. Now I make 9 cpl typing and 5 cpl VR and will probably only make $25,000 to $27,000 this year. This is due to poor management of accounts and MTs. So I would definitely consider taking you up on your offer if I knew exactly what it was.

IMO, how a company and its MTs are managed are more important than the cpl. More questions. For that lower cpl, do you provide benefits? PTO? Do you pay overtime? What is your accuracy requirement? I would want 1-3 accounts where I did not run out of work unless it was during the holidays or a hurricane! MTs have to have account familiarity to be profitable. Do you over-hire? Does your staff respect the MTs. Are they nasty and threatening? Do you change someone's shift out of the blue or else show them the door?

Yes, I would take a lower rate of pay if a company was managed properly because if they are, that makes the MT more profitable, and also makes the MTSO more profitable, and you need fewer MTs. Indeed, I understand some of the anger on here, but this is something that should be considered.

Try to answer some questions - REX

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Unfortunately, I do not have specifics yet which is why I'm trying to find out exactly where we are in the market. This is a new venture that I am going into with partners who already own the EMR software which I could not afford when I was on my own. My priority is keeping the work in the US if it can be done. I saw what outsourcing has done to me and so many others. What I can guarantee is that any business where I am the Operations Manager as with this new venture, will be treating my MTs, editors etc. with the respect that I sometimes did not get when I was working as an MT myself, and the way I treated my staff for more than 15 years - this is why I can't understand some of the responses to my posts without anyone knowing the situation and just grouping us all together as just one group of a--holes out to ruin this industry and apparently responsible for ruining the entire country!! This is in the beginning stages but I am very confident with the direction which we are heading. In a perfect world I could hire 100 MTs by next week, pay them what they deserve and everyone would be happy. I'm doing the best I can to get as close to that as possible and I hope that you will stay in touch with me by Email so that I can update you on our progress.

Thank you kindly for your response - see message

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I am glad you can see things from the MT's perspective. That is important. Please consider these things I have brought up. Good management is the key IF, and big IF, you are going to be successful. If you have that, you earn the respect you deserve from the MTs. They will go the extra mile for you when you need them.

Personally, I would love to take a pay cut for you. I am sure I could still make more $$ than I do with MM. The problem is, I need my M-F 7-3 shift, and I need benefits. That limits me greatly.

You have my e-mail. I do not have yours unless you responded via e-mail. Get in touch in the future please. The best of luck to you in what you are up against.
Thank you kindly back - REX
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Please verify that you received the Email that I sent you. Thanks!

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