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purchasing their special computer - Hannah

Posted: Jul 26, 2010

Just hired by company that is requiring me to purchase their "specially build computer" to do the account they need done = Cost $340.  Of course, I have already have a computer because I work from home. Any Feed back on this?  I need this second job to pay bills.  Thank you for your input.


Run, Don't Walk! - MT

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RUN FAST! This is a classic scam. You should never, ever be required to purchase anything from the company that hires you.

To Clarify - MT

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To clarify, some legit companies perhaps do sell their equipment, but if you are "forced" to purchase only theirs, then it's a scam. There is no reason on this earth that one can't just load software onto their own computer, assuming enough memory, etc.

NO,NO don;'t do it. It is built for THEIR PC, so then what? - .

[ In Reply To ..]
You decided or they decide, it is not a match, you have a PC that may not work with other systems. Silent type pulls this, I declined, I have my own equipment.

This is nothing more than an INTEREST FREE BUSINESS MONEY LOAN to them FROM YOU to purchase their business equipment.

Move on, there are other jobs, keep sensing out resumes.

Silent Type Requires Purchase? - Old MT

[ In Reply To ..]
Silent Type REQUIRES a purchase, or do they supply it? There's a big difference. If a company wants to supply me with a computer, I don't freak out. I would just freak out if they MAKE me purchase one.

awhile back REQUIRED $500 deposit on PC, return in 6 months - .

[ In Reply To ..]
This was just a way to have their equipment purchase (by the MT, this would be an INTEREST FREE LOAN TO THEM FROM THE MT to stock their equipment for the company.

I had my own PC. So if there was felt there was no match on either side say at 2, 3 months, can't get your money back for 6 months. BAD BAD DEAL. Just a gimmick and all the pluses on their end. They all try something even down to paying for the website that stores files, so upload THEIR REPORTS to their FTP site and you pay a monthly fee. GOOD GRIEF

Sill Curious - MT

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Still waiting for clarification to the person who said Silent Type makes you purchase their equipment. I truly want to know.

Are you an IC? If an employee, I think that it's - sm

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illegal for them to require an employee to purchase their specialty equipment. No way would I do it anyway...

NO WAY! If they want to LEND (not rent or sell) me a PC - and will ship it to me free, then fine. -sm

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But I would never shell out the bucks to BUY what is obviously a re-built, used PC that likely is only good for that company's work, and nothing else. Especially if you're just starting out? What if you buy the PC, and find out there's no work? Or that you can't make ends meet on what they pay, or the type of work they assign? Betcha they won't buy the PC back again if you want out.

Never, EVER, pay upfront for any kind of a job! I've been there and done that (paid a employment agency for job that turned out to be a scam). And don't BUY their equipment.

That is a major RED FLAG, because it's possible that's how they make their money. Not by transcription, but by selling PCs to those who think the job is legit. I wouldn't touch that one.

Hannah - Nick

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No, no, NO! It is THEIR company, THEY are (hopefully) making a profit. Assuming that you are not a principal in the company, you should NOT be buying anything. You are their employee. Let THEM furnish any "special" computers to you. Smells like a scam to me.

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